Monday, 1 February 2016


Workers of all countries, unite!




We congratulate Comrade Kim Jong-un on this momentous day and we wish him good health, and the Korean people under his leadership - new successes in the storm peaks in building a prosperous happy socialist state.



Russian Air strikes on extremists positions in Syria has brought significant results, which the same cannot be said in relation to the the actions of the coalition led by the US, said Syrian President Bashar Assad.
"We need to assess, based on the facts. Prior to the operation of the Russian Federation, which was launched about two months ago, the Americans in terms of what they themselves called "the American led coalition," which for over a year has led an air campaign against terrorists. As a result, the terrorists have only captured more territory and recruited more volunteers from around the world, "- he said in an interview with Chinese television. "For the first month of the Russian operation, those very same terrorist groups began a retreat - the president added. - Thousands of terrorists have fled from Syria into Turkey, and after that - into other countries. Some went to Europe, others - into Yemen, and others - into other areas. "
Assad stressed that thanks to the Russian shock "the situation has improved significantly." "Now I can say that our army is moving forward on almost all fronts," - said the Syrian president.

On January 5, 2016 took place the latest hearing at Uzhgorod city district court finally, with the verdict in the case of A.A. Maeyevsky. Prior to that, judge Ferenc A. He convened a meetings on 25, 28, 29, 30 and 31 December. The prosecutor - the charging party and the judge took a long time to reach a consensus on the extent of the defendant's guilt and punishment.
On January 5, finally the judge announced the verdict:
1. Five years in jail together on articles - 110 "for calling for a split of Ukraine", and - 161 "for inciting ethnic hatred."
2. Due to the fact that the accused A. Maeyevsky already served time in jail for over a year, and given the fact that the current law of Ukraine year, this detention equated to two years of imprisonment, the court sentences the defendant A.A. Maeyevsky to three years' probation.
3. Release AA Maeyevsky from custody in the courtroom.

The CC AUCPB very closely followed the progress of the court case of Maeyevsky. It always addressed the question of the legal profession for the defendant (from which Maeyevsky first flatly refused), payment of legal services, to provide financial and other assistance to Maeyevsky. Into the protest movement in defence of Maeyevsky were connected the international communist movement (in the UK, Germany, France, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and others), which at their meetings were in favour of the immediate release Maeyevsky from custody. Similar events were held on the territory of Russia and Belarus.
On part of the leadership of the Central Committee of the AUCPB were used various methods of struggle for the liberation of Maeyevsky including the help of foreign progressive press and Ukrainian leftist publications.
Organizations were constantly making aware and inviting to be present at the court sittings, together with the transfer of food parcels and literature which was done by activist of the left-wing movement in Uzhgorod Nadezhda Boychuk. The CC AUCPB sincerely thank her and her helpers for this work. We are also grateful to Comrade P.M. Tkachev.
CC AUCPB warmly thanks the lawyers in the case of AA Maeyevsky - Comrades M.Yu Temnova, A.R. Esenova, A.M. Kovalenko who were present at the court hearings.
The CC AUCPB expresses sincere gratitude and to comrades of the Workers' Party of Ukraine (ML) – the current activities of the party have been suspended in accordance with the law of Ukraine on de-communisation, members of the Communist Party of Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian Union of Workers, comrades from various human rights organizations, journalists and press photographers local newspapers, who attended the sessions and published in the local press materials about the process in the case of AA Maeyevsky.
The issue of the release of AA Maeyevsky the AUCPB was engaged in by many members from different cities. Their actions were coordinated by the Central Committee of the AUCPB.
Working members of the Ukraine buro of the AUCPB also took an active part in the liberation of AA Maeyevsky.
Huge amounts of intense work by the Central Committee of the AUCPB, as well as mentioned or not referred to in this summary of our supporters and associates, brought its results - Maeyevsky has been released from custody.
13 January 2016.
To the First Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea
The first chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission
Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army
Marshal of the DPRK
Kim Jong Un

Pyongyang, DPRK
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-Un!
On behalf of the Central Committee of the AUCPB, we congratulate you and through you, the heroic Korean people on creating powerful new weapons, weapons for defence and prevention from the global formidable aggressor - US – on the experimental hydrogen bomb based on domestic scientific research and technology.
The possession of atomic and hydrogen bombs and the availability of means of delivery using existing intercontinental ballistic missiles developed and designed by Korean scientists is to cool the ardor of the American hawks to any armed venture against the DPRK. Possession of the hydrogen bomb will reduce substantially the constant tension on the Korean peninsula caused by the actions of both the United States and South Korea's rulers.
We welcome the regular scientific achievements of Korean scientists and engineers to ensure the independence of Korea, increasing the country's defence and peaceful work of the people inspired by the creation of a prosperous socialist state.
N.A. Andreeva
General Secretary of the CC AUCPB
January 6, 2016.

