Is it possible to build communism? Interview by N.A. Andreeva to Russian newspaper Argumenti i Fakti "AIF" in connection with the 75th anniversary edition of the newspaper
Corr. "AIF": Is it possible to build communism?
N.A. - Of course you can! After all, communism is the objective course of human development. According to Marx, all previous formations is only pre-history and the history of humanity begins with communism, of course, through a transitional period - socialism. Capitalism today is completely exhausted and has brought humanity to the brink of self-destruction. This is evidenced by the global systemic crisis: the global economic crisis (unemployment in European countries increased for too long and in some places over 20% and even 50 percent, with falling production, working mainly for the war. The market as the basis of capitalist production has been exhausted completely. Overproduction of goods - the inability of the population of highly developed European countries with one a billion population to consume what is produced, with abject poverty, hunger, epidemics and lack of livelihood and so forth, among the other nearly seven billion people.)
The global political crisis (Existing system of world order and way of life is no longer valid - the UN Security Council. Etc.);
The global environmental crisis (a result of man-made activities of mankind), and as a result of all is the deepest crisis of the human person - the preaching of same-sex marriage as a norm of behavior rather than illness or perversion, leading to the extinction of humanity, the preaching of violence, cruelty and pornography.
Why is communism the future of humanity? Because communism (its first transition phase is socialism) best reflects the universal values - ethics, morality, Christian precepts, etc., and human interests - harmony with nature, the absence of war (war - an unavoidable aspect of capitalism) international friendship of peoples, etc.
The historic mission of Russia –is to go ahead of the rest - to lead the process of transition to a new formation. Why us? We have a rich experience of building socialism, not perverted opportunism and revisionism of Khrushchev and his followers. Victory in the Great Patriotic War, won thanks to socialism. International friendship of peoples in a multinational country.
Today there is a social explosion in Russian society because of the low standard of living of the majority of the population, mass unemployment due to the collapse of the industry, the poor state of health, the collapse of the system of education, science, and very low wages of the general population (10-15 thousand rubles a month), that is just not enough for life, not to mention the organization of a young family. Wages that do not allow for a normal life and not suffer because of the inability to acquire adequate food, clothing, etc. More than half of Russia's population live below the poverty line - according to sociological research. A trip abroad, of whom you talk about amounts to a tiny fraction of the population, which revolves around so-called business - a typical spec (small and medium business), do not create wealth for society and only fleece the consumer, and the service staff is very swollen in the number of criminals and corrupt officials in all sectors of the economy and politics. Advertising by the mass media about holidays abroad is nothing more than an echo from an empty barrel.
Today in Russia the conditions for a radical change in the social system is not yet ripe (subjective factor) because the people have not yet matured. They are still being duped, drugged. They have been transformed into a state where no one understands, and noone want to understand. That is, they have been brought to a state of frenzy, and stupidity, that besides a feeding bowl under their nose, they see nothing. If the people are brought to such a state, they cannot think about politics. We are now in roughly that situation.
But it will soon be over. Is a difficult, but with the acceleration of an understanding of what happened and why, and what to do it can be done.
There is a fundamental change in the relationship to Joseph Stalin - the organizer of the successful building of socialism in the Soviet Union, and thus to SOCIALISM as such.
August 13, 2013.
Some additions to the author's interview with "AIF"
Great harm to the political maturation of the people has been done by the obviously useless to the cause of socialism role of the pacifier – the participation in election campaigns. These campaigns spent a lot of effort and energy to the masses, and the result is known to be zero for the people in the long run and only the personal enrichment of the "communist" or "people's" representatives, passing through the election of a paying service to the regime, and even for various fraudulent actions for personal purposes. "Communistic" MPs who have reached the coveted chair of the Duma, as a rule, lost, or they have been simply kicked out of parliament.
