
No 7 (76) JULY 2009 AUCPB – ВКПБ
21st August 2009 marks 41 years since the day when the Soviet Army and troops of its allies went into Czechoslovakia with the aim of defending the gains of socialism and suppressing the counter-revolution.
What happened 41 years ago in Czechoslovakia? Let us remind the reader of a few facts. Under the guise of demagogic slogans about “democratization”, the rightist and anti-socialist forces, using the media they had seized control of – the press, radio and TV – unleashed attacks against the fundamentals of socialism, demanded the creation of opposition parties and ignited hostility between Czechs and Slovaks. Their main blow was directed against the leading role of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CPC) in the life of the republic and calculated to break Czechoslovakia away from the Soviet Union and other countries from the socialist commonwealth.
In spring and summer 1968, inside the country a number of counter-revolutionary organisations were formed (“Club 231” and others); a number of activists of the reactionary wing of the Social democratic party raised their heads. Support was handed out to the Czechoslovakian reactionary émigrés and they placed a task before themselves to “deliver a final blow to the communists”. The statement under the title “2000 words”, published on 27 June 1968, having been directed by the imperialist circles of the West, became the organizational-political platform of the anti-socialist forces. It contained an open call for struggle against the socialist system in Czechoslovakia.
The development of events in Czechoslovakia, the CPC could not but attract the most steadfast attention from the brotherly communist and workers’ parties of socialist countries – members of the Warsaw Pact Organisation. At a meeting of representatives of socialist countries in Dresden (23 March 1968), in Moscow (8 May 1968), in Warsaw (14 – 15 July 1968), in Bratislava (3 August 1968), during the bilateral talks between representatives of the CPSU and CPC in Moscow (4 May 1968) and in Chier-ne-had-Tissoi (29 July – 1 August 1968), in letters with which the CPSU and other brotherly parties appealed to the leadership of the CPC, expressed comradely concern and worry for the fate of socialism in Czechoslovakia.
In August 1968, the development of counter-revolutionary and anti-socialist tendencies got to such a stage that Czechoslovakia finished up on the brink of civil war. The threat to socialist gains of the Czechoslovakian working people quickly grew. In the tense August days of 1968, the communists and non-party citizens of Czechoslovakia, many members of the CC CPC and deputies of the National Assembly appealed to the leading organs of brotherly parties and governments of allied socialist states with a request to provide assistance in the cause of defence of its socialist gains.
In the atmosphere created, five socialist states – members of the Warsaw Pact – Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR, Poland and the Soviet Union, fulfilling their international duty, on 21 August 1968, sent in their troops onto the territory of Czechoslovakia to assist in the defence of the gains of socialism. “The entry of the allied troops into Czechoslovakia is pointed out in a document adopted by the December (1970) plenum of the CC CPC “Lessons from the crisis development in the Comparty of Czechoslovakia and society after the XIII Congress of the CPC”, was an act of international solidarity, responding to the common interests of the international communist movement”. The aim of the imperialists to restore capitalism in Czechoslovakia turned out to be smashed”. (“Noveishaya Istoriya 1939 -1975”, M., “Vishaya Shkola”, 1977). (“Новейшая история. 1939 - 1975”, М., “Высшая школа”, 1977).
Whenever you read about the Czechoslovakian events of 41 years ago, inevitably it is asked about the parallel between the “Prague Spring” (that’s the way the Czechoslovakian counter-revolutionaries named their own politics) and “perestroika” in the USSR, “perestroikas” which had begun from practically the same “Prague Spring” slogans about “democratization” of socialism, building socialism with a “human face” etc. and, having ended up with the destruction of a great country, with uncountable suffering of its peoples. Nothing good could come out of the restoration of capitalism for the Czechoslovakian working people in 1968. When nowadays, fascist henchmen from pseudo-leftist organisations like in our country as well in other countries try to reproach Brezhnevist USSR in “social-imperialism”, in the stamping on the fragile shoots of Czechoslovakian democracy by military boots, - spit in the eyes of these bastards! The tragedy is not in Czechoslovakia in 1968 and the failure to restore capitalism in that country, but in the talentless actions of the GKChP on the 23rd anniversary of the Czechoslovakian events, on 21 August 1991 that turned out unable to suppress the counter-revolution in the USSR….
In Egypt on 14 -17 May 09, the International 7th Conference in Cairo was held on the theme: “For liberation of Humanity, in support of the resistance to occupation, against Zionism and imperialism, against despotism, oppression and exploitation”.
In the name of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, a telegram was sent to the Cairo conference by the General Secretary of the CC AUCPB.
To the organizers and participants of the International 7th Conference in Cairo dedicated to the Liberation of Humanity, in support of the resistance to occupation, against Zionism and imperialism, against despotism, oppression and exploitation
Cairo, Egypt
Dear Comrades and Friends!
The All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks sends YOU ALL hearty greetings and wishes you successful work at the 7th International Conference in Cairo.
We fully share the position in condemning ZIONISM as the most dangerous and evil form of modern racism, as the ideology of extreme racism, as the nationalism of the world Jewish elite, setting forth its aim of transforming the whole world into its own native land (its own property) and using the peoples of other countries for the inhumane exploitation of them for the sake of their own enrichment and criminal robbery of the natural resources of other countries together with the delivering of an irreversible ecological blow to the nature of the world.
Jewish nationalism – Zionism – racism has a global character. It, with its tentacles and entwining the whole world, therefore is more dangerous and more terrible than the nationalism of any other nation acting in the confined frameworks of a separate state.
We fully share the just struggle of the Arab peoples against Zionism and imperialism, against US-Israeli interference in the internal affairs of independent states and the diktat of the US towards governments of the countries to the detriment of the peoples of those countries.
We stand completely solid with the struggle of all peoples against US occupation and military conflicts by the US in any region of the world.
The fact that a number of European countries out of cowardliness towards the hails of the USA, where Zionism is the ruling ideology of that country had boycotted the UN Geneva Conference on the struggle against racism, bears witness once again to the yet again extreme danger of ZIONISM for humanity.
We regret that we are unable to be present at the 7th International Conference in Cairo, but we fully share the question put forth as the order of the day at the Conference.
Since Zionism has in the plans of imperialism, and foremost – US imperialism, turned into the shock detachment of world reaction and carries a global character, then the struggle against Zionism – is a struggle for the cause of peace on Earth, for saving Mankind.
Long live unity of all forces coming out against Zionism as the most extreme, rampant racism of modern times!
Long live the struggle of the peoples of the world against imperialism as the brake on the development of humanity, leading it to destruction!
Long live the victory over Zionism by all peoples, everyone who fights for their freedom and independence, against foreign despotism and imperialist slavery!
N.A. Andreeva
General Secretary of the CC AUCPB
11 May 2009, Leningrad
On the very same day the 14th May in Athens, according to ITAR-TASS, in an atmosphere of heightened secrecy and extremely high security, in the 5-star “Astir Palace” hotel in the Athens suburban town Vulyagmeni, a three day session of the influential Bilderberg club began, with a gathering of representatives of the world’s elite. The session at the club (its name taken from the Bilderberg Hotel in Holland, in the town of Osterbek, where in May 1954 the first secret meeting of participators took place), were held in a closed regime. Admission to the sessions, the dates of which are earlier unannounced, is strictly by private invitation and press is not allowed in.
According to the official version, the issues dealt with by the present gathering, to which crown personage, ministers, high-ranking diplomats and businessmen have been invited, - is “on exchange of opinions on the world economic crisis and the world situation”. On the list of those invited are Queen Sofia of Spain, and Queen Beatrice of Holland, the president of the world bank, Robert Zellik, US finance secretary Timothy Haitner, president of the European Central Bank Zhan-Klod Trishe, chairman of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barrosu, Swedish minister of foreign affairs Karl Bild who will chair the EU in July, and former minister of foreign affairs for Turkey, Ali Babadzhan.
It is believed that among the participators of the club would appear Greek foreign minister Dora Bakoyany, president of “Coca Cola 3E” Georgios David, a “representative” of the Bilderberg Club in Greece and member of its ruling committee. At the present moment, first US vice secretary for state James Steinberg and special envoy for President Obama on Afghanistan Richard Holbrook already confirmed their participation.
