No 10 (103) OCTOBER 2011
The the 44th Congress of the Communist Party of Ukraine held in June adopted a new version of their Program.
We make a brief analysis of the document of the party claiming to play the vanguard role in the labour movement in Ukraine (published 29.07. 2011 "Communist» № 60-61).
The Communist Party is the vanguard of the proletariat, and created by them in order to bring about a socialist revolution, the destruction of the bourgeois state (the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie) and build on its ruins a proletarian state (the dictatorship of the proletariat), the abolition of private ownership of means of production and replacing it with public ownership, building a socialist society, in which the division of society into classes will be destroyed ("Socialism is the abolition of classes", Lenin, PSS. v.39, s.279) and the transition to a classless communist society.
This is namely the historic mission of the proletariat and its vanguard - the Communist Party. The proletariat is the only class in the history of mankind which does not seek to perpetuate their rule, but use its power to destroy classes, including the destruction (dissolution) of itself as a class in the mass of workers of the communist socio-economic structure. Together with the proletariat into the whole of society is dissolved and its vanguard - the Communist Party. More precisely, the communist ideology, communist world view seizes the minds of all members of communist society, that is, all members of a communist society in their outlook become (and are) communists.
"Give us an organization of revolutionaries, and we will overturn Russia!" said V. Lenin in the early 20th century in "What Is To Be Done?" (MSS, v.6, p.127). But Lenin was not waiting for someone to "give" him an organization of revolutionaries. Such an organization - the party of the working class, was founded by Lenin and his associates, hardened in combat and led the Russian proletariat towards socialist revolution.
Is the Communist Party of Ukraine an organization of revolutionaries, and does it pose questions about socialist revolution, the abolition of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, the abolition of private property, etc? All the more so in the party program and the CPU, and in the political report of the Central Committee of the Party Congress, which was delivered by P. Simonenko, there is a lot of talk about class struggle and revolution, the struggle for socialism.
But, nevertheless, in the program there was no place for the most important, fundamental principles of Marxist-Leninist theory of proletarian dictatorship. P. Symonenko found it necessary to address this issue in his report, "The Banner of a fighting Party. A new edition of the Program of the Communist Party of Ukraine." Cited are several passages from Lenin on the dictatorship of the proletariat, focusing mainly on the creative side of the dictatorship and stated the kind of character acquired by the political power of the proletariat depends "on the behavior of the exploiting classes, which will be removed from power."
For a more detailed clarification of this issue we must look to the classics, to the Marxist-Leninist teaching on the state and revolution.
"The state - emphasizes Engels – is an organization of the propertied class to protect it from the poor" ("Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State", Moscow, Politizdat, 1989, p.179).
And Engels continues: "... the state does not exist for all eternity. There have been societies that did without it, who had no idea of the state and state power. At a certain stage of economic development, which was necessarily bound up with the division of society into classes, the state came into effect on this division. We are now rapidly approaching a stage of production at which the existence of these classes not only ceased to be a necessity, but will become an obstacle to production. Classes will fall as inevitably as they inevitably formed in the past. With the disappearance of classes, the state will inevitably disappear. The society that will organize production on the basis of free and equal association of producers will send the whole state machinery where it will then belong: into the museum of antiquities, next to the spinning wheel and the bronze axe "(ibid. 180).
Such detail on the issues of the state, class struggle, revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat was investigated by V.I. Lenin in his famous works: "The State and Revolution" and "Marxism on the state", as well as in several other studies, based on theoretical developments and conclusions of Marx and Engels.
In "State and Revolution" (Pss t.33, p.1-120), Lenin stressed: "The state is a product and a manifestation of intolerance of class antagonisms. The state arises where, when and to the extent where and when class antagonisms objectively can not be reconciled. And conversely, the existence of the state proves that class antagonisms are irreconcilable "(p.7)" the state is an organ of the rule of a certain class, which can not be reconciled with its antipode (the class opposite to it), and petty-bourgeois democracy will never be able to understand this" (p.8).