Pyongyang, January 6 (KCNA) -- The DPRK government issued the following statement Wednesday:
There took place a world startling event to be specially recorded in the national history spanning 5 000 years in the exciting period when all service personnel and people of the DPRK are making a giant stride, performing eye-catching miracles and exploits day by day after turning out as one in the all-out charge to bring earlier the final victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche, true to the militant appeal of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).
The first H-bomb test was successfully conducted in Juche Korea at 10:00 on Wednesday, Juche 105 (2016), pursuant to the strategic determination of the WPK.
Through the test conducted with indigenous wisdom, technology and efforts the DPRK fully proved that the technological specifications of the newly developed H-bomb for the purpose of test were accurate and scientifically verified the power of smaller H-bomb.
It was confirmed that the H-bomb test conducted in a safe and perfect manner had no adverse impact on the ecological environment.
The test means a higher stage of the DPRK's development of nuclear force.
By succeeding in the H-bomb test in the most perfect manner to be specially recorded in history the DPRK proudly joined the advanced ranks of nuclear weapons states possessed of even H-bomb and the Korean people came to demonstrate the spirit of the dignified nation equipped with the most powerful nuclear deterrent.
This test is a measure for self-defence the DPRK has taken to firmly protect the sovereignty of the country and the vital right of the nation from the ever-growing nuclear threat and blackmail by the U.S.-led hostile forces and to reliably safeguard the peace on the Korean Peninsula and regional security.
Since the appearance of the word hostility in the world there has been no precedent of such deep-rooted, harsh and persistent policy as the hostile policy the U.S. has pursued towards the DPRK.
The U.S. is a gang of cruel robbers which has worked hard to bring even a nuclear disaster to the DPRK, not content with having imposed the thrice-cursed and unheard-of political isolation, economic blockade and military pressure on it for the mere reason that it has differing ideology and social system and refuses to yield to the former's ambition for aggression.
The Korean Peninsula and its vicinity are turning into the world's biggest hotspot where a nuclear war may break out since they have been constantly stormed with all nuclear strike means of the U.S. imperialist aggressor troops, including nuclear carrier strike group and nuclear strategic flying corps.
While kicking up all forms of economic sanctions and conspiratorial "human rights" racket against the DPRK with mobilization of the hostile forces, the U.S. has made desperate efforts to block its building of a thriving nation and improvement of the people's living standard and "bring down its social system".
The DPRK's access to H-bomb of justice, standing against the U.S., the chieftain of aggression watching for a chance for attack on it with huge nukes of various types, is the legitimate right of a sovereign state for self-defense and a very just step no one can slander.
Genuine peace and security cannot be achieved through humiliating solicitation or compromise at the negotiating table.
The present-day grim reality clearly proves once again the immutable truth that one's destiny should be defended by one's own efforts.
Nothing is more foolish than dropping a hunting gun before herds of ferocious wolves.
The spectacular success made by the DPRK in the H-bomb test this time is a great deed of history, a historic event of the national significance as it surely guarantees the eternal future of the nation.
The DPRK is a genuine peace-loving state which has made all efforts to protect peace on the Korean Peninsula and security in the region from the U.S. vicious nuclear war scenario.
The DPRK, a responsible nuclear weapons state, will neither be the first to use nuclear weapons nor transfer relevant means and technology under any circumstances as already declared as long as the hostile forces for aggression do not encroach upon its sovereignty.
There can neither be suspended nuclear development nor nuclear dismantlement on the part of the DPRK unless the U.S. has rolled back its vicious hostile policy toward the former.
The army and people of the DPRK will steadily escalate its nuclear deterrence of justice both in quality and quantity to reliably guarantee the future of the revolutionary cause of Juche for all ages.
Juche Korea will be prosperous forever as it holds fast to the great WPK's line of simultaneously pushing forward the two fronts.