Following the Beirut Conference in January this year, directed against Zionism, with the demand for the re-creation of a sovereign Palestinian state on native Palestinian land with the capital in East Jerusalem;
After the UN Geneva Conference (20-24 April) – “Against racism, against all forms of racial discrimination, xenophobia and other such intolerances connected with it” – the participators who in a friendly manner but sharply spoke out against the US-Israeli Zionist diktat against the countries of the Middle East with a demand not to interfere in the formation of a sovereign Palestinian state on its own historic Motherland with its capital in East Jerusalem;
After the simultaneously holding in these days of the 7th International Conference in Cairo under the slogan of – “Against Zionism and imperialism, despotism, oppression and exploitation”, the world Zionist lobby in the makeup of the Bilderberg Club had something to discuss in the name of their own personal rescue and preservation of the robbed wealth of foreign countries.
The Bilderberg club is one of the most important and most secretive structures of the world government. “This is a world evil!” believes Texas film producer Alex Jones, who carries out constant monitoring of the meetings and sessions of the Bilderberg club.
In Holland last week, a book was released written by science worker of the Netherlands institute of military documents, Gerard Aalder. Bilderberg, about the secret Bilderberg conference - about the annual closed congress of politicians, big entrepreneurs and heads of the leading world mass media.
The Bilderberg club (or like it is sometimes called – the Bilderberg group) unifies the representatives of the US and West European elite – major political activists, bankers, leaders of transnational corporations and also intellectuals-analysts – economists and political scientists. From the very beginning, behind the back of the Bilderberg club have stood US special services and Masonic organisations. Already at the first session of the club (1954) at which were present D. Rockefeller, president of the Carnegie Fund D. Johnson, chairman of the Barouche Corporation D. Coleman and others, a whole number of documents were adopted in which a programme was drawn up for creating a new world order, and also concrete points of strategic activity of the West in relation to the USSR and third world countries. There are no permanent members in the Bilderberg club. At each session, depending upon the changing international situation, new participators are invited. However, the “core” of this organisation never changes. In it, according to the judgements of researchers enter “383 people, out of which 128, or one third are Americans, and the remaining are Europeans. The USA in this club has the ripest organisation: 42 representatives of the presidential apparatus, defence department, state department and other power bodies of the USA, 25 representatives of the major corporations, banks and business circles, 54 representatives of US universities, mass media and public organisations. Actually, the leader of the Bilderberg club as well as the Council for international relations is D. Rockefeller, the formal chairman – American, P. Carrington. Besides this, the club has two “honoured general secretaries”: one – for Europe and Canada, the other – for the USA. the headquarters for the Bilderberg club are in New York in the Carnegie Fund building. The meetings of the club are held in complete secrecy, by special invite, the dates of their meetings are kept away from the media. The host country where the meetings are held organises the meetings and security of the participators. Each such meeting, despite the complete secrecy, arouses much interest from the world community. It is impossible to conceal the arrival into one place of a large number of well-known people among who are presidents, kings, princes, chancellors, prime-ministers, diplomats, bankers and leaders of the major corporations.
The Bilderberg club is the inspirer and organiser of capitalist Globalization, heavily influences the geopolitical and financial processes in the modern world. Judging by the makeup and aims of the activity, the Bilderberg club is a modified version of the well-known Zionist ruling lobby – the Committee of 300.
15 May 2009
Despite the fact that the 7th Cairo International Conference “For the Liberation of Humanity, in support of the resistance to occupation, against Zionism and imperialism, against despotism, oppression and exploitation” ended its work on 17 May, there was no information in the press, or internet about the flow of the conference or about the documents adopted at it. We shall be informing our readers about the results of the Conference in Cairo, additionally hoping for some kind of additional information about this Conference in print.
22 May 2009
From 20 -24 April 2009 the UN Conference on the fight against racism was held in Geneva under the chairmanship of Russia.
The aim of the Conference as it was declared by the UN was – “the struggle against all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and the intolerance connected with it”. This was the second Conference organised by the UN against racism. The first one was held in South Africa in Durban in September 2001. The Conference declared Zionism to be synonymous to racism.
The USA and Israel blatantly refused to take part in the Conference in Geneva. Others who also refused to participate in the Conference were – Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand. Later on, Germany and Poland refused to take part in the Conference. The large part of the states of the G20 following the US and Israel announced their decision to boycott the Geneva Conference. There were many representatives of the Arab countries, including Makhmud Akhmadinezhad – leader of Iran at the Conference.
The Arab peoples demand the condemnation of Zionism. We shall remind our readers that back in 1975, the UN General Assembly by resolution 337 from the 10/11/1975 condemned Zionism as an extreme form of racism. But this did not suit the world Zionist lobby of Western countries.
The USA and Israel stated that they will not put up with speeches made at the Conference by the president of Iran Makhmud Akhmadinezhada with his “anti-Israeli and anti-American speeches”. Thus during the first conference in Durban, the USA and Israel walked out of the conference after representatives of Arab countries defined Zionism as a racist movement.
Germany motivated its own boycott of the Geneva Conference saying that it could “be used for criticising Israel and also for limiting freedom of speech in cases when somebody may want to criticise Islam”. Other members of the European Union, although many of them taking part in the work of the Conference, in essence stood on the position of the USA, Israel and Germany. Thus, minister of foreign affairs of Germany Frank-Walter Schteinmainer declared that “I took this decision after consultation with other members of the EU”, and the state minister for the Ministry for Internal affairs of Germany Gernot Erler assured them that “absolutely all countries of the EU, even those which took part in the work of the Conference occupy a negative position regarding the anti-Semitism of the leader of Iran”.
France and Britain took part in the Conference in order to whitewash Zionism and not allow it to be condemned. Together with Russia, going along in the bandwagon of the USA and Western Europe, and having prepared a draft resolution, France and Britain were able to achieve a final resolution where there would be not a word of condemnation of Zionism as a form of racism. The Zionists achieved their own aim – to remain in the shadows….
On the eve of the Conference, an incident occurred between Israel and Switzerland. After the meeting of the Swiss president Hans –Rudolf Mertza with the president of Iran, Israel quickly summoned its ambassador from Israel. “Concerning the situation in regarding human rights in Iran and also the words spoken by the Iranian president who denies the Holocaust and the right of Israel to exist, then they were decisively condemned in the flow of the meeting between the Swiss and Iranian presidents” – he confessed to the MIA of Switzerland.
At the Conference the Iranian president made a speech, condemning the regime in Israel as extremely racist. He said that “after the II World War, they (the Jews) chose military aggression in order that under the pretext of the suffering of the Jews, it would make a whole nation homeless” and “sent the refugees out of Europe, the US and parts of the world, in order to establish in occupied Palestine an absolutely racist rule”. “In essence, as compensation for the terrible consequences of racism in Europe, they managed to bring to power in Palestine a most brutal and repressive racist regime”, ended the Iranian leader. During his speech, representatives of Western countries walked out the hall in protest at the same time when representatives of Arab countries had friendly ovations. France and Britain threatened to walk out of the conference. And an EU representative of Czech republic walked out of the Conference stating that “like many of our democratic partners representing the countries of the EU or non-EU members, we cannot allow our presence to legalize these unacceptable anti-Israeli attacks”.
The BBC World Service said: “It was namely this that the UN officials were afraid of – that the conference would end in chaos with delegates walking out of it. Eight countries had boycotted the conference, including the US, Germany, Italy and Canada. And several countries including Britain and France threatened to walk out. But the Iranian leader knew this is what would happen when he started giving his own speech. It was notable that when the Europeans walked out the hall, at the same time, this was accompanied by applause in support of the Iranian leader. This says that he has supporters especially in the Muslim world”. It turned out the number of those applauding the Iranian leader was a lot larger than those who had walked out of the hall.
The events which took place at the Conference and the resolutions adopted there, once again confirm the correctness in the evaluation of the role and significance of world Zionism in the system of imperialism that was given by the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Since Zionism has transformed in the plans of imperialism and primarily, US imperialism, into the shock detachment of world reaction, the struggle against Zionism is by far not only the struggle against one type of nationalist, racist ideology. Zionism, compared to other forms of nationalism carries a global character that makes it especially dangerous for the world community.