For the passage of power through elections the party leaders do everything to fit their programs to the requirements of the ruling power and by deception of the people have never implemented in practice their pre-election promises. This leads to the dismay of the population and a missed opportunity to change something for the better, which then leads to apathy, and absorbs the energy of the masses. The dream of changing lives for the better through the election campaign is a dead-end path, and always losing, as demonstrated by life itself.
Therefore we Bolsheviks invite all "voters" to put an end to engaging in the participation in empty elections, and to not believe the deliberately deceptive beautiful assurances and promises of the candidates for their own prestigious places in the government, and to take on the real deal ...
Nina Alexandrovna Andreeva
General Secretary of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (CC AUCPB)
On 5 August 2013 after a long and serious illness Comrade Vladimir Houhlyantsev (D.I.Izyumov) passed away. His farewell was held on August 14 in St. Petersburg.
V.I. Houhlyantsev in the AUCPB column during the laying of wreaths at the monument to the Motherland on Piskarevskoe Memorial Cemetery (Leningrad, May 9, 2010).
Vladimir Ivanovich was born on 20 February 1947. His childhood and youth were held in Western Belarus (Brest), where he graduated from high school. After leaving school he worked in Brest in several fields in search of his calling.
In 1968 he enrolled in the Higher Naval Submarine School Lenin Komsomol (Leningrad). He graduated from college with honors. He was sent to serve in the Northern Fleet. His entire service was held on nuclear submarines (more than 15 years of continuous service), and commanded a missile warhead submarine. He tested the latest Soviet submarine equipment, and was leading engineer. The last 4 years of service, he held in Leningrad. He has government awards and retired with the rank of Captain 3rd Rank. A veteran of military service – of 36 years seniority.
By vocation he entered the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and was active in it. With his deep knowledge in various fields, including - of military science, he produced a lot of material on the history of the Great Patriotic War. The last 10 years he was the assistant general secretary of the AUCPB.
In September and October 1993, V.I. Houhlyantsev was the commander of the Leningrad militia who stood up to defend the foundations of Soviet power, which was then, in 1993, the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. But, as it turned out, the leaders of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR were more afraid of their own defenders, the militia, who arrived in Moscow from different regions of the country than Yeltsin. (Arriving to defend the Supreme Soviet in September 1993, they were called "the regiment of the Supreme Soviet".) Refusing to issue its defenders with weapons ("minister of defense" was Colonel-General ACHALOV officially in charge of Regiment of the Supreme Soviet), the leaders condemned them to the Yeltsin security forces shooting. Then, in the tragic events of 1993, Soviet officer V.I. Houhlyantsev accomplished the feat by taking only right decision in the circumstances - to withdraw his unarmed militia from the encirclement of the building of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, which he did. He saved people from needless deaths. Those defenders who stayed in the building after the assault were shot by Yeltsinites.
Vladimir Ivanovich had fine human qualities. He had surprising modesty, unwavering loyalty once and for all the chosen of life-communist principles, loyalty and sworn oath of allegiance to Soviet power and the Soviet people. He was distinguished by respect for his comrades not only in the party but to all who knew him, and had great respect by them.
Into the CC of the AUCPB in connection with the death of Vladimir Ivanovich arrived received many telegrams from the Regional Bureaus of the Central Committee of the AUCPB, the Youth Bureau of the Central Committee of AUCPB, the AUCPB party organizations of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, from socio-political organizations of the communist orientation, from former militiamen, from his friends and social networks and individual citizens who knew him, with an expression of deep condolence to colleagues, family and friends of Vladimir Ivanovich.
In bright memory of Vladimir Ivanovich Houhlyantseve - Soviet officer, Communist-Bolshevik, active fighter for Soviet power, for the revival of the Soviet Union preserved in our hearts.