London 6th of January Juche 104(2015)
The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the Juche Idea Study Group of England(JISGE) and the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) today issued a statement in support of the successful H bomb test by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ;
We heartily congratulate the people,party and government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on the successful test of the H bomb, another product of the self-reliant and Juche-based development of the DPRK. The H bomb test is another powerful blast of Songun ! It is a powerful blast against US imperialism and world imperialism.
This is the 4th nuclear test of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the 1st H bomb test. It means that the DPRK is now on a level playing field with the US imperialists in terms of nuclear weaponry !. The DPRK has joined the elite club of nations,such as the US, UK and Russia, that possess the H bomb.

The H bomb test is a powerful declaration of militant anti-imperialism and a great manifestation of the DPRK's independence . The DPRK has defied not only obvious enemies like the US imperialists but also the big power chauvinists . The H bomb test further strengthens the DPRK's independence by boosting the DPRK's defence capablities expontentially.
Furthermore the H bomb test is a just and correct response to increasing hostility of the US imperialists , the south Korean puppets and their camp followers who have leave no stone unturned in their vicious and nasty efforts to stifle, undermine and destroy the socialist system of the DPRK . The US imperialists have stacked up sanctions against the DPRK and even gone to the unprecedented and extreme(possibly illegal) length of imposing sanctions on DPRK diplomats ! . The US imperialists , their vassals and puppets have also contuined the anti-DPRK human rights campaign and forced the UN to pass anti-DPRK resolutions. This is intolerable and the DPRK is right to make a powerful response to it.
As the statement of the DPRK government says " Genuine peace and security cannot be achieved through humiliating solicitation or compromise at the negotiating table.
The present-day grim reality clearly proves once again the immutable truth that one's destiny should be defended by one's own efforts.
Nothing is more foolish than dropping a hunting gun before herds of ferocious wolves"
This is very true indeed . A nation cannot be defended with empty hands . Force must be met with force. This is the lesson of the great Songun policy of the DPRK ,
No one should try to take issue with the DPRK over the H bomb test it is the sovereign right of the DPRK that no one should challenge. The clamour of the imperialists including the US over the test is a very hypocritical one. The US posseses a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons and has carried out over 1,000 nuclear tests so they have no place to criticise the DPRK.
We believe the H bomb test would be a powerufl inspiration to the people of the DPRK in socialist construction and their struggle against US imperialism.The H bomb test is a powerful inspiration to the world revolutionary people in their struggle against US imperialism for independence as it shows that a country can defy the US and big powers.