And then Lenin elaborates on the teachings of Marx and Engels on violent revolution:
"The doctrine of Marx and Engels on the inevitability of a violent revolution refers to the bourgeois state. It will be replaced by a proletarian state (the dictatorship of the proletariat) and not by "withering away", but, as a general rule, only through a violent revolution ... "And Lenin concludes:" The change of the bourgeois state by a proletarian revolution is impossible without a violent revolution. The destruction of the proletarian state, i.e., destruction of any state, is impossible except by "withering away" '(p.22).
"Communist Manifesto" by Marx and Engels end with the call: "The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win."
Does the CPU include in its program the task of violent overthrow of the existing capitalist system in Ukraine?
No, it does not include that! The CPU proposes "a comprehensive program-minimum of reforming the entire system of social relations in the interests of workers, taking into account the prevailing realities in Ukraine." That is, there is no talk of revolution, no violent overthrow of the bourgeois system in the program-minimum. It is only about adapting the CPU to the existing bourgeois order (that's what it means when they use the phrase "taking into account of the prevailing realities in Ukraine"), to give this system a democratic face. But how long the first phase will run, the program does not say; it could be for a year or two, ten, and perhaps even 50 years. That is, if we speak in essence, the Communist Party of Ukraine will at this stage tend to embellish the bourgeois system. And it is only the second stage, which is not yet known when that will be, does it talk about "rebuilding and strengthening the foundations of socialist society" and about carrying out a socialist revolution. And, again, the CPU prefers peaceful development of the revolution "by way of political and moral pressure on the power of the bourgeoisie, through the democratic will of the people." Blessed are those who believe, shall we say. Thus the bourgeoisie are to be so frightened by the "moral pressure" of the people. The bourgeoisie do not care about any "moral pressure". For the bourgeoisie, the main thing is to maximize profits and super profits as a result of brutal exploitation of working people. And, the bourgeoisie are especially "afraid" of the "democratic will of the people." Even people far removed from politics, are well aware that money and capital win elections, and all the talk of the "democratic will of the people" are nothing more than a fairy tale for the naive. Fortunately, there are fewer such people. But nevertheless the CPU continues to lull the people with fairytales about democracy. But, in any burning situation, in order to further demonstrate its "revolutionary character", the CPU in its program writes: "revolutionary forces must be ready for different scenarios, which may require appropriate under the Ukrainian Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, countermeasures against the violent actions of anti-peoples forces." Thus, "revolution" in the framework of bourgeois Constitution and the rule of law. Bourgeois Constitution, guarding the interests of the bourgeoisie, which proclaimed the inviolability of private property rights (Article 41) and adopted by the Communist Party of Ukraine. Throughout the program, the CPU repeatedly vows to comply with the bourgeois Constitution and bourgeois laws. So we can quite safely say that all this talk about revolution, is nothing more than a phrase to deceive the naive, especially young people, who, according to the report by P. Symonenko, enter the CPU who either understand nothing anything about Marxism-Leninism, or the revolutionary struggle (at least not yet). To deceive these young people, to push them onto the path of parliamentarism and participate in ongoing election campaigns - that's the whole "revolutionary character" of the Communist Party of Ukraine.
But back to the work of Lenin's "State and Revolution."
Here are a few excerpts from this work in connection with the issue on the dictatorship of the proletariat:
"The most important of Marx's teaching is the class struggle. This is what is very often spoken and written about. But this is wrong. And out of this infidelity is very often obtained an opportunist distortion of Marxism and its falsification in a spirit of acceptance of the bourgeoisie. For the doctrine of class struggle, not by Marx, but by the bourgeoisie before Marx, was created for the bourgeoisie, in general, is acceptable. Those who recognize only the class struggle are not yet Marxists, and may be still within the bounds of bourgeois thinking and bourgeois politics. To confine Marxism to the doctrine of class struggle means limiting Marxism, distorting it, reducing it to what is acceptable to the bourgeoisie. A Marxist is one who extends the recognition of class struggle to the recognition of the dictatorship of the proletariat. This is the most profound difference between the Marxist and the ordinary petty (as well as big) bourgeois. On this touchstone one must have a real understanding and recognition of Marxism "(p.34). Furthermore, Lenin continues: "The essence of Marx's doctrine of the state has been mastered only by those who realized that the dictatorship of one class is necessary not only for any class society in general, not only for the proletariat which has overthrown the bourgeoisie, but also for the entire historical period which separates capitalism from "a society without classes" from communism" (p.35).