On August 15, 1945 under the leadership of Comrade Kim Il Sung, Korea was liberated from Japanese rule. By that date, the Korean people had marched four long hard decades. The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, at age 13 leaving his homeland groaning under the yoke of the Japanese, vowed to go back to a liberated Korea. The future great commander Kim Il Sung (childhood Song Ju Kim) grew up in a family of revolutionaries, and from early childhood absorbed the ideas of the struggle for the liberation of Korea. All the years of his youthful life in exile were years of active preparation for major revolutionary activities and the struggle for the liberation of his beloved homeland. In 1930, he created the first armed organization, made up of Korean communists – a political and guerrilla organization to prepare for the deployment of the anti-Japanese armed struggle. On April 25, 1932, the first armed forces of the people were set up on a permanent basis - the Korean People's Revolutionary Army. Kim Il Sung became its commander.
Arch of Triumph in Pyongyang - the symbol of victory in the fight against the Japanese invaders
On May 5, 1936, Kim Il Sung created the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland - the organization of an anti-Japanese national united front and was elected its Chairman. In the second half of the 30s, Kim Il Sung created the Paektusan guerrilla base (area of Mount Paektu) – the operational base for the development of the Korean revolution to expand nationwide anti-Japanese national liberation struggle.
The entire anti-Japanese struggle was overcoming unprecedented difficulties: hiking in southern and northern Manchuria, a hard campaign ... In this struggle, he formed the backbone of the future revolutionary Workers' Party of Korea.
Comrade Kim Il Sung kept his oath. The tense military and revolutionary struggle ended in a great victory and the great triumph of national liberation. In memory of the greatness of the Victory in the centre of Pyongyang a monument was erected – the Arch of Triumph, which resembles the modern generation of the heroism of those who freed the country from Japanese colonial rule and opened the pages of modern history of Korea - a free and independent country, its people proudly and enthusiastically building their own prosperous socialist future.
Our Party congratulates our Korean friends on the 68 anniversary of the liberation of the country. We wish the people of the DPRK great strides towards building a prosperous socialist nation.
On the occasion of this significant date in the name of the First Secretary of the WPK Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the AUCPB comrade N.A. Andreeva sent a congratulatory telegram to Pyongyang.
More than half a century later, and Cuba is sticking to its guns and adhering to the socialist path and its Commander. "Everything can be bought for money except the souls of people who will not be brought to their knees (Fidel Castro).
Despite the brutal economic blockade by the imperialist United States, regular terrorist attacks and threats, Cuba remains a beacon of socialist transformation of the whole of Latin America.
Fidel Castro has survived 638 assassination attempts. This is some record. He is still willing, but is monitoring the situation in the world, actively and fruitfully.
We congratulate Comrade Fidel Castro on his birthday and wish him good health, long life, courage, and success in work for the good of the motherland.
We believe that the Cuban people under the wise leadership of Fidel and Raul Castro remain faithful to the revolutionary traditions established in the storming of the Moncada barracks.
To Member of Parliament of the Republic of Cuba
Legendary Commander
Comrade Fidel Castro Ruz
Havana, Republic of Cuba
Dear Comrade Fidel Castro!
On behalf of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (CC AUCPB) and myself, I cordially congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you, Dear Comrade Fidel Castro, YOU, the legendary Commander, good health and a long fruitful years of active life for the benefit of the Cuban people and the struggle of the peoples of the world against the threat hanging over mankind OF World War III.
The victory of the Cuban Revolution, which was headed by YOU and Raul Castro lit a bright torch, heralded the beginning of the liberation of the peoples of Latin America from colonialism, enslavement and plunder of the American national natural resources in other continents. Today in Latin America, and not only there, studying the experience of the Cuban revolution and the building of a new society, more countries are fighting for their independence and won in a fierce battle with the colonizers of the XXI century.
Dear Comrade Fidel Castro! Please accept my sincere wishes for success to you and to the Cuban people to build a free socialist society.
General Secretary of the Central Committee of the AUCPB
Kirishsky bakery workers stage rally
More than 200 workers gathered into a rally against cuts and closure of the bakery and confectionery production at JSC "Kirishsky Bakery" (Leningrad region). About 5 years ago it was bought by the German company Lorenz Sneck-World, which decided this year to reshape it for production of snacks. The result will be about 100 people laid off (two thirds of the state enterprise), formerly employed at the bakery and confectionery industries.