Created in late 1922, the Soviet Union - a multinational union of sovereign socialist republics, the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin and Stalin made a great cause unprecedented in the history of mankind. They did not have any examples that they could follow, and had to decide everything for the first time. And they demonstrated themselves fully as prominent theorists and practitioners of state building. They created a sample which formed the basis of communist construction in different countries.
The historical experience of the Bolsheviks post-revolutionary years in the creation of the Soviet Union is our most valuable asset, which will undoubtedly help us modern day Bolsheviks, in addressing the daunting challenges that closely lie ahead - to overcome the effects of the counter-revolution to restore our country - the Soviet Union, to restore the foundation of its power - respect, love, mutual assistance among all now separated Soviet people.
The Bolsheviks October 25, 1917 inherited a difficult legacy. Most recently, it seemed even the monolithic Russian Empire was torn apart by various nationalists for medium, small and tiny parts. Everywhere reigned national enmity. How did the Bolsheviks oppose this? What was their position on the national question on the issue of state-building? The basic principle of the Bolshevik program on the national question is the recognition of the sovereignty and equality of all nations. The Communist Party put forward a clear slogan of the right of peoples to self-determination up to secession. However, as Stalin said: "The question of the right of nations to free secession is not be confused with the question of a nation that must necessarily secede at any given moment. This question is the party of the proletariat must decide in each case completely independently, depending on the situation."
Worldwide – of historical significance was the published over the signatures of Lenin and Stalin "Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia", which declared, among other things "Abolish any and all national and national - religious privileges and restrictions." Next, the III Congress of Soviets in January 1918 adopted the "Declaration of Rights of Working and Exploited People" developed by Lenin and Stalin. Stalin said: "The Russian Federation is a union ... of certain historically evolved territories, each distinguished by a specific manner of life and national composition." Securing the nation - state system of the young Soviet republic was completed at the V All-Russian Congress of Soviets in July 1918, which adopted the first Constitution of the first Soviet state.
National - state building went on in the Soviet Union under difficult conditions. There was the civil war and foreign intervention. The difficulties were enormous. But the masses of the national borderlands resolutely rejected all imposed by their invaders - "the self-determinators" of the bourgeois order. Thus, the peasants of the village of Vrantsi, Chernigov province at its meeting on July 6, 1918 adopted a resolution "Have discussed: the accession to the Russian Republic or Ukraine ... have decided: to fully join the proletariat both the Ukrainian and Russian and to Soviet power, but we do not want to be under the rule of the bourgeoisie Skoropadskiy."
Rapidly increased the consolidation of the newborn Soviet republics. In May 1919, Lenin and Stalin was drawn up the "Draft Directive of the Central Committee on military unity." Following this, on the initiative of the Council of Defence of Lithuania and Belarus in June 1919, a close defensive military alliance of the Soviet republics was formed.
The main and decisive condition for the growth of the unification movement of the peoples was the Leninist - Stalinist national policy of protection of the sovereignty, equality of rights and interests of all peoples.
With the end of civil war, with the transition to a new economic policy came to life a variety of anti-Soviet tendencies in the national question, especially great-power chauvinism and local nationalism. In his report at the X Congress, Stalin showed the danger and harmfulness of both deviations, stressing that the greatest danger at that stage was great-power chauvinism. The congress called for a merciless struggle against both deviations in the national question. At the same time the decisions of the Congress was clearly tasked with the creation of a state Union of Soviet Republics.
A difficult ideological and organizational struggle had to be endured by the Bolsheviks on the question of the formation of the Transcaucasian Federation. Along this way, it was necessary to overcome the fierce resistance of the Caucasian National deviators – and in the first place - Georgia, headed by Mdivani. These people sought by customs barriers to separate the Caucasus and hindered the unification of the armed forces. They issued a decree "On the cordon" forbidding actually living in Georgia those who were not Georgians! All this was accompanied by fierce nationalist propaganda about the "robbery" of the republic by its neighbours. Such were the familiar "propaganda tricks"!
In a year and a half after the X Congress, all the preparatory work in the formation of the Union of the Soviet state had been completed. The most extensive and massive movement for the formation of the USSR was acquired in October 1922. In mid-October, at the III session of the Central Election Commission of Ukraine, the third convocation was issued ruling on a request of deputies of three Ukrainian provinces - Kiev, Kharkov and Donetsk in which he said: "We exist as an independent republic on contractual relations with the Russian Soviet republic; however, these contractual relationships are not fully and clearly enough described and recorded on all issues." In conclusion, the deputies proposed to achieve such a relationship between the Soviet republics, "which should be reduced to the actual unification of all our forces in all directions against the common enemy."
So, overcoming enormous difficulties, the Bolshevik Party confidently and resolutely led the country, and the people who inhabit it, to full consolidation, and completed the signing on December 30, 1922 of the historic Union Treaty that strengthened the creation of a powerful socialist state - the USSR.
In his speech at the I Congress of Soviets of the USSR, Comrade Stalin said: "We Communists are often abused, by claiming that we are unable to build. Let the history of the Soviet government in the five years of its existence serve as proof that the Communists are able to also build. Let today's Congress of the Soviets, called on to approve the Declaration and the Treaty of Union Republics, adopted yesterday by the conference of plenipotentiaries delegations, let this Union Congress demonstrate to all those who have not lost the ability to understand that the Communists are able as well to build the new, as well as good at destroying the old ".