The question of the dictatorship of the proletariat does not depend on the "behavior of the exploiting classes, which will be removed from power," as Simonenko says. The dictatorship of the proletariat is a necessary condition for socialist transformation of the entire historical period from the socialist revolution up to the construction of a classless communist society.
In the program of the CPU, the question of the dictatorship of the proletariat is omitted. Here is the "Marxist" and "revolutionary" nature of this program.
But the most important task of the proletarian dictatorship is the task of the destruction, the smashing of the bourgeois state machine.
This is what Lenin wrote on the issue:
"The doctrine of class struggle, applied by Marx to the question of the state and the socialist revolution is necessary to recognize the political supremacy of the proletariat, of its dictatorship, i.e., power, not shared with anyone else and relying directly on the armed force of the masses. The overthrow of the bourgeoisie can be achieved only turning the proletariat into the ruling class, capable of crushing the inevitable and desperate resistance of the bourgeoisie and to organize for the new economic system all the toiling and exploited masses "(p.26).
Lenin showed that the principal, fundamental in the Marxist theory of the state concludes that: "all previous revolutions perfected the state machine, and it must be broken, smashed" (p. 28).
"The revolution should not consist in the fact that the new class is ruling, governing with the aid of the old state machine, but the fact that it smashes this machine and rules, governs the new machine" (p.114-115).
The CPU and does not aim to break up, to destroy the existing bourgeois machine, i.e. the Ukrainian bourgeois state, but rather does everything to strengthen it by participating actively in the work of bourgeois government, entering into a coalition in parliament with the Party of Regions and the Lytvyn Bloc - the oligarchic parties and the big bourgeoisie.
In the "Great Beginning," Lenin defined the following concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat: "The dictatorship of the proletariat, if you translate this Latin, scientific, historical and philosophical expression into simpler language, means that: only a certain class, namely, the urban and general factory, industrial workers are able to lead the whole mass of workers and exploited in the struggle to overthrow the yoke of capital, in the course of the overthrow, in the struggle to maintain and consolidate the victory, in building a new socialist social system, in the whole struggle for the complete abolition of classes "(MSS , v.39, p.14).
"The dictatorship of the proletariat - continues Lenin - is also a period of class struggle, which is inevitable, while classes have not been destroyed, and which changes its form, becoming during the first period after the overthrow of capital particularly fierce and particularly peculiar. Winning political power, the proletariat does not stop the class struggle, but it continues - until the abolition of classes - but, of course, in different circumstances, in some form, and by other means "(ibid., p.14-15).
A few words about democracy and dictatorship.
Again we return to the "State and Revolution."
Again, Lenin refers to Marx: "Marx splendidly grasped this essence of capitalist democracy, saying in his analysis of the experience of the Commune, the oppressed every few years can decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class will be in parliament to represent and repress them" (p.88) .
Here's the answer to the permanent reminder by Simonenko and CPU program to participate in elections. The only result of the participation of the Communist Party in various elections since 1994, was strengthening the power of capital in Ukraine. Here's is the answer to complaints by Simonenko that fewer people are voting for the CPU. Voters are not stupid enough to not realize that the leadership of the Communist Party is well settled in the cushy seats in parliament, in other structures of the bourgeois government, that the Communist Party, objectively, have become servants of the bourgeoisie.
We continue to learn from Lenin: "But from this capitalist democracy - inevitably narrow and stealthily pushes aside the poor, and is therefore hypocritical and false through and through –forward development does not proceed simply, directly and smoothly," to greater and greater democracy " like the liberal bourgeois and petty-bourgeois opportunists say. No. Forward development, i.e. towards communism, proceeds through the dictatorship of the proletariat (my emphasis – A.M.) and otherwise can not go, for to break the resistance of the exploiters, the capitalists and anyone else there is no other way. But the dictatorship of the proletariat, i.e., the organization of the vanguard of the oppressed as the ruling class for suppressing the oppressors, can not merely give an expansion of democracy. Simultaneously with an immense expansion of democracy, for the first time it becomes democracy for the poor, democracy for the people, and not democracy for the rich, thus the dictatorship of the proletariat imposes a series of exemptions from freedom of the oppressors, the exploiters, the capitalists. We must suppress them in order to free humanity from wage slavery, their resistance must be crushed by force - it is clear that where there is suppression, there is violence, there is no freedom, no democracy ... Democracy for the vast majority of the people and the suppression by force, i.e. exclusion from democracy, the exploiters and oppressors of the people - this is the change of democracy during the transition from capitalism to communism "(p.88-89).