Company employees from 15 companies and organizations inn Kirishsky district, including employees at Kirishskaya TPP came along to support their comrades.
At the end of the rally, a resolution was adopted with the demand to keep their bread - bakery production at the plant, among guaranteeing stable low grain prices in the area.
Cruise ship crew strike in Moscow
About 80 passengers were not able to take a trip by boat from Moscow. The ship was to sail to Solovki on July 22.
The reason for the delay was due to a strike, announced by the sailors. According to them, the CEO for three months has not paid any wages.
The double-decked ship had 12 days to travel to Russia - into St. Petersburg, Valaam and back to Solovki.
Yakut drivers protest
On July 30, labor activists took to the picket line at the company's headquarters "JAkutugol" in Moscow. On 10 July, another 220 representatives of labor collectives of convoys number 1, 2 and 4 of ATA held a general meeting, putting forward economic demands to the management. The transport ATA - is one of the largest branches "JAkutugol" (employing more than a thousand people), and engaged in transportation at the coal mine "Neryungrinsky."
Trade unionist Urusov in an interview with the newspaper "Sobesednik", described the working conditions in the region: "In winter, the temperature in the pit falls to minus 72 degrees, with heavy-duty truck frames bursting from the cold. There are serious consequences for health from the fumes and heavy water, which contains the entire periodic table. Year of work in that job is causing irreparable damage to the health of workers. "
When inflated plans (drivers work even during breaks with serious traffic accidents), drivers of heavy trucks now get wages of only 40-50 thousand rubles, which is to the North with its harsh climate and a decent living wage - actually amounts to dole money.
However, a protest on July 24 under the windows of the office building "JAkutugol" in Neryungri brought no results - no one even came out from the management of the company to the workers.
It is known that Neryungrinsky "JAkutugol" belongs to JSC "Mechel" oligarch Igor Zyuzin, who bought the company from the state in 2007. Prior to privatization, wages of local workers was regularly increased, but since 2008 the growth stopped, and in 2012, salaries began to fall (on average, by 10 thousand). However, in this case, the financial state of the billionaire has increased several times.
A sit-in at "Benteler"
Automotive workers at the Benteler plant in Kaluga southwest of Moscow went on strike on Thursday night demanding higher wages, a trade union spokesman said.
“Now more than 50 workers are on strike at the factory and another 50 from other plants in Kaluga have arrived to support their colleagues at the plant entrance,” said Dmitry Kozhnev, the Kaluga coordinator of the inter-regional car industry trade unions.
The plant workers are demanding wages equal to their conterparts at the neighboring Volkswagen plant, which receives Benteler-made car components. The Benteler Automotive managers were not immediately available for comment.
Riot police have arrived at the scene but are watching from a distance, Kozhnev added.
“I’ve been politely warned that police might start arresting people,” Kozhnev said.
The strike committee wants collective negotiations. The plant managers are now discussing the possibility of the talks.
Benteler said it would not be providing information to the media during the strike.
The head of the Kaluga branch of the independent trade union federation, Vladimir Grechaninov, arrived at the factory earlier in an effort to persuade the workers to give up the strike, the inter-regional car industry trade unions said on its website .
The plant workers refused to stop their action and said they would continue until the company's managers sit down to the negotiating table.
Benteler Automotive is a car parts division of the Austria-based Benteler International AG, one of the largest independent automotive suppliers. It employs 24,000 people in 38 countries.
Textile workers in Georgia held a protest
Workers at a textile factory in Khelvachauri recently staged a protest. They demanded higher wages and extra pay for weekend work on Saturday and Sunday.
The company's administration held four hour talks with workers behind closed doors. Patrol police and local security were mobilized on the site. Journalists at the factory are not allowed to enter. The lawyer at "Batumi textile" called the action illegal.