On June 25, 2009 the UK Korean Friendship Association (UK KFA) and the Juche Idea Study Group of England (JISGE) staged two successful pickets - one outside the South Korean embassy and one outside the US embassy to mark the 59th anniversary of the Korean War (known in the DPRK as the Great Fatherland Liberation War), and the start of the Month of Solidarity with the Korean people. The Korean war was provoked by the US imperialists 59 years ago using the south Korean puppets as their canon fodder. The US imperialists used brutal methods carrying massacres at Sinchon Ri and Nogun Ri. Chemical and germ warfare was used against the Korean people.The US also threatened the use of nuclear weapons. The pickets were held to protest about the continuing occupation of South Korea and the division of Korea. It is more important than ever to rally around and support the DPRK in the face of increasing threats, pressure and sanctions against the DPRK by the US and its front machine the UNSC. Today the UNSC is in essence, a wicked pressure offensive launched by the U.S. imperialists to disarm the DPRK, strangle its economy and undermine its ideology and system. The pickets held in London were very disciplined. The one at the south Korean puppet embassy coincided with the puppets 'celebrations' of the Korean war and south Korean puppet army top brass had to walk past our picket. Several DPRK flags were displayed as well as KFA banner "Down with Imperialism" "Hands of the DPRK" "Korea is One". Statements and material from AINDF was read out as well from the Korean Committee For Solidarity with the World People.DPRK music wasplayed. Some British veterans of the Korean war who had been invited to the puppet embassy actually stopped to talk to the picket and were friendly instead of being hostile with 2 of them even joining the picket for a while! At the US embassy in Grosvenor Square several large DPRK flags as well the KFA banner and banners and placards saying US out of Korea and Defend theDPR Korea! Also 1 flag of the Communist Party of Britain was displayed. The anthem of the DPRK played. Material from KFA,KCNA, AINDF and All Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (AUCPB) of Russia and other material was read out. The article the “US imperialists provoked the Korean war” was read out. A speech was made starting the picket at the US Embassy pointing out the US imperialists started the Korean war and the unjust policy of Obama.
Kevin Cain
Org.Sec.UK KFA
Labour throughout the centuries has carried a compelled independent character. Man was compelled to work in order to feed himself and his family. Which is why the choice of profession and the types of occupation were often determined by relation and family traditions as well as professional occupations and skills of their forefathers which were carried on from generation to generation.
In exploiter societies, the dominating classes looked at labour with contempt, believing it to be lot of the lower classes, plebeians, working masses.
In slave-owning society, the most important division of labour into mental and physical labour took place. The slaves carried out physical work and mental labour was carried out by the slave-owners who were occupied in leading the work, public and state affairs, science and art (see F. Engels, Anti-During, Moscow, Politizdat 1988, p 182, Russian), which is why often for the later (science and art) the services of the most gifted slaves were utilized. Physical labour was extremely hard, forced in character and destructive to man (his personality). He was no use other than the work done by him and looked upon by society with utter contempt. Mental labour on the contrary carried a creative character, was seen as honorable and respectable. The works of ancient masters of art: poetry, painting, architecture etc, up until now summon admiration and are a most important contribution to the development of human civilization.
That is to say, together with the division of society into classes, (classes of oppressors and oppressed) there also occurred a division of mental labour from physical labour. (In the basis of division into classes lies the law of division of labour”, Engels, Anit-During, p 286, Russian).
Physical labour was the lot of the working exploited masses and mental labour is the lot and privilege of the dominating class, the exploiters. But in order that the dominating classes could do their mental labour, for creating all the necessary conditions for the given labour, the physical labour of the oppressed classes was needed.
But certainly, the existing gravitation in Man towards cognition and creativity which the exploiters had throughout the centuries stifled with unbearable physical labour, (social and economic slavery), religious dope and limited access to education (spiritual slavery), found its own way out in the highest form of mass creativity of the working people – a social revolution.
“Revolutions are history’s locomotive”, is a conclusion drawn by Marx in his work “The class struggle in France from 1848 – 1850” (Marx and Engels, selected works in 3 volumes, Moscow, Politizdat, 1985, vol.1, p 289, Russian).
“High moral and ideological uplift” is the “result of any triumphant revolution”, notes Engels in Anti-During (p.185).
Speaking about the crossing over of the battleship “Potemkin” onto the side of the revolution, Lenin speaks about the need to “unfurl to the fullest extent the revolutionary creativity of the oppressed peoples masses who so little participate in this creative work in times of peace, but who come out in the first plan in the epoch of a revolution” (Works, vol 10, p. 338, Russian).
“Revolution – notes Lenin – is the celebration of the oppressed and exploited. Never before have the masses of people been able to come out as such an active creator of new social orders like during a revolution. In such times, the people are capable of miracles….” (Works, vol. 11. p.103 Russian).
“Our revolution is namely therefore, a great Russian revolution because it has raised the gigantic peoples masses up to participation in historical creative work”. (Lenin, Works, Vol 13, p. 196 Russian).
Socialism triumphed in our country because in the construction of a new society and defence of its gains took part millions of the people’s masses under the leadership of the proletariat, headed by the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks).
V.I. Lenin: “socialism alive, creative, is a creation of the people’s masses themselves” (Works, vol. 35, p. 57, Russian); “The living creative work of the masses – this is the main factor of a new society” (Ibid).
“Before, the entire human mind, his entire genius created only to give to one all the wealth of technology and culture but deprive others of the most necessary – enlightenment and development. Now all the wonders of technology, all gains in culture will become common people’s property, and from now onwards, the human mind and genius will never be turned into a means of violence and a means of exploitation? (Works, vol. 35, p. 289).
“Today, millions and tens of millions of people are creating history independently” (Works, vol. 36, p. 82).
A socialist “revolution can be successfully carried out only with the independent historical creative work of the majority of the population, and primarily the majority of the working people” (Works, vol. 36, p. 171).
“a revolution is carried out in the moments of a special rise and tension of all human abilities, consciousness, will, passion and the fantasy of tens of millions of people, whipped up by the acutest struggle of classes” (Works, vol. 41, p. 81, Russian).
And in the Soviet country, working people liberated from exploitation and oppression showed unseen miracles of labour heroism and mass people’s creativity, forming the worlds first socialist state. The rate of development of our economy was the highest in the world, annually exceeding 20%, and up until now remained unsurpassed. During the 20 years between the wars, the workers and peasants together with the working intelligentsia of the Soviet Union transformed our country from a backward decrepit czarist Russia into the world’s second super-power, having smashed the backbone of the fascist beast, having built the world’s first nuclear power station, having launched the first artificial satellite and the first man into space…
The leader and inspirer of this unseen in history process of creation was the AUCP(b) headed by the leader of the working people and proletarians of the entire world, J.V. Stalin.
Only under communism, when an end is finally put to private ownership over the means of production and the exploitation of man by man, when commodity production is destroyed and commodity- money relations are liquidated, when the division of labour into mental and physical work will be overcome and man is free from the need to work in order to earn enough money to feed himself and his family, labour from heavy and necessary obligation will be transformed into a vital natural need of every person, just like the need for food, water and air.
Engels says in connection with this: “Having taken ownership over all the means of production with the aim of their planned use, society will destroy the existing nowadays enslavement of people. Naturally, society cannot free itself, not having freed each person individually. The old method of production should be consequently, fundamentally overturned and especially the old division of labour should disappear. In its place should be such an organisation of production where, on the one hand, noone could tip onto others his share in productive labour, and this is the natural condition for human existence, and where on the other hand, productive labour instead of being a means of exploiting people, providing each with the chance to develop themselves in all directions and really showing all their own abilities, physically as well as spiritually, - where consequently productive labour from a difficult time actually turns into a pleasure” (“Anti-During”, p. 298, Russian).
A. MAYEVSKY, Secretary of the CC AUCPB, Kiev, Ukraine, 14 may 2009
In the newspaper “2000” №8 (450) an article appeared by D. Tabachnik entitled “The route to a new land. Without ridding ourselves of myths, Ukraine has no future”. Judging by the opinions of forumers published in the following issue of “2000”, the article aroused much interest. Opinions of the forumers were shared on the question of how Ukraine is to get out of the current social-economic situation. Some rapturously write that Tabachnik’s position is the only way out. Others write that nothing will ever come of it. Never! And nearly all of them show a very weak understanding of the processes occurring in Ukraine, which began in 1991 including, naturally, the Orange takeover in 2004. This is hardly surprising – D. Tabachnik sets the tone of the entire discussion.