Thus, the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie is carried out to protect the rights of the exploiting minority over the majority of the working people. Democracy, bourgeois democracy is the privilege of the minority. The dictatorship of the proletariat is aimed at suppressing the resistance of the exploiters, i.e., the minority, and promoting democracy for its vast, working majority.
J.V. Stalin, summarizing the principles of Marxism, the conclusions of Lenin's dictatorship of the proletariat, that "the question of power is the fundamental question of every revolution" (Lenin), defined as follows "three major challenges facing the dictatorship of the proletariat" on the day "after the victory:
"a) to break the resistance of the overthrown and expropriated by the revolution landlords and capitalists, to eliminate any and all their attempts to restore the power of capital;
b) to organize the construction in the spirit of uniting all working people around the proletariat and to lead this work in the direction of preparing for the elimination, the abolition of classes;
c) to arm the revolution, to organize an army of the revolution to fight foreign enemies, for the struggle against imperialism" ("The Foundations of Leninism ", Op., v. 6, p. 109).
And finally, in "Concerning Questions of Leninism" Stalin defined the three main aspects of the dictatorship of the proletariat:
1) Using the power of the proletariat for the suppression of the exploiters, to defend our country, to build closer ties with the proletariat of other countries for the development and success of the revolution in all countries.
2) Using the power of the proletariat in order to finally detach the toiling and exploited masses from the bourgeoisie, to consolidate the alliance between the proletariat and the masses of these, to involve the masses in socialist construction, towards the state leadership of these masses by the proletariat.
3) Using the power of the proletariat for the organization of socialism, for the abolition of classes, for the transition to a society without classes, into a socialist society.
... even the omitting just one of these characteristics means the dictatorship of the proletariat has ceased to be a dictatorship in the conditions of capitalist encirclement. Therefore, none of these three aspects can be excluded out without fear of distorting the concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Only these three aspects taken together give us a full and complete concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat (my emphasis -A.M.) "(Works, vol.8, p.30-31).
But about Stalin you will not find any words in the report by Symonenko, in the program nor the Communist Party. But under the guidance of Stalin, the party, working class, the workers of the USSR passed along a glorious path of struggle and victory: the industrialization of the country took place, the collectivization of agriculture, the cultural revolution, victory over fascism. The USSR on its economic potential became the second power in the world, and the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic became the largest European state, its economic potential equaling to France. Even in the section where it talks about the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War, not a word is said about the organizer and creator of the Great Victory, Joseph Stalin.
At the same time in the program of the CPU are repeated Khrushchev's allegations about the weakening of control "over the observance of the Leninist norms and basic principles of party life - democratic centralism and collective leadership," and it says that "the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on its own initiative condemned the negative things that contradict it (socialism – A.M.) and essentially overcame their consequences."
But "anti-Stalinism is a Trojan horse in the communist movement" (by Nina Andreeva), is actually an ideological weapon of the bourgeoisie against the proletariat. Only by overcoming anti-Stalinism, can the proletariat be able to free themselves, including and from the ideological shackles of the bourgeois, hampering its struggle for emancipation, and raising the proud victorious Red Banner of Lenin and Stalin, actually go to the "last and decisive battle" for the destruction of the power of capital, for the triumph of the ideals of socialism and communism throughout the world.
About the destruction of private ownership.
Marx and Engels still in the "Communist Manifesto" stated: "The Communists may sum up their theory in a single sentence: The abolition of private ownership." We have repeatedly criticized the CPU for the fact that it does not set such a task.