The strikers' demands were not met, said General Manager of Tuilin Dzhambulgu. According to him, this year the company's employees salaries have increased by about 20 percent, and as for Saturdays, this issue is being discussed and will be announced.
From Ed.: What kind of non-compliance with the demands of the strikers in this case, is it? The workers do not interfere with the administration to punish factories for bestial attitudes towards workers.
Employees of the chemical giant "Nairit" held a protest in front of the government building, demanding pay arrears for a year.
The action was attended by about 500 workers. The Armenian government decided to pay the debt for two months, which did not satisfy the protesters, and they in procession marched to the presidential residence.
Workers of "Nairit" were received by the head of the presidential administration Vigen Sargsyan and were promised almost the same as that of the government. We recall that similar events are held periodically, the protesters are paid a salary for several months and then arrears all over again in a new circle.
In the Romanian capital of the state company workers went on strike at «CFR Marfa» / rail freight /.
Several thousand workers came marched to the government headquarters with demands to stop cutting staff and provide a decent wage. The demonstrators brought the slogans "We want to work", "Down with the thieves," "Down with privatization."
The workers have warned that if their demands are not met, they will start a general strike to demand the resignation of the government.
Working Turkish subsidiary of OJSC "MMK" on strike
Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (OJSC MMK) has reported that the strike organised by the Turkish Trade Union Organization at its Turkish subsidiary has officially ended.
The parties have agreed that the disputed issues, including salary and fringe benefits, will become part of the collective labour Agreement.
The company's production lines in Turkey are currently being put back into regular operation.
Overview prepared by the Department of the Central Committee of the AUCPB relations with the workers’ and the trade union movement
We Are Tireless Fighters for Life
Ramón Labañino expressed this in a message spread through the International Committee for the release of the Cuban Five, apropos of René Gonzalez’ 57th birthday.
By: Juventud Rebelde
WASHINGTON, August 14.- Our tireless fight for life is the best way we have for celebrating dates said Ramón Labañino, one of the Cuban Five convicted unjustly to long sentences in the US for fighting terrorism.
Labañino, who is serving a 30-year sentence in a jail in Kentucky, sent a message spread today through the International Committee for the Release of the Cuban Five, on the occasion of René González’ birthday, on August 13.
The text highlights that the Cuban Five, as Labañino, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and René González Sehewerert are universally known, will always be committed to the struggle for a better world, and for peace.
He also expressed his hope for their return to Cuba, in freedom and surrounded by all their relatives, their people together with brothers and sisters from different parts of the world. “I’m sure it will be a memorable day”, he added.
Labañino confirmed his joy for René who is in Cuba, where he is celebrating “a new year of life and struggle.”
René González arrived in Cuba last April 22 with a permit from the US authorities to attend the honours in memory of his late father who died that very month.
Once in Cuba he presented a motion to be allowed to stay in Cuba with his family, in exchange for the waiver of his US citizenship, approved by the judge from the Southern Florida district Joan Lenard. González Sehewerert had left the prison in October 2011 after serving an unjust sentence and as an additional penalty he passed to the regime of supervised released in the US territory.
The Cuban Five were arrested in Miami on September 12, 1998 while monitoring terrorist groups of Cuban origin based there, operating against Cuba with full immunity for more than 50 years.
A UN panel on May 2005 came to the conclusion that these men’s arrest was illegal and arbitrary; however the White House has done nothing for their release.
Translated by ESTI
FARC-EP Demands Social Control of Mass Media
President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos begins his last year of office confident that he will achieve peace
By: Yailé Balloqui Bonzón
The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia- People’s Army (FARC-EP) released Wednesday a new group of minimal proposals aimed at the democratization of information and the mass media in a future scenario of peace in the South American nation.
The rebel group proposes the decentralization of the control of the big media monopolies run by the economic powers and the strengthening of state-run media; it also calls for funding for alternative and community media; as well as the promotion of culture, education and recreation through mass media outlets.