The Chinese have a desire which they keep for enemies: “that you lived during great changes”. Such a desire is easily explained psychologically. Any changes in the life of every person, even if only small changes bring about a state of stress. Moving to another home, a change of job, meeting new people causes nervousness in any person. This occurs at a reflex level. Just like an animal starts to get nervous when stepping into an alien and strange environment. But after a certain amount of time it gets used to it, and the alien environment becomes its own, normal one.
But compared to animals, people are able to think analytically. They are able to recognize the need for changes, to find the right path of movement leading towards development. But even when recognizing the need for changes, fear stands before them. Afterwards, when the changes become ordinary everyday life, the fear passes. But a person under the influence of fear may comfort oneself that changes aren’t needed, that they are harmful, etc. such self-comforting can cast shade over an objective view on a thing, on the situation in society and the logic of historical development. In this case, panic-like fear of any changes and more so of revolution, is senseless. And this fear gains a mystical shape. People start thinking that all changes are from the devil, that they are absolutely evil. How can you change something that has always been the same?! That is namely how the outstanding “philosophers” and social activists Peter Struve, Sergei Askoldov, Nicolai Berdyaev and others reasoned – all those pointed out by Tabachnik in his article. And these “outstanding philosophers” with their stiff thinking could not understand neither the February nor the October revolution in Russia, seeing in them an apocalypses, the crumbling of all basis of life, of centuries of habits, when they were the gentlemen, the elite, and others – mere living things, slaves. They did not want and could not figure out the deep causes of the impending changes. In their reasoning, everything came to the primitive – the “crumbling of a thousand year old power” and a “gigantic spiritual catastrophe”. Much can be seen at a distance.
In the end, everyone could see that it was not some kind of abstract “thousand year old power” that crumbled, but a concrete, rotten, steeped in corruption, idiotism and mystical czarism that fell. The hopeless Provisional Government fell which consisted of people unable to adopt historical decisions. The “thousand year old power”, having gained a new spiritual impulse, continued on a new basis in the Soviet Union. And the people who had allegedly suffered a “gigantic spiritual catastrophe” fulfilled a campaign of industrialization, bringing the USSR in the ranks of the leading countries of the world, and a little later, this same people in the state of a “spiritual catastrophe”, if one is to believe Berdyaev and Struve, broke the back of Hitlerite Germany, under which laid the whole of Europe with hardly any resistance. One can infinitely argue the role of Stalin in these events, with meanness and lies, exaggerating the significance of the repressions etc, but the reasons for the spirituality of the people who had carried out a giant leap from the wooden plough into space lies in the socialist method of production. The people for the first time in history recognized that the Soviet country – is their own country, the Soviet government – their own government because it expresses their interests. But the “philosophers” sat in emigration and muttered that the country had died, had collapsed and that society had come to a dead end…
D. Tabachnik tries to compare the February revolution in Russia with the Orange takeover in Ukraine. There is nothing to compare here. In February 1917, there was a revolution with changeover of the state system, with a changeover of power from the hands of one social class – the nobility (major landowners), into the hands of the industrial and financial bourgeoisie with the removal of the privileges for the aristocracy.
D. Tabachnik defends his own bourgeois government, his own power. He feels offended and insults the feelings of millions of Ukrainians who had hated Kuchma then and hate him now. Yes, millions! Maidan – this is the materialization of that small relish of that entire huge amount of hatred which had built up in the people towards the authorities during the years of capitalist “reforms”. Kuchma – this is pig-cop and bureaucratic unruliness, this is torture and death of detainees in police cells. This is unruliness of the tax police, extortions, bribes and suicides of desperate traders after visits by the Inland Revenue. It is namely under Kuchma that the pigs in police uniform said to detainees that the Gestapo are children compared to them! Kuchma – this is a half-starving existence in conditions of illusory stability and fake order. Kuchma – this is vote rigging, both in the parliamentary elections of 2002, and the presidential elections of 2004. D. Tabachnik – this is a “celestial”, and nobody forced him to vote for Yanukovich or Yushenko. Let him ask the soldiers and prisons wardens, and they will tell him how in 2004 the prison chiefs and chiefs of military districts under the threat of administrative and at times, physical reprisal, forced them to vote for Yanukovich. Surely was this not falsification and vote rigging?! Under Kuchma’s rule, in Ukraine a repugnant form of bourgeois dictatorship was set up in a democratic mask. Elections became pointless. Vote or not to vote – it made no difference – you still get the same thing…. Those one and same faces in power. This is the usual method of rule for countries of the capitalist periphery. We will never have it the way power and rule is formed in the rich countries of the capitalist centre (G-7). Although even there – it is only for show. But the people wanted it namely how it is done there, and Yushenko pledged that, and the people believed him. Naturally, yet again they were deceived. But this was only afterwards. Ukraine, under the influence of the crisis is creeping into an openly fascist dictatorship. The election in Ternopol are confirmation of this. There can be nothing other than this in Ukraine at the moment. Capitalism, you know, the world division of labour…. This once again proves the that primary of the economic fundament – is being, and the secondary of the sub-structure – is consciousness.
Exactly like the stormy uplift at the start of the XX century in the world economy (the notorious prosperity of 1913) led to an inevitable decline, which gave rise to the First World War and a number of socialist revolutions.
Exactly the same stormy uplift in the economy of the USA after the First World War led to the Great Depression – to a world crisis, to the arrival to power of fascists in Europe, the Second World War and once again, a series of national-liberation and socialist revolutions.
I am not going to describe the chronology of the further crises and world social upheavals. I will say only one thing – by 2004, at the end of Kuchma’s rule, the peak of growth of the world economy was reached, after the fall in 1998. Therefore no credit at all goes to either Kuchma, Yanukovich or D. Tabachnik in this growth. These are objective world economic processes. Afterwards, the decline started which grew into a catastrophe and a fall into a chasm, the bottom of which we are observing now. And this catastrophe is worldwide and not just in Ukraine during the times of Yushenko and Timoshenko. The cause of this catastrophe – is capitalism.
Maidan – this is a pitiful, dispurse by the West coup on the wave of real anger of the people and its hatred towards Kuchma. And in the moment of this coup, all the politicians, including Tabachnik knew this attitude of the people all too well. I know the mood if the people of that time in Donbass. The people were ready to take up arms. But Yanukovich understood well that such an uprising against the banker Yushenko could have grown into an uprising against billionaire Akhmetov and his manager Yanukovich, therefore they decided to hand power over to Yushenko with this, understanding that the capital of the billionaires of the East and South of Ukraine under an Orange personage would remain in tact and preserved. And that is what happened. Kuchma and all those close to him knew well that Yushenko and Timoshenko are “fledglings from Kuchma’s nest”. They all knew that although they were of another ideological shade, but for all that they were the same on social-economic criteria, in other words, brothers of the same class.
Maidan – this is a release of steam of the enraged people. Yushenko and his clique betrayed their hopes...
Just as the Provisional government of 1917 in Russia in its epoch, dashed the hopes of the people. Therefore, they overthrew it.
On the thresholds of history remained also “outstanding” ministers and those “philosophers” who badly figured out historical processes. That same fate awaits all the public politicians of Ukraine, starting from 1991.
And in the midst of the crisis, Ukraine awaits only two scenarios of development of events.
1) A collapse of the economy. The start of a class civil war and the victory of socialism under the leadership of qualitatively new political forces.
2) A collapse of the economy, the establishment by the incumbent politicians of a fascist dictatorship. The consequence of this would be the start of a class civil war – then further along the text in point 1 above.
And may the forumers of the newspaper “2000” have no doubt, and together with them and the entire people of Ukraine – that there are such politicians.
One of these two scenarios in any case will be realized. If not now, then later. The first is better than the second – there will be fewer victims.
Our people “at the genetic level” have already been infected with the ideas of socialism. They are dormant at the moment in the depths, but sometime in the future they will tear their way to the surface. In a certain way, we are carriers and preservers of the ideas of communism and social justice to a much larger degree than the ideas of chauvinism and nationalism.
The Ukrainians, like many other peoples on the post-Soviet expanse need to rid themselves of one myth that capitalism can be just and caring in relation to the people, can be honest and selfless, can wish to give something and not grab for themselves.
And one need not be afraid of changes. Our whole life is woven from them. Birth – this is the first revolution in the life of every person.