But, finally, "the ice is broken" and the program of the Communist Party of Ukraine says that while private ownership over the means and instruments of production, land and raw materials rule, so is maintained the economic basis of capitalism. "The abolition of private ownership of means of production is an indispensable condition for the complete victory of socialism. This task, as well as overcoming the economic multi-layered transition of society, will be addressed as necessary for the maturation of the objective conditions and paths corresponding to a specific situation. "
But these problems will be solved in accordance with the program, only after the reformist goals of the program, at least, only in the second phase of the struggle for socialism. But when this second stage of "struggle" actually arrives, the CPU program does not answer. It is clear that for the current leadership of the CPU, it is very beneficial for this "second stage of the fight," to come as late as possible, and yet, at the first stage, they can safely, and in full compliance with the program, "fight" without leaving their warm, familiar (and highly paid bourgeois) parliamentary seats.
Plus again on the "basis" of the classics: "... private ownership... can not be destroyed, and is a prerequisite for the production of direct material life – until the productive forces have been developed which are the tightening shackles of private property." And so, have such productive forces not yet been established? In the same program of the CPU, as in the report by Simonenko, it speaks of a fourth stage of the general crisis of capitalism. But the crises of capitalism are generated by the contradiction between the productive forces, with their social nature and the bourgeois relations of production, which are ever more constraining the development of modern productive forces. That is, there is a conflict between social production and the private form of appropriation, which is manifested as a crisis of overproduction. The latest global financial crisis has shaken to the ground the entire world system of imperialism. Now a growing number of analysts and experts talk about a second phase of the current global financial crisis.
The CPU program also avoids the question and does not place before the Party the task of the destruction of private ownership. It says that the full development of productive forces "will significantly affect the relations of production" and that the social character of the property will gradually become widespread.
On this issue, we can only note that there will be no gradual extension of public ownership of the means of production. The bourgeoisie will never voluntarily will not give up its property (stolen from the people in the process of privatization). Only a socialist revolution would destroy the bourgeois state - the main defender of private property, along with the seizure of power by the proletariat into their own hands, the latter during its dictatorship, and will carry out the destruction of private ownership, i.e, they will take away the means of production from the bourgeoisie, and give it back to the workers, establishing (restoring) public ownership of the means of production. The CPU does not aim to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat. And, accordingly, it does not attempt the task of the destruction of private ownership, as this task outside of the proletarian dictatorship can not be performed and executed by anyone.
The attitude of the CPU to business, shows that the party is a true advocate of the petty and middle bourgeoisie.
"With the collapse of the socialist economy - says the CPU program - private, including small business developed well. This allowed the possibility of providing jobs for millions of people (but millions more people as a result of the collapse of socialist production in general have lost their jobs, becoming a multi-million army of unemployed – A.M.). Given the domestic experience of the past and current experience of countries such as China, the Communist Party of Ukraine supports entrepreneurship, precluding the exploitation of wage labor." And further in the program, it says that the CPU understands the dual nature of small-and medium-sized businesses - they are workers and owners, giving rise to petty-bourgeois mentality and the elements, objectively serve the basis for constant reproduction of capitalist relations.
Thus, the CPU understands everything, but, nevertheless, supports small and middle bourgeoisie (must call things by their proper names: the entrepreneur - are the same bourgeois). (Again, in parenthesis, I note that the middle bourgeois already has a number of employees, so that he is an exploiter of others' labour. But a small bourgeois is the owner of the means of production and, simultaneously, a hard worker, working on his means of production. Often the small bourgeoisie is the farmer, trader, artisan who exploits not only himself but also his family members, so that the process of exploitation exists here too).
The example of China and the Chinese Communist Party, put forward by opportunists as an excuse for their own conciliatory policies - policies of dedication to the working class and commitment to revolution in words, but betrayal of them in deeds - is completely unacceptable.
The fact that the PRC during the construction of "socialism with Chinese characteristics", the reform of the socialist economy and the formation of a mixed multi-layered market economy, increasing the spread of private ownership has long ago turned into a major imperialist state, we Bolsheviks, have noted repeatedly. Under the guise of thought of Three Represents, the CCP includes bourgeois. The Chinese Communist Party from the vanguard of the working class has become, in fact, a bourgeois party, the vanguard of the bourgeoisie, the political representative and spokesman for the revived interest in China after Mao Zedong's death, of the exploiting class. The question of "improving the legal system of protection of private ownership" was made at the XVI Congress of the CPC in 2002, and then the position on the inviolability of private property entered into the Constitution of the PRC. China is openly moving onto the rails of capitalist development. According to economists, about 70% of China's GDP is provided by the enterprises under private ownership.