By S.V. Khristenko


We stand for peace and the strengthening of business relations with all countries
The foreign policy of the Soviet Union is clear and explicit.
1. We stand for peace and the strengthening of business relations with all countries. That is our position; and we shall adhere to this position as long as these countries maintain like relations with the Soviet Union, and as long as they make no attempt to trespass on the interests of our country.
2. We stand for peaceful, close and friendly relations with all the neighbouring countries which have common frontiers with the U.S.S.R. That is our position; and we shall adhere to this position as long as these countries maintain like relations with the Soviet Union, and as long as they make no attempt to trespass, directly or indirectly, on the integrity and inviolability of the frontiers of the Soviet state.
3. We stand for the support of nations which are the victims of aggression and are fighting for the independence of their country.
4. We are not afraid of the threats of aggressors, and are ready to deal two blows for every blow delivered by instigators of war who attempt to violate the Soviet borders.
Such is the foreign policy of the Soviet Union.
From the Report on the Work of the Central Committee to the Eighteenth Congress of the C.P.S.U.(B.)
(Delivered March 10, 1939.)
Let the manly images of our great ancestors inspire you in this war!
Comrades, men of the Red Army and Red Navy, commanders and political instructors, men and women guerillas, the whole world is looking to you as the force capable of destroying the plundering hordes of German invaders. The enslaved peoples of Europe who have fallen under the yoke of the German invaders look to you as their liberators. A great liberating mission has fallen to your lot. Be worthy of this mission! The war you are waging is a war of liberation, a just war. Let the manly images of our great ancestors—Alexander Nevsky, Dimitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dimitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov—inspire you in this war! May the victorious banner of the great Lenin be your lodestar!
J. V. Stalin From the Speech at the Red Army Parade
on the Red Square, Moscow

November 7, 1941

The threat of war threat imperatively imposes the necessity of joint action upon the members of the coalition in order to save mankind from reverting to savagery and mediæval brutality.
It is said that the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition has every chance of winning and would certainly win, if it did not have one organic defect which is capable of weakening and disintegrating it. This defect, in the opinion of these people is that this coalition consists of heterogeneous elements with different ideologies and that this circumstance will prevent their organizing joint action against the common enemy.
I think that this assertion is incorrect.
It would be ridiculous to deny the difference in the ideologies and social systems of the countries composing the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition. But does this preclude the possibility and expediency of joint action on the part of the members of this coalition against the common enemy who holds out the threat of enslavement for them? It certainly does not preclude it. More than that, the existence of this threat imperatively imposes the necessity of joint action upon the members of the coalition in order to save mankind from reverting to savagery and mediæval brutality. Is not the programme of action of the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition a sufficient basis for the organization of the joint struggle against Hitlerite tyranny and for the achievement of victory over it? I think that it is quite sufficient.

J.V. Stalin
Taken from the Speech at Celebration Meeting
of the Moscow Soviet of Working People’s Deputies
and Moscow Party and Public Organizations

November 6, 1942
The dissolution of the Communist International is proper and timely because it facilitates the organization of the common onslaught of all freedom-loving nations against the common enemy—Hitlerism.
It facilitates the work of patriots of all countries for uniting the progressive forces of their respective countries, regardless of party or religious faith, into a single camp of national liberation—for unfolding the struggle against fascism It facilitates the work of patriots of all countries for uniting all freedom-loving peoples into a single international camp for the fight against the menace of world domination by Hitlerism, thus clearing the way for the future organization of a companionship of nations based upon their equality. I think that all these circumstances taken together will result in a further strengthening of the United Front of the Allies and other united nations in their fight for victory over Hitlerite tyranny.

J. V. Stalin from The Dissolution of the Communist International
Answer to Reuter’s Correspondent
May 28, 1943


The strength of Soviet patriotism lies on the peoples’ profound loyalty and devotion to their Soviet Motherland

The labour of Soviet people in the rear, like the immortal deeds of our soldiers at the front, are rooted in the fervent exploits and life-giving spirit of Soviet patriotism.
The strength of Soviet patriotism lies in the fact that it is based not on racial or nationalistic prejudices, but on the peoples’ profound loyalty and devotion to their Soviet Motherland, on the fraternal partnership of the working people of all the nationalities in our country. Soviet patriotism harmoniously combines the national traditions of the peoples and the common vital interests of all the working people of the Soviet Union. Far from dividing them, Soviet patriotism welds all the nations and peoples of our country into a single fraternal family. This should be regarded as the basis of the inviolable friendship of the peoples of the Soviet Union which is growing ever stronger. At the same time the peoples of the U.S.S.R. respect the rights and independence of the peoples of foreign countries and have always shown themselves willing to live in peace and friendship with neighbouring states.

J. V. Stalin from the Speech at Celebration Meeting
of the Moscow Soviet of Working People’s Deputies
and Moscow Party and Public Organizations

November 6, 1944

The task is to now make another war impossible to start
To win the war against Germany is to accomplish a great historic task. But to win the war does not in itself mean to ensure for the peoples a lasting peace and guaranteed security in the future. The task is not only to win the war but also to make new aggression and new war impossible—if not for ever, then at least for a long time to come.