Andrei Yakovenko, Political prisoner
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No 7 (76) JULY 2009 AUCPB – ВКПБ
21st August 2009 marks 41 years since the day when the Soviet Army and troops of its allies went into Czechoslovakia with the aim of defending the gains of socialism and suppressing the counter-revolution.
What happened 41 years ago in Czechoslovakia? Let us remind the reader of a few facts. Under the guise of demagogic slogans about “democratization”, the rightist and anti-socialist forces, using the media they had seized control of – the press, radio and TV – unleashed attacks against the fundamentals of socialism, demanded the creation of opposition parties and ignited hostility between Czechs and Slovaks. Their main blow was directed against the leading role of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CPC) in the life of the republic and calculated to break Czechoslovakia away from the Soviet Union and other countries from the socialist commonwealth.
In spring and summer 1968, inside the country a number of counter-revolutionary organisations were formed (“Club 231” and others); a number of activists of the reactionary wing of the Social democratic party raised their heads. Support was handed out to the Czechoslovakian reactionary émigrés and they placed a task before themselves to “deliver a final blow to the communists”. The statement under the title “2000 words”, published on 27 June 1968, having been directed by the imperialist circles of the West, became the organizational-political platform of the anti-socialist forces. It contained an open call for struggle against the socialist system in Czechoslovakia.
The development of events in Czechoslovakia, the CPC could not but attract the most steadfast attention from the brotherly communist and workers’ parties of socialist countries – members of the Warsaw Pact Organisation. At a meeting of representatives of socialist countries in Dresden (23 March 1968), in Moscow (8 May 1968), in Warsaw (14 – 15 July 1968), in Bratislava (3 August 1968), during the bilateral talks between representatives of the CPSU and CPC in Moscow (4 May 1968) and in Chier-ne-had-Tissoi (29 July – 1 August 1968), in letters with which the CPSU and other brotherly parties appealed to the leadership of the CPC, expressed comradely concern and worry for the fate of socialism in Czechoslovakia.
In August 1968, the development of counter-revolutionary and anti-socialist tendencies got to such a stage that Czechoslovakia finished up on the brink of civil war. The threat to socialist gains of the Czechoslovakian working people quickly grew. In the tense August days of 1968, the communists and non-party citizens of Czechoslovakia, many members of the CC CPC and deputies of the National Assembly appealed to the leading organs of brotherly parties and governments of allied socialist states with a request to provide assistance in the cause of defence of its socialist gains.
In the atmosphere created, five socialist states – members of the Warsaw Pact – Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR, Poland and the Soviet Union, fulfilling their international duty, on 21 August 1968, sent in their troops onto the territory of Czechoslovakia to assist in the defence of the gains of socialism. “The entry of the allied troops into Czechoslovakia is pointed out in a document adopted by the December (1970) plenum of the CC CPC “Lessons from the crisis development in the Comparty of Czechoslovakia and society after the XIII Congress of the CPC”, was an act of international solidarity, responding to the common interests of the international communist movement”. The aim of the imperialists to restore capitalism in Czechoslovakia turned out to be smashed”. (“Noveishaya Istoriya 1939 -1975”, M., “Vishaya Shkola”, 1977). (“Новейшая история. 1939 - 1975”, М., “Высшая школа”, 1977).
Whenever you read about the Czechoslovakian events of 41 years ago, inevitably it is asked about the parallel between the “Prague Spring” (that’s the way the Czechoslovakian counter-revolutionaries named their own politics) and “perestroika” in the USSR, “perestroikas” which had begun from practically the same “Prague Spring” slogans about “democratization” of socialism, building socialism with a “human face” etc. and, having ended up with the destruction of a great country, with uncountable suffering of its peoples. Nothing good could come out of the restoration of capitalism for the Czechoslovakian working people in 1968. When nowadays, fascist henchmen from pseudo-leftist organisations like in our country as well in other countries try to reproach Brezhnevist USSR in “social-imperialism”, in the stamping on the fragile shoots of Czechoslovakian democracy by military boots, - spit in the eyes of these bastards! The tragedy is not in Czechoslovakia in 1968 and the failure to restore capitalism in that country, but in the talentless actions of the GKChP on the 23rd anniversary of the Czechoslovakian events, on 21 August 1991 that turned out unable to suppress the counter-revolution in the USSR….
In Egypt on 14 -17 May 09, the International 7th Conference in Cairo was held on the theme: “For liberation of Humanity, in support of the resistance to occupation, against Zionism and imperialism, against despotism, oppression and exploitation”.
In the name of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, a telegram was sent to the Cairo conference by the General Secretary of the CC AUCPB.
To the organizers and participants of the International 7th Conference in Cairo dedicated to the Liberation of Humanity, in support of the resistance to occupation, against Zionism and imperialism, against despotism, oppression and exploitation
Cairo, Egypt
Dear Comrades and Friends!
The All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks sends YOU ALL hearty greetings and wishes you successful work at the 7th International Conference in Cairo.
We fully share the position in condemning ZIONISM as the most dangerous and evil form of modern racism, as the ideology of extreme racism, as the nationalism of the world Jewish elite, setting forth its aim of transforming the whole world into its own native land (its own property) and using the peoples of other countries for the inhumane exploitation of them for the sake of their own enrichment and criminal robbery of the natural resources of other countries together with the delivering of an irreversible ecological blow to the nature of the world.
Jewish nationalism – Zionism – racism has a global character. It, with its tentacles and entwining the whole world, therefore is more dangerous and more terrible than the nationalism of any other nation acting in the confined frameworks of a separate state.
We fully share the just struggle of the Arab peoples against Zionism and imperialism, against US-Israeli interference in the internal affairs of independent states and the diktat of the US towards governments of the countries to the detriment of the peoples of those countries.
We stand completely solid with the struggle of all peoples against US occupation and military conflicts by the US in any region of the world.
The fact that a number of European countries out of cowardliness towards the hails of the USA, where Zionism is the ruling ideology of that country had boycotted the UN Geneva Conference on the struggle against racism, bears witness once again to the yet again extreme danger of ZIONISM for humanity.
We regret that we are unable to be present at the 7th International Conference in Cairo, but we fully share the question put forth as the order of the day at the Conference.
Since Zionism has in the plans of imperialism, and foremost – US imperialism, turned into the shock detachment of world reaction and carries a global character, then the struggle against Zionism – is a struggle for the cause of peace on Earth, for saving Mankind.
Long live unity of all forces coming out against Zionism as the most extreme, rampant racism of modern times!
Long live the struggle of the peoples of the world against imperialism as the brake on the development of humanity, leading it to destruction!
Long live the victory over Zionism by all peoples, everyone who fights for their freedom and independence, against foreign despotism and imperialist slavery!
N.A. Andreeva
General Secretary of the CC AUCPB
11 May 2009, Leningrad
On the very same day the 14th May in Athens, according to ITAR-TASS, in an atmosphere of heightened secrecy and extremely high security, in the 5-star “Astir Palace” hotel in the Athens suburban town Vulyagmeni, a three day session of the influential Bilderberg club began, with a gathering of representatives of the world’s elite. The session at the club (its name taken from the Bilderberg Hotel in Holland, in the town of Osterbek, where in May 1954 the first secret meeting of participators took place), were held in a closed regime. Admission to the sessions, the dates of which are earlier unannounced, is strictly by private invitation and press is not allowed in.
According to the official version, the issues dealt with by the present gathering, to which crown personage, ministers, high-ranking diplomats and businessmen have been invited, - is “on exchange of opinions on the world economic crisis and the world situation”. On the list of those invited are Queen Sofia of Spain, and Queen Beatrice of Holland, the president of the world bank, Robert Zellik, US finance secretary Timothy Haitner, president of the European Central Bank Zhan-Klod Trishe, chairman of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barrosu, Swedish minister of foreign affairs Karl Bild who will chair the EU in July, and former minister of foreign affairs for Turkey, Ali Babadzhan.
It is believed that among the participators of the club would appear Greek foreign minister Dora Bakoyany, president of “Coca Cola 3E” Georgios David, a “representative” of the Bilderberg Club in Greece and member of its ruling committee. At the present moment, first US vice secretary for state James Steinberg and special envoy for President Obama on Afghanistan Richard Holbrook already confirmed their participation.