According to the Forbes magazine, by the end of 2009, the largest number of billionaires living in the USA - 403 people. China on this list came out in 2nd place in the world - 64 billionaires, and Russia, in the 3rd – with 62.
According to the research organization Hurun Research Institute (report of 12.10.2010), the greatest number of billionaires live in China and amounts to 189 people. They are the ones about which it is known that their wealth amounts to more than one billion dollars, but, according to study authors, the rich Chinese are not inclined to advertise their status and information gathered from open sources, is low. In reality, the number of dollar billionaires, according to the report exceeds 400-500 people. As noted by Rupert Hugverf, founder and originator of this rating: "In China there is now more wealthy people than anywhere in the world. In another 10-15 years, their their number will double if not triple. Because the country is growing, and inequality is growing between rich and poor "(Ukrainian Business Resource,, 12.10.2010).
The total number of Chinese people with a wealth amounting to more than one billion yuan (about 150 million dollars.) stands at 1363 people, when 10 years ago there were only 24, the report said. The study's authors say China's wealthy has growing ties with the state agencies - 173 yuan billionaires served as advisers for various state agencies, 83 were members of the NPC (National People's Congress), and 7 were XVII Party Congress delegates. One-third of yuan billionaires are CCP members. (RIA Novosti,, 12.10.2010). Here is your Chinese Communist Party – the "vanguard" (!) of the working class.
In 2009, in the number of major transnational corporations and banks in the world (TNC TNB) according to Forbes magazine, a Chinese went in with 91 corporations. China on this indicator took 4th place in the world after the United States - 551 corporations, Japan - 228, UK - 102 (for information, Russia in this list by the end of 2009 was 8th place with 28 corporations).
In 2010, China's biggest bank ICBC has entered the top five global corporations (5th place), and among the world's largest banks became the third, after two U.S. banks, JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America. Petrochemical Corporation of China PetroChina became the 4th in the world after U.S. ExxonMobil, the Dutch Royal Dutch Shell, British BP and ahead of Russian "Gazprom" (5th place).
Expansion of Chinese capital around the world is growing.
In particular, China became the second after the United States, economic partner of the Black Continent, and now between the two imperialist giants (the U.S - withering and China - growing) the real battle is unfolding for Africa.
The growth of wealth at one pole necessarily leads to increased poverty and unemployment - on the other. Wages of workers of China in about 8-10 times lower than in the developed imperialist countries. The most brutal exploitation of workers in China, (who are prepared, as noted by commentators, to work for 12-14 hours a day for 6-7 days a week for very little money), the presence of a multi-million reserve army of labour, has allowed China to take off over the past 30 years to such heights.
The global financial and economic crisis hit China also, and in the first place, Chinese workers.
According to the director general of the research bureau of the Bank of China, Liu Ping, because of the crisis, 70 000 companies went bankrupt in November 2008 (16.11.2008, ForUm). By the end of 2009, the level of urban unemployment stood at 9 million. In the wake of the crisis, according to company Optim Consalt, specializing in business issues with China, 70 million rural residents by the end of 2008 left the city and returned to the village, i.e., joined the army of the rural unemployed. But in the first two months of 2009, 56 million of them returned to the city and 45 million have found jobs. Therefore, an additional 11 million people became unemployed in the city, and the remaining 14 million in the villages remained unemployed, adding many millions of hidden unemployment to rural areas. Of course, working people of China are fighting for their rights. But this is a topic for different material.
Referring to the Communist Party of China, the Communist Party aims to cover up its opportunistic nature, although, in fact, this example vividly confirms the relationship and opportunist degeneration of both the "communist" parties.
A good book on China by A. Mayevsky entitled “Modern day China” can be obtained here
And two more points.
The CPU program calls on members to expose the "adventurers and provocateurs, operating in the communist and workers' movement, flaunting pseudo revolutionary-rhetoric, calling on the uneducated masses to the "barricades" (or as in the UK, the sectarian fake left parties or specialized single issue groups and study circles that devote themselves entirely to the study of an ideology alone and yet are not political parties in themselves, by their failure to understand the necessity of unity of actions at the present stage of the capitalist crisis, choose to label such “adventurers” and “provocateurs”(i.e. communists at the barricades) of “siding” with “anarchists”, and “abandoning” “pure” communist ideology”–FB editorial comment) in the absence of the necessary prerequisites, can only discredit and weaken the left wing, and serve to strengthen the anti-peoples government."