J. V. Stalin from the Speech at Celebration Meeting
of the Moscow Soviet of Working People’s Deputies
and Moscow Party and Public Organizations

November 6, 1944

The Russian people is the most outstanding nation of all the nations forming the Soviet Union

COMRADES! Permit me to propose one more, last toast.
I should like to propose a toast to the health of our Soviet people, and in the first place, the Russian people. (Loud and prolonged applause and shouts of “Hurrah.”)
I drink in the first place to the health of the Russian people because it is the most outstanding nation of all the nations forming the Soviet Union.
I propose a toast to the health of the Russian people because it has won in this war universal recognition as the leading force of the Soviet Union among all the peoples of our country.
I propose a toast to the health of the Russian people not only because it is the leading people, but also because it possesses a clear mind, a staunch character, and patience.
Our Government made not a few errors, we experienced at moments a desperate situation in 1941-1942, when our Army was retreating, abandoning our own villages and towns of the Ukraine, Byelorussia, Moldavia, the Leningrad Region, the Baltic area and the Karelo-Finnish Republic, abandoning them because there was no other way out. A different people could have said to the Government: “You have failed to justify our expectations. Go away. We shall install another government which will conclude peace with Germany and assure us a quiet life.” The Russian people, however, did not take this path because it trusted the correctness of the policy of its Government, and it made sacrifices to ensure the rout of Germany. This confidence of the Russian people in the Soviet Government proved to be that decisive force which ensured the historic victory over the enemy of humanity—over fascism.
Thanks to it, to the Russian people, for this confidence!
To the health of the Russian people!

J. V. Stalin - Toast to the Russian People at a Reception in Honour of Red Army Commanders Given by the Soviet Government in the Kremlin on Thursday, May 24, 1945

May 24, 1945

The defeat of the Russian troops in 1904 during the Russo-Japanese War left bitter memories in the minds of our people

Japan commenced her aggression against our country as far back as 1904,during the Russo -Japanese War. As we know, in February 1904, when negotiations between Japan and Russia were still proceeding, Japan, taking advantage of the weakness of the tsarist government, suddenly and perfidiously, without declaring war, fell upon our country and attacked the Russian fleet in the region of Port Arthur with the object of putting a number of Russian warships out of action and thereby creating an advantageous position for her fleet. She did, indeed, put out of action three Russian first-class warships. It is characteristic that 37 years later Japan played exactly the same perfidious trick against the United States when, in 1941, she attacked the United States naval base in Pearl Harbour and put a number of American battleships out of action. As we know, in the war against Japan, Russia was defeated. Japan took advantage of the defeat of tsarist Russia to seize from Russia the southern part of Sakhalin and establish herself on the Kuril Islands, thereby putting the lock on all our country's outlets to the ocean in the East, which meant also all outlets to the ports of Sovfet Kamchatka and Soviet Chukotka. It was obvious that Japan was aiming to deprive Russia of the whole of her Far East.But this does not exhaust the list of Japan's aggressive operations against our country. In 1918, after the Soviet system was established in our country, Japan, taking advantage of the hostility then displayed towards the Land of the Soviets by Great Britain, France and the United States, and leaning upon them, again attacked our country, occupied the Far East and for four years tormented our people and looted the Soviet Far East.

Nor is this all. In 1938 Japan attacked our country again, in the region of Lake Hasan, near Vladivostok, with the object of surrounding Vladivostok; and in the following year Japan repeated her attack in another place, in the region of the Mongolian People's Republic, near Khalkin-gol, with the object of breaking into Soviet territory, severing our Siberian Railway and cutting off the Far East from Russia.