Following the Beirut Conference in January this year, directed against Zionism, with the demand for the re-creation of a sovereign Palestinian state on native Palestinian land with the capital in East Jerusalem;
After the UN Geneva Conference (20-24 April) – “Against racism, against all forms of racial discrimination, xenophobia and other such intolerances connected with it” – the participators who in a friendly manner but sharply spoke out against the US-Israeli Zionist diktat against the countries of the Middle East with a demand not to interfere in the formation of a sovereign Palestinian state on its own historic Motherland with its capital in East Jerusalem;
After the simultaneously holding in these days of the 7th International Conference in Cairo under the slogan of – “Against Zionism and imperialism, despotism, oppression and exploitation”, the world Zionist lobby in the makeup of the Bilderberg Club had something to discuss in the name of their own personal rescue and preservation of the robbed wealth of foreign countries.
The Bilderberg club is one of the most important and most secretive structures of the world government. “This is a world evil!” believes Texas film producer Alex Jones, who carries out constant monitoring of the meetings and sessions of the Bilderberg club.
In Holland last week, a book was released written by science worker of the Netherlands institute of military documents, Gerard Aalder. Bilderberg, about the secret Bilderberg conference - about the annual closed congress of politicians, big entrepreneurs and heads of the leading world mass media.
The Bilderberg club (or like it is sometimes called – the Bilderberg group) unifies the representatives of the US and West European elite – major political activists, bankers, leaders of transnational corporations and also intellectuals-analysts – economists and political scientists. From the very beginning, behind the back of the Bilderberg club have stood US special services and Masonic organisations. Already at the first session of the club (1954) at which were present D. Rockefeller, president of the Carnegie Fund D. Johnson, chairman of the Barouche Corporation D. Coleman and others, a whole number of documents were adopted in which a programme was drawn up for creating a new world order, and also concrete points of strategic activity of the West in relation to the USSR and third world countries. There are no permanent members in the Bilderberg club. At each session, depending upon the changing international situation, new participators are invited. However, the “core” of this organisation never changes. In it, according to the judgements of researchers enter “383 people, out of which 128, or one third are Americans, and the remaining are Europeans. The USA in this club has the ripest organisation: 42 representatives of the presidential apparatus, defence department, state department and other power bodies of the USA, 25 representatives of the major corporations, banks and business circles, 54 representatives of US universities, mass media and public organisations. Actually, the leader of the Bilderberg club as well as the Council for international relations is D. Rockefeller, the formal chairman – American, P. Carrington. Besides this, the club has two “honoured general secretaries”: one – for Europe and Canada, the other – for the USA. the headquarters for the Bilderberg club are in New York in the Carnegie Fund building. The meetings of the club are held in complete secrecy, by special invite, the dates of their meetings are kept away from the media. The host country where the meetings are held organises the meetings and security of the participators. Each such meeting, despite the complete secrecy, arouses much interest from the world community. It is impossible to conceal the arrival into one place of a large number of well-known people among who are presidents, kings, princes, chancellors, prime-ministers, diplomats, bankers and leaders of the major corporations.
The Bilderberg club is the inspirer and organiser of capitalist Globalization, heavily influences the geopolitical and financial processes in the modern world. Judging by the makeup and aims of the activity, the Bilderberg club is a modified version of the well-known Zionist ruling lobby – the Committee of 300.
15 May 2009
Despite the fact that the 7th Cairo International Conference “For the Liberation of Humanity, in support of the resistance to occupation, against Zionism and imperialism, against despotism, oppression and exploitation” ended its work on 17 May, there was no information in the press, or internet about the flow of the conference or about the documents adopted at it. We shall be informing our readers about the results of the Conference in Cairo, additionally hoping for some kind of additional information about this Conference in print.
22 May 2009
From 20 -24 April 2009 the UN Conference on the fight against racism was held in Geneva under the chairmanship of Russia.
The aim of the Conference as it was declared by the UN was – “the struggle against all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and the intolerance connected with it”. This was the second Conference organised by the UN against racism. The first one was held in South Africa in Durban in September 2001. The Conference declared Zionism to be synonymous to racism.
The USA and Israel blatantly refused to take part in the Conference in Geneva. Others who also refused to participate in the Conference were – Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand. Later on, Germany and Poland refused to take part in the Conference. The large part of the states of the G20 following the US and Israel announced their decision to boycott the Geneva Conference. There were many representatives of the Arab countries, including Makhmud Akhmadinezhad – leader of Iran at the Conference.
The Arab peoples demand the condemnation of Zionism. We shall remind our readers that back in 1975, the UN General Assembly by resolution 337 from the 10/11/1975 condemned Zionism as an extreme form of racism. But this did not suit the world Zionist lobby of Western countries.
The USA and Israel stated that they will not put up with speeches made at the Conference by the president of Iran Makhmud Akhmadinezhada with his “anti-Israeli and anti-American speeches”. Thus during the first conference in Durban, the USA and Israel walked out of the conference after representatives of Arab countries defined Zionism as a racist movement.
Germany motivated its own boycott of the Geneva Conference saying that it could “be used for criticising Israel and also for limiting freedom of speech in cases when somebody may want to criticise Islam”. Other members of the European Union, although many of them taking part in the work of the Conference, in essence stood on the position of the USA, Israel and Germany. Thus, minister of foreign affairs of Germany Frank-Walter Schteinmainer declared that “I took this decision after consultation with other members of the EU”, and the state minister for the Ministry for Internal affairs of Germany Gernot Erler assured them that “absolutely all countries of the EU, even those which took part in the work of the Conference occupy a negative position regarding the anti-Semitism of the leader of Iran”.
France and Britain took part in the Conference in order to whitewash Zionism and not allow it to be condemned. Together with Russia, going along in the bandwagon of the USA and Western Europe, and having prepared a draft resolution, France and Britain were able to achieve a final resolution where there would be not a word of condemnation of Zionism as a form of racism. The Zionists achieved their own aim – to remain in the shadows….
On the eve of the Conference, an incident occurred between Israel and Switzerland. After the meeting of the Swiss president Hans –Rudolf Mertza with the president of Iran, Israel quickly summoned its ambassador from Israel. “Concerning the situation in regarding human rights in Iran and also the words spoken by the Iranian president who denies the Holocaust and the right of Israel to exist, then they were decisively condemned in the flow of the meeting between the Swiss and Iranian presidents” – he confessed to the MIA of Switzerland.
At the Conference the Iranian president made a speech, condemning the regime in Israel as extremely racist. He said that “after the II World War, they (the Jews) chose military aggression in order that under the pretext of the suffering of the Jews, it would make a whole nation homeless” and “sent the refugees out of Europe, the US and parts of the world, in order to establish in occupied Palestine an absolutely racist rule”. “In essence, as compensation for the terrible consequences of racism in Europe, they managed to bring to power in Palestine a most brutal and repressive racist regime”, ended the Iranian leader. During his speech, representatives of Western countries walked out the hall in protest at the same time when representatives of Arab countries had friendly ovations. France and Britain threatened to walk out of the conference. And an EU representative of Czech republic walked out of the Conference stating that “like many of our democratic partners representing the countries of the EU or non-EU members, we cannot allow our presence to legalize these unacceptable anti-Israeli attacks”.
The BBC World Service said: “It was namely this that the UN officials were afraid of – that the conference would end in chaos with delegates walking out of it. Eight countries had boycotted the conference, including the US, Germany, Italy and Canada. And several countries including Britain and France threatened to walk out. But the Iranian leader knew this is what would happen when he started giving his own speech. It was notable that when the Europeans walked out the hall, at the same time, this was accompanied by applause in support of the Iranian leader. This says that he has supporters especially in the Muslim world”. It turned out the number of those applauding the Iranian leader was a lot larger than those who had walked out of the hall.
The events which took place at the Conference and the resolutions adopted there, once again confirm the correctness in the evaluation of the role and significance of world Zionism in the system of imperialism that was given by the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Since Zionism has transformed in the plans of imperialism and primarily, US imperialism, into the shock detachment of world reaction, the struggle against Zionism is by far not only the struggle against one type of nationalist, racist ideology. Zionism, compared to other forms of nationalism carries a global character that makes it especially dangerous for the world community.