The FARC-EP also demands the right to truthful and timely information without prejudice to the freedom of speech and with right to reply as well as the democratization of the radio spectrum in Colombia, in favour of the opposition and the social media.
Another proposal suggests that the less privileged groups of the population can have access to the new technologies. They also call for an improvement of the working conditions of the mass media workers.
They promote in particular a special program of information and communication that favours social justice and reconciliation targeted to all the citizens. This project will be essentially aimed to spread and explain the agreements stemming from the table of dialogues.
A few days before, the FARC-EP also proposed the State fund the implementation of their mass media, namely a newspaper, a magazine, a radio station and a television network.
On Wednesday, Colombia President Juan Manuel Santos started his fourth years in office. In his speech commemorating his last year in office, he criticized the opposition who discredits the achievements of his Government and the peace negotiations with the guerrilla of the FARC-EP.
In this sense, he lamented that there are some people who prefer more years of pain and death over peace in a clear reference to his predecessor Álvaro Uribe, who has prevailed as a strong opponent to the dialogues and has become a major opponent of his Government.
Without admitting or denying whether he would seek a second term as president, Juan Manuel Santos said he was confident that the administration that succeeds him in 2014 will go on with the policies of his Government.
Translated by ESTI
U.S.-S. Korea War Exercises Slammed
Pyongyang, August 29 (KCNA) -- The National Peace Committee of Korea spokesman issued the following statement Thursday:
Recently the situation on the Korean Peninsula has turned to the road of detente from that of confrontation. This was thanks to the initiative measures taken by the DPRK for the improvement of the north-south ties and the peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and the sincere efforts made by it for them.
But the trend for reconciliation and unity has faced a serious challenge due to the reckless nuclear war moves and confrontational racket against the DPRK being kicked up by the U.S. and the south Korean warmongers.
On August 27, the U.S. imperialist aggressors flew two B-52H nuclear strategic bombers to the sky above south Korea from an air force base in the U.S. mainland to stage a nuclear attack drill targeting the DPRK before their deployment on Guam.
At night on August 15 and during the day on August 21, a few days after they started Ulji Freedom Guardian, they flew Guam-based B-52H to the sky above Jik Islet in south Korea, two planes each, staging DPRK-targeted nuclear strike drills.
The U.S. introduction of the nuclear strategic bombers, one of three nuclear strategic strike means, timed to coincide with the massive Ulji Freedom Guardian which it is staging together with the puppet south Korean warmongers with the involvement of its huge troops, is an open nuclear threat to the DPRK, a revelation of its hideous scheme to ignite a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula at any cost and another unpardonable grave provocation.
The south Korean warmongers kicked up the racket for confrontation with the DPRK, saying that when a war breaks out they have to surely win and full combat readiness should be taken, openly throwing a hurdle in the way for hardly arranged north-south dialogue.
This is an intolerable mockery of the DPRK, which is making big efforts while exercising patience for detente, and an anachronistic act of going against the aspiration of the Koreans for the improvement of the north-south ties and stability and against the trend of the times.
Question is if they have face to talk about "dialogue", "genuine peace" and "stability" while being bent on war moves against the DPRK with the use of nuclear strategic bombers, the dialogue partner.
Moreover, it is the height of folly and brigandish sophism to cry out for "dismantlement of nuclear program" by the DPRK while posing a nuclear threat to it.
The situation clearly proves that it is exactly the U.S. and the south Korean warmongers who are straining the situation on the Korean Peninsula and escalating confrontation.
There is a limit to the patience of the DPRK as it had already clarified.
Peace, stability and advancement of the north-south ties can never be realized with the efforts by one side only.
The U.S. imperialists and the south Korean military warmongers should know that dangerous provocations violating sovereignty of the DPRK and encroaching upon its supreme interests will lead to an irrevocable development.
The U.S. and the south Korean warmongers should behave with discretion, not misjudging the patience and self-restraint exercised by the army and people of the DPRK.
Friday, 30 August 2013
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