Somehow, I do not remember that anyone, any communist or workers 'organization has TODAY called on workers to the “barricades.” Workers and working people can and should be called to the barricades when the economic struggle covers the whole of Ukraine and acquires a political character. Introducing revolutionary proletarian class consciousness, exposing the illusion of the constitutional election and bourgeois legislation - that is task of the present moment. At the same time without the "barricades", i.e. without a revolutionary struggle, the proletariat can not do anything. And it is possible that barricades could arise in any particular proletarian area, during a particular strike. To be prepared for this development, to call on the workers to build up the fight for class solidarity and support of other labour collectives who are fighting, and not hiding behind a cowardly bourgeois legislation - that is the truly revolutionary Marxist-Leninist party.
Meanwhile one can say only one thing – during the18 years of their parliamentary "struggle", the CPU more than any "adventurers and provocateurs" has contributed to the establishment and strengthening of the anti-peoples bourgeois regime in Ukraine.
Secondly. In the analysis of modern capitalism made in the report by Simonenko, and in the Resolution of the congress of the CPU, they talk about the two international gendarmes: the U.S. and the EU, and their "darn robbery of the planet," using "the powerful military capability of NATO." But not a word about Israel, as a gendarme in the Middle East of the United States in their struggle for the domination over natural oil and gas resources of the region. Not a word about Zionism, the modern fascism on international planetary scale. US-Zionist capital, enveloped the whole planet in its tentacles, has unleashed, along with NATO allies, dozens of wars and conflicts since the Second World War, and not stopping these wars for a minute (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya) in its struggle for world domination - is the main enemy of mankind. Silence on this suggests that the CPU has a place in the pro-Zionist lobby, which seeks to hide from the rank and file party members this main enemy.
Thus, only a brief analysis of the documents of the 44th Congress of the Communist Party of Ukraine and its program, suggests that the party, despite the strengthening of the revolutionary rhetoric, is a petty bourgeois party of compromise, which contributed to the establishment and strengthening of the bourgeois regime in the Ukraine.
To carry out explanatory work in this area is an important task of the Bolsheviks, especially in the ranks of young people coming into the communist movement and among militant workers and labour collectives.
A. MAEVSKY, secretary of the CC AUCPB (All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks)
Workers of all countries, unite!
To the President of the International Committee
"For Friendship and Solidarity with Soviet people"
Organiser of the III World Congress
Editor of "Northstar Compass"
Michael Lucas,
Participants of the III World Congress
Toronto, Canada
Greetings to the organizers and participants of the
III World Congress
"For Friendship and Solidarity with Soviet people"
Dear Comrades!
The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks greets the organizers and participants of the III World Congress "For Friendship and Solidarity with Soviet people" and wishes you all progress in this important progressive forum.
Fate had befallen upon us to live in a difficult and stressful period of history - the period of the collapse of the USSR, the collapse of the socialist camp, and as a result, a hastened assault by international imperialism on the social gains of working people throughout the world that were made during Soviet times, during the existence of SOCIALISM across 1/6th of the Earth's land.
Today, many countries are being rocked by powerful protest actions of working people in defence their social gains being taken away from them. In these actions, young people are actively involved, deprived of a future, with no chance of being employed and thus doomed to destruction. Imperialism either brutally suppresses the protests - essentially a class struggle (as it is in Europe) or skilfully uses the social protest and the population of young people for their own purposes, directing it from off the rails of class and social struggle into a struggle against individuals of higher governing authority, against so-called "tyrants." Recently, this has been clearly seen in the example of the African continent (and the recent events in Iraq). Using the weak political literacy of the protesters, the imperialists of the West (the North Atlantic Alliance, among them the United States) throw their heavily armed Special Forces structures, professional intelligence, money, weapons, and use the information war - disinformation and so forth for the organization, inciting and committing of bloody riots and carrying out pseudo-revolutions, overthrowing regimes objectionable to USA which gains the chance to lead to the power their own puppets and then have the opportunity to plunder the country and their natural resources with impunity. (The oil of Libya has now been carved up between France, Britain, Italy).