On June 25, 2009 the UK Korean Friendship Association (UK KFA) and the Juche Idea Study Group of England (JISGE) staged two successful pickets - one outside the South Korean embassy and one outside the US embassy to mark the 59th anniversary of the Korean War (known in the DPRK as the Great Fatherland Liberation War), and the start of the Month of Solidarity with the Korean people. The Korean war was provoked by the US imperialists 59 years ago using the south Korean puppets as their canon fodder. The US imperialists used brutal methods carrying massacres at Sinchon Ri and Nogun Ri. Chemical and germ warfare was used against the Korean people.The US also threatened the use of nuclear weapons. The pickets were held to protest about the continuing occupation of South Korea and the division of Korea. It is more important than ever to rally around and support the DPRK in the face of increasing threats, pressure and sanctions against the DPRK by the US and its front machine the UNSC. Today the UNSC is in essence, a wicked pressure offensive launched by the U.S. imperialists to disarm the DPRK, strangle its economy and undermine its ideology and system. The pickets held in London were very disciplined. The one at the south Korean puppet embassy coincided with the puppets 'celebrations' of the Korean war and south Korean puppet army top brass had to walk past our picket. Several DPRK flags were displayed as well as KFA banner "Down with Imperialism" "Hands of the DPRK" "Korea is One". Statements and material from AINDF was read out as well from the Korean Committee For Solidarity with the World People.DPRK music wasplayed. Some British veterans of the Korean war who had been invited to the puppet embassy actually stopped to talk to the picket and were friendly instead of being hostile with 2 of them even joining the picket for a while! At the US embassy in Grosvenor Square several large DPRK flags as well the KFA banner and banners and placards saying US out of Korea and Defend theDPR Korea! Also 1 flag of the Communist Party of Britain was displayed. The anthem of the DPRK played. Material from KFA,KCNA, AINDF and All Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (AUCPB) of Russia and other material was read out. The article the “US imperialists provoked the Korean war” was read out. A speech was made starting the picket at the US Embassy pointing out the US imperialists started the Korean war and the unjust policy of Obama.
Kevin Cain
Org.Sec.UK KFA
Labour throughout the centuries has carried a compelled independent character. Man was compelled to work in order to feed himself and his family. Which is why the choice of profession and the types of occupation were often determined by relation and family traditions as well as professional occupations and skills of their forefathers which were carried on from generation to generation.
In exploiter societies, the dominating classes looked at labour with contempt, believing it to be lot of the lower classes, plebeians, working masses.
In slave-owning society, the most important division of labour into mental and physical labour took place. The slaves carried out physical work and mental labour was carried out by the slave-owners who were occupied in leading the work, public and state affairs, science and art (see F. Engels, Anti-During, Moscow, Politizdat 1988, p 182, Russian), which is why often for the later (science and art) the services of the most gifted slaves were utilized. Physical labour was extremely hard, forced in character and destructive to man (his personality). He was no use other than the work done by him and looked upon by society with utter contempt. Mental labour on the contrary carried a creative character, was seen as honorable and respectable. The works of ancient masters of art: poetry, painting, architecture etc, up until now summon admiration and are a most important contribution to the development of human civilization.
That is to say, together with the division of society into classes, (classes of oppressors and oppressed) there also occurred a division of mental labour from physical labour. (In the basis of division into classes lies the law of division of labour”, Engels, Anit-During, p 286, Russian).
Physical labour was the lot of the working exploited masses and mental labour is the lot and privilege of the dominating class, the exploiters. But in order that the dominating classes could do their mental labour, for creating all the necessary conditions for the given labour, the physical labour of the oppressed classes was needed.
But certainly, the existing gravitation in Man towards cognition and creativity which the exploiters had throughout the centuries stifled with unbearable physical labour, (social and economic slavery), religious dope and limited access to education (spiritual slavery), found its own way out in the highest form of mass creativity of the working people – a social revolution.
“Revolutions are history’s locomotive”, is a conclusion drawn by Marx in his work “The class struggle in France from 1848 – 1850” (Marx and Engels, selected works in 3 volumes, Moscow, Politizdat, 1985, vol.1, p 289, Russian).
“High moral and ideological uplift” is the “result of any triumphant revolution”, notes Engels in Anti-During (p.185).
Speaking about the crossing over of the battleship “Potemkin” onto the side of the revolution, Lenin speaks about the need to “unfurl to the fullest extent the revolutionary creativity of the oppressed peoples masses who so little participate in this creative work in times of peace, but who come out in the first plan in the epoch of a revolution” (Works, vol 10, p. 338, Russian).
“Revolution – notes Lenin – is the celebration of the oppressed and exploited. Never before have the masses of people been able to come out as such an active creator of new social orders like during a revolution. In such times, the people are capable of miracles….” (Works, vol. 11. p.103 Russian).
“Our revolution is namely therefore, a great Russian revolution because it has raised the gigantic peoples masses up to participation in historical creative work”. (Lenin, Works, Vol 13, p. 196 Russian).
Socialism triumphed in our country because in the construction of a new society and defence of its gains took part millions of the people’s masses under the leadership of the proletariat, headed by the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks).
V.I. Lenin: “socialism alive, creative, is a creation of the people’s masses themselves” (Works, vol. 35, p. 57, Russian); “The living creative work of the masses – this is the main factor of a new society” (Ibid).
“Before, the entire human mind, his entire genius created only to give to one all the wealth of technology and culture but deprive others of the most necessary – enlightenment and development. Now all the wonders of technology, all gains in culture will become common people’s property, and from now onwards, the human mind and genius will never be turned into a means of violence and a means of exploitation? (Works, vol. 35, p. 289).
“Today, millions and tens of millions of people are creating history independently” (Works, vol. 36, p. 82).
A socialist “revolution can be successfully carried out only with the independent historical creative work of the majority of the population, and primarily the majority of the working people” (Works, vol. 36, p. 171).
“a revolution is carried out in the moments of a special rise and tension of all human abilities, consciousness, will, passion and the fantasy of tens of millions of people, whipped up by the acutest struggle of classes” (Works, vol. 41, p. 81, Russian).
And in the Soviet country, working people liberated from exploitation and oppression showed unseen miracles of labour heroism and mass people’s creativity, forming the worlds first socialist state. The rate of development of our economy was the highest in the world, annually exceeding 20%, and up until now remained unsurpassed. During the 20 years between the wars, the workers and peasants together with the working intelligentsia of the Soviet Union transformed our country from a backward decrepit czarist Russia into the world’s second super-power, having smashed the backbone of the fascist beast, having built the world’s first nuclear power station, having launched the first artificial satellite and the first man into space…
The leader and inspirer of this unseen in history process of creation was the AUCP(b) headed by the leader of the working people and proletarians of the entire world, J.V. Stalin.
Only under communism, when an end is finally put to private ownership over the means of production and the exploitation of man by man, when commodity production is destroyed and commodity- money relations are liquidated, when the division of labour into mental and physical work will be overcome and man is free from the need to work in order to earn enough money to feed himself and his family, labour from heavy and necessary obligation will be transformed into a vital natural need of every person, just like the need for food, water and air.
Engels says in connection with this: “Having taken ownership over all the means of production with the aim of their planned use, society will destroy the existing nowadays enslavement of people. Naturally, society cannot free itself, not having freed each person individually. The old method of production should be consequently, fundamentally overturned and especially the old division of labour should disappear. In its place should be such an organisation of production where, on the one hand, noone could tip onto others his share in productive labour, and this is the natural condition for human existence, and where on the other hand, productive labour instead of being a means of exploiting people, providing each with the chance to develop themselves in all directions and really showing all their own abilities, physically as well as spiritually, - where consequently productive labour from a difficult time actually turns into a pleasure” (“Anti-During”, p. 298, Russian).
A. MAYEVSKY, Secretary of the CC AUCPB, Kiev, Ukraine, 14 may 2009
In the newspaper “2000” №8 (450) an article appeared by D. Tabachnik entitled “The route to a new land. Without ridding ourselves of myths, Ukraine has no future”. Judging by the opinions of forumers published in the following issue of “2000”, the article aroused much interest. Opinions of the forumers were shared on the question of how Ukraine is to get out of the current social-economic situation. Some rapturously write that Tabachnik’s position is the only way out. Others write that nothing will ever come of it. Never! And nearly all of them show a very weak understanding of the processes occurring in Ukraine, which began in 1991 including, naturally, the Orange takeover in 2004. This is hardly surprising – D. Tabachnik sets the tone of the entire discussion.