J. V. Stalin
Stalin's address to the people
September 2, 1945

Unlike the First World War, the Second World War against the Axis states from the very outset assumed the character of an anti-fascist war, a war of liberation

Thus the First World War (1914-18) was the result of the first crisis of the capitalist system of world economy, and the Second World War (1939-45) was the result of a second crisis.
That does not mean of course that the Second World War is a copy of the first. On the contrary, the Second World War differs materially from the first in character. It must be borne in mind that before attacking the Allied countries the principal fascist states—Germany, Japan, and Italy—destroyed the last vestiges of bourgeois-democratic liberties at home, established a brutal terrorist regime in their own countries, rode roughshod over the principles of sovereignty and free development of small countries, proclaimed a policy of seizure of alien territories as their own policy, and declared for all to hear that they were out for world domination and the establishment of a fascist regime throughout the world.
Moreover, by the seizure of Czechoslovakia and of the central areas of China, the Axis states showed that they were prepared to carry out their threat of enslaving all freedom-loving nations. In view of this, unlike the First World War, the Second World War against the Axis states from the very outset assumed the character of an anti-fascist war, a war of liberation, one aim of which was also the restoration of democratic liberties. The entry of the Soviet Union into the war against the Axis states could only enhance, and indeed did enhance, the anti-fascist and liberation character of the Second World War.
It was on this basis that the anti-fascist coalition of the Soviet Union, the United States of America, Great Britain, and other freedom-loving states came into being—a coalition which subsequently played a decisive part in defeating the armed forces of the Axis states.
J. V. Stalin from the Origin and Character of the Second World War
February 9, 1946

The growth of the influence of the Communists cannot be regarded as fortuitous. It is a perfectly legitimate phenomenon.
The influence of the Communists has grown because in the hard years of fascist domination in Europe, the Communists proved reliable, courageous, self-sacrificing fighters against the fascist regime, for the freedom of the peoples.
Interview with “Pravda” Correspondent On Churchill’s Speech at Fulton
March 13, 1946

The peoples of the world do not wish a repetition of the calamities of war. They fight persistently for the strengthening of peace and security
The smash-up and liquidation of the main hotbeds of fascism and world aggression resulted in deep changes in the political life of the peoples of the world, in a wide growth of the democratic movement among the peoples.
Taught by the experience of war, the popular masses realized that the destinies of states cannot be entrusted to reactionary leaders, who pursue the narrow caste and selfish anti-popular aims. It is for this reason that peoples who no longer wish to live in the old way take the destinies of their own states into their own hands, establish democratic order, and carry on an active struggle against the forces of reaction, against instigators of a new war. The peoples of the world do not wish a repetition of the calamities of war. They fight persistently for the strengthening of peace and security.

J. V. Stalin - The People Do Not Want War
Order of the Day to the Red Army
May 1, 1946

In recent times a dangerous tendency is apparently discerned in a number of literary works emanating under the pernicious influence of the west in decay and brought into life by the subversive activity of foreign intelligence.
Frequently in the pages of Soviet literary journals works are found where the Soviet people, builders of communism are shown in a pathetic and ludicrous form. The positive hero is derided and inferiority before all things foreign and cosmopolitanism, so characteristic of the political leftovers, is applauded. In the theatre repertoire Soviet plays are being pushed aside by disgraceful plays of foreign bourgeois authors.
In the films petty themes dominate and they distort the heroic history of the valiant Russian people.
While talking about the future development of Soviet art and literature it must be taken into consideration that it is developing in a condition of an unprecedented secret war, a war that has been unleashed on us and our art and literature by the world imperialist circles. The job of foreign agents in our country is to penetrate Soviet organizations dealing with culture, to capture the editorships of major newspapers and journals, to influence decisively the repertoire of theatres and movies and in the publication of fiction and poetry. To stop by any means the publication of revolutionary works which awaken patriotism and lead the Soviet people towards creating communism. They support and publish works where the failure of communism is preached. They are ecstatic in their support and propaganda of the capitalist method of production and the bourgeois life style.
At the same time foreign agents are asked to popularise in art and literature the feelings of pessimism, decadence and demoralisation
J.V. Stalin from the Discussion in the Meeting with the Creative Intellectuals

Russia, Soviet Russia – is our Motherland
The services which Moscow has rendered are not only that it thrice in the course of the history of our country liberated her from foreign oppression - from the Mongolian yoke, from Polish-Lithuanian invasion and from French incursion. The service Moscow rendered is primarily that it became the basis for uniting disunited Russia into a single state, with a single government and a single leadership. No country in the world can count on preserving its independence, on real economic and cultural growth, if it has not succeeded in liberating itself from feudal disunity and strife among princes. Only a country which is united in a single, centralized state can count on the possibility of real cultural and economic growth, on the possibility of firmly establishing its independence. The historic service which Moscow rendered is that it has been and remains the basis and the initiator in the creation of a centralized state in Russia.
But this is not the only service that Moscow has rendered our country. After Moscow, by the will of our great Lenin, was again proclaimed the capial of our country, it became the banner bearer of the new, Soviet epoch.