Yes, imperialism, especially U.S. imperialism, having fattened itself up nicely on war supplies during World War II, fighting against the communist ideology of the Soviet Union and throughout the years since 1917, has now temporarily triumphed. All possible means were involved in the struggle against the USSR. Paper devalued dollars were used to bribe unstable and greedy money-bourgeoisified leaders, and sophisticated, well-established methods of information and ideological struggle were used.
To combat the communist ideology, the U.S. successfully used the latest advances in communication and connections for strong anti-communist propaganda and a fifth column in the USSR and the People's Democracies from the local anti-Soviet "creative" elite, descendants of the exploiting classes, the underclass and the elements of the rising bourgeoisie (the ideological dimension of counter-revolution) politically abandoned by the revolution.
The introduction into the USSR after Stalin of capitalist market principles into socialist economy led to stagnation of socialist production. Nowadays, the enemies of socialism present this as the bankruptcy of socialism. A departure from socialist principles of economic management inevitably led to the appearance, at first, of an underground and then a clearly Soviet neo-bourgeoisie, including through theft and lack of control by the people over the activities of not just production (the economic aspect of counter-revolution).
The Communist Party of the Soviet Union (formerly All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)), guarding the interests of working people under J.V. Stalin, after him, was gradually transformed from a political organization into a bureaucratic structure, increasingly contaminated by opportunists, careerists and bureaucrats. And then, after that, just enemies of the people, like Gorbachev. Recruitment of party members from Trotskyist Nikita Khrushchev, went along the principle of personal loyalty, and not by merit (the political aspect of counter-revolution - the degeneration of the ruling party). Under Khrushchev, all the Stalinist cadres were removed the from CPSU and from production, and replaced by Khrushchevites. This dealt a heavy blow to the socialist system, becoming the start of its degradation, bureaucracy and becoming bourgeois, starting at the top. By August 1991, the neo-bourgeoisie inside the USSR had already matured, had become economically strong and it demanded political power. The internal situation in the country was already prepared for the implementation of a political coup and the establishment of power by the Soviet neo-bourgeoisie. The top echelons of the CPSU had turned out so incompetent, unable to meet the challenges of the time, having allowed ideology to "free float" that left virtually no one in the leadership of the CPSU capable of taking responsibility for the country's destiny and future of the world as a whole, in the crucial days of August 1991.
Soviet man, under Stalin, crushing fascism in the II World War, had been transformed in their offspring, due to flaws in the ideological education of young people, into philistines and purely consumers of benefits, politically ignorant and irresponsible for the future of their great Motherland - the USSR.
The unprecedented plunder of the riches of the great country in the period of the counter-revolution was carried out not only by the nouveau riche, but the former party nomenklatura of the CPSU and the "glorious" Komsomol. Most of the former Komsomol leaders have now become oligarchs, owners of banks having "privatized" public property, and wealth of the USSR. Today we have a monstrous income gap between 2-3% of the richest people in the country and the dire poverty of the rest of the 85% of the mass of the people. Petty speculators - the "middle class" - do not play any significant role in the production of anything important for the life of society and makes up only 5% of society. The advertised farming is being destroyed because of monstrous speculation by "intermediaries" and inability to return earlier loans from the sale of farmed products. The barrier for national food security has long been exceeded. More than 50% of food is imported from abroad and, as a rule, does not meet food safety standards. Large industrial enterprises have been destroyed. In agriculture, nearly all livestock farming has been destroyed, with large acreage of land overgrown by weeds. The army is degraded and disarmed through "reforms" to it.
Today, the export of our wealth and money abroad, into offshore accounts and banks is continuing on a monstrous scale. Inflation and poverty levels of the general population are constantly rising. The mortality rate is significantly higher than the birth rate. The destruction of a great country and its people is well underway. The high mortality rate is associated with the transfer of medicine over to a fee-paying privatised commercial system, and a poor free of charge corrupt health service, full of bribery.
The youth are deprived of prospects for a future because of high fees for higher education, and fee paying secondary schools. The youth are subverted by arbritaryness, vulgar sex, drugs, drunkenness, popularization of perversion in all amoralism, and educated to disrespect the older generation in that very same spirit of