The Chinese have a desire which they keep for enemies: “that you lived during great changes”. Such a desire is easily explained psychologically. Any changes in the life of every person, even if only small changes bring about a state of stress. Moving to another home, a change of job, meeting new people causes nervousness in any person. This occurs at a reflex level. Just like an animal starts to get nervous when stepping into an alien and strange environment. But after a certain amount of time it gets used to it, and the alien environment becomes its own, normal one.
But compared to animals, people are able to think analytically. They are able to recognize the need for changes, to find the right path of movement leading towards development. But even when recognizing the need for changes, fear stands before them. Afterwards, when the changes become ordinary everyday life, the fear passes. But a person under the influence of fear may comfort oneself that changes aren’t needed, that they are harmful, etc. such self-comforting can cast shade over an objective view on a thing, on the situation in society and the logic of historical development. In this case, panic-like fear of any changes and more so of revolution, is senseless. And this fear gains a mystical shape. People start thinking that all changes are from the devil, that they are absolutely evil. How can you change something that has always been the same?! That is namely how the outstanding “philosophers” and social activists Peter Struve, Sergei Askoldov, Nicolai Berdyaev and others reasoned – all those pointed out by Tabachnik in his article. And these “outstanding philosophers” with their stiff thinking could not understand neither the February nor the October revolution in Russia, seeing in them an apocalypses, the crumbling of all basis of life, of centuries of habits, when they were the gentlemen, the elite, and others – mere living things, slaves. They did not want and could not figure out the deep causes of the impending changes. In their reasoning, everything came to the primitive – the “crumbling of a thousand year old power” and a “gigantic spiritual catastrophe”. Much can be seen at a distance.
In the end, everyone could see that it was not some kind of abstract “thousand year old power” that crumbled, but a concrete, rotten, steeped in corruption, idiotism and mystical czarism that fell. The hopeless Provisional Government fell which consisted of people unable to adopt historical decisions. The “thousand year old power”, having gained a new spiritual impulse, continued on a new basis in the Soviet Union. And the people who had allegedly suffered a “gigantic spiritual catastrophe” fulfilled a campaign of industrialization, bringing the USSR in the ranks of the leading countries of the world, and a little later, this same people in the state of a “spiritual catastrophe”, if one is to believe Berdyaev and Struve, broke the back of Hitlerite Germany, under which laid the whole of Europe with hardly any resistance. One can infinitely argue the role of Stalin in these events, with meanness and lies, exaggerating the significance of the repressions etc, but the reasons for the spirituality of the people who had carried out a giant leap from the wooden plough into space lies in the socialist method of production. The people for the first time in history recognized that the Soviet country – is their own country, the Soviet government – their own government because it expresses their interests. But the “philosophers” sat in emigration and muttered that the country had died, had collapsed and that society had come to a dead end…
D. Tabachnik tries to compare the February revolution in Russia with the Orange takeover in Ukraine. There is nothing to compare here. In February 1917, there was a revolution with changeover of the state system, with a changeover of power from the hands of one social class – the nobility (major landowners), into the hands of the industrial and financial bourgeoisie with the removal of the privileges for the aristocracy.
D. Tabachnik defends his own bourgeois government, his own power. He feels offended and insults the feelings of millions of Ukrainians who had hated Kuchma then and hate him now. Yes, millions! Maidan – this is the materialization of that small relish of that entire huge amount of hatred which had built up in the people towards the authorities during the years of capitalist “reforms”. Kuchma – this is pig-cop and bureaucratic unruliness, this is torture and death of detainees in police cells. This is unruliness of the tax police, extortions, bribes and suicides of desperate traders after visits by the Inland Revenue. It is namely under Kuchma that the pigs in police uniform said to detainees that the Gestapo are children compared to them! Kuchma – this is a half-starving existence in conditions of illusory stability and fake order. Kuchma – this is vote rigging, both in the parliamentary elections of 2002, and the presidential elections of 2004. D. Tabachnik – this is a “celestial”, and nobody forced him to vote for Yanukovich or Yushenko. Let him ask the soldiers and prisons wardens, and they will tell him how in 2004 the prison chiefs and chiefs of military districts under the threat of administrative and at times, physical reprisal, forced them to vote for Yanukovich. Surely was this not falsification and vote rigging?! Under Kuchma’s rule, in Ukraine a repugnant form of bourgeois dictatorship was set up in a democratic mask. Elections became pointless. Vote or not to vote – it made no difference – you still get the same thing…. Those one and same faces in power. This is the usual method of rule for countries of the capitalist periphery. We will never have it the way power and rule is formed in the rich countries of the capitalist centre (G-7). Although even there – it is only for show. But the people wanted it namely how it is done there, and Yushenko pledged that, and the people believed him. Naturally, yet again they were deceived. But this was only afterwards. Ukraine, under the influence of the crisis is creeping into an openly fascist dictatorship. The election in Ternopol are confirmation of this. There can be nothing other than this in Ukraine at the moment. Capitalism, you know, the world division of labour…. This once again proves the that primary of the economic fundament – is being, and the secondary of the sub-structure – is consciousness.
Exactly like the stormy uplift at the start of the XX century in the world economy (the notorious prosperity of 1913) led to an inevitable decline, which gave rise to the First World War and a number of socialist revolutions.
Exactly the same stormy uplift in the economy of the USA after the First World War led to the Great Depression – to a world crisis, to the arrival to power of fascists in Europe, the Second World War and once again, a series of national-liberation and socialist revolutions.
I am not going to describe the chronology of the further crises and world social upheavals. I will say only one thing – by 2004, at the end of Kuchma’s rule, the peak of growth of the world economy was reached, after the fall in 1998. Therefore no credit at all goes to either Kuchma, Yanukovich or D. Tabachnik in this growth. These are objective world economic processes. Afterwards, the decline started which grew into a catastrophe and a fall into a chasm, the bottom of which we are observing now. And this catastrophe is worldwide and not just in Ukraine during the times of Yushenko and Timoshenko. The cause of this catastrophe – is capitalism.
Maidan – this is a pitiful, dispurse by the West coup on the wave of real anger of the people and its hatred towards Kuchma. And in the moment of this coup, all the politicians, including Tabachnik knew this attitude of the people all too well. I know the mood if the people of that time in Donbass. The people were ready to take up arms. But Yanukovich understood well that such an uprising against the banker Yushenko could have grown into an uprising against billionaire Akhmetov and his manager Yanukovich, therefore they decided to hand power over to Yushenko with this, understanding that the capital of the billionaires of the East and South of Ukraine under an Orange personage would remain in tact and preserved. And that is what happened. Kuchma and all those close to him knew well that Yushenko and Timoshenko are “fledglings from Kuchma’s nest”. They all knew that although they were of another ideological shade, but for all that they were the same on social-economic criteria, in other words, brothers of the same class.
Maidan – this is a release of steam of the enraged people. Yushenko and his clique betrayed their hopes...
Just as the Provisional government of 1917 in Russia in its epoch, dashed the hopes of the people. Therefore, they overthrew it.
On the thresholds of history remained also “outstanding” ministers and those “philosophers” who badly figured out historical processes. That same fate awaits all the public politicians of Ukraine, starting from 1991.
And in the midst of the crisis, Ukraine awaits only two scenarios of development of events.
1) A collapse of the economy. The start of a class civil war and the victory of socialism under the leadership of qualitatively new political forces.
2) A collapse of the economy, the establishment by the incumbent politicians of a fascist dictatorship. The consequence of this would be the start of a class civil war – then further along the text in point 1 above.
And may the forumers of the newspaper “2000” have no doubt, and together with them and the entire people of Ukraine – that there are such politicians.
One of these two scenarios in any case will be realized. If not now, then later. The first is better than the second – there will be fewer victims.
Our people “at the genetic level” have already been infected with the ideas of socialism. They are dormant at the moment in the depths, but sometime in the future they will tear their way to the surface. In a certain way, we are carriers and preservers of the ideas of communism and social justice to a much larger degree than the ideas of chauvinism and nationalism.
The Ukrainians, like many other peoples on the post-Soviet expanse need to rid themselves of one myth that capitalism can be just and caring in relation to the people, can be honest and selfless, can wish to give something and not grab for themselves.
And one need not be afraid of changes. Our whole life is woven from them. Birth – this is the first revolution in the life of every person.
Andrei Yakovenko, Political prisoner
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