J. V. Stalin from Greetings Message to Moscow
8 September, 1947

A broad campaign for the holding of peace, as a way of exposing the criminal machinations of the arsonists of war, is of prime importance.
Question. Do you hold a new world war to be unavoidable?

Answer. No. At least, one can, at present, hold it to be not unavoidable.
Of course, in the United States of America, in England and also in France, there are aggressive powers that long for a new war. .They need war to achieve super-profits and to plunder other countries. These are the billionaires and millionaires that regard war as a fountain of revenue, that brings colossal profits.
They, the aggressive powers, hold the reactionary governments in their hands and guide them. But at the same time they are afraid of their people who do not want a new war and are for the keeping of peace. Therefore they take the trouble of using the reactionary governments to ensnare their people with lies, to deceive them, to represent a new war as a war of defence, and the peaceful politics of peace-loving countries as aggressive. They take the trouble to deceive the people, to force them and draw them into a new war with their aggressive plans.
They therefore even fear the campaign for the defence of peace, they fear that this campaign would expose the aggressive intentions of the reactionary governments.
They therefore even oppose the proposals of the Soviet Union on the conclusion of a peace treaty, on the limitation of armaments and on the forbidding of atomic weapons; they fear that the acceptance of these proposals would frustrate the aggressive measures of the reactionary governments and render the arms race unnecessary.
Where will all this struggle between the aggressive and the peace-loving powers end?
Peace will be kept and strengthened if the people take the holding of peace into their own hands and defend it to the utmost. War could be unavoidable if the arsonists of war succeed in trapping the masses with their lies, in deceiving them and in drawing them into a new war.
Now, therefore, a broad campaign for the holding of peace, as a way of exposing the criminal machinations of the arsonists of war, is of prime importance.
As far as the Soviet Union is concerned, it will continue to carry through the politics of preventing war and keeping peace.
J. V. Stalin - from the Interview with a "Pravda" Correspondent
17 February, 1951

To eliminate the inevitability of war, it is necessary to abolish imperialism.

It is said that Lenin's thesis that imperialism inevitably generates war must now be regarded as obsolete, since powerful popular forces have come forward today in defence of peace and against another world war. That is not true.
The object of the present-day peace movement is to rouse the masses of the people to fight for the preservation of peace and for the prevention of another world war. Consequently, the aim of this movement is not to overthrow capitalism and establish socialism - it confines itself to the democratic aim of preserving peace. In this respect, the present-day peace movement differs from the movement of the time of the First World War for the conversion of the imperialist war into civil war, since the latter movement went farther and pursued socialist aims.
It is possible that in a definite conjuncture of circumstances the fight for peace will develop here or there into a fight for socialism. But then it will no longer be the present-day peace movement; it will be a movement for the overthrow of capitalism.

What is most likely is that the present-day peace movement, as a movement for the preservation of peace, will, if it succeeds, result in preventing a particular war, in its temporary postponement, in the temporary preservation of a particular peace, in the resignation of a bellicose government and its supersession by another that is prepared temporarily to keep the peace. That, of course, will be good. Even very good. But, all the same, it will not be enough to eliminate the inevitability of wars between capitalist countries generally. It will not be enough, because, for all the successes of the peace movement, imperialism will remain, continue in force - and, consequently, the inevitability of wars will also continue in force.
To eliminate the inevitability of war, it is necessary to abolish imperialism.

Joseph Stalin
Economic Problems of the USSR - 1951
From ch 6. Inevitability of Wars Between Capitalist Countries

Communists must be patriots of their Motherland, become the leading force of the nation, and carry the banner of national independance

Earlier, the bourgeoisie, as the heads of nations, were for the rights and independence of nations and put that "above all." Now there is no trace left of this "national principle." Now the bourgeoisie sell the rights and independence of their nations for dollars. The banner of national independence and national sovereignty has been thrown overboard. Without doubt, you, the representatives of the communist and democratic parties must raise this banner and carry it forward if you want to be patriots of your countries, if you want to be the leading powers of the nations. There is nobody else to raise it.
J. V. Stalin from the Speech of the 19th Party Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
14 October, 1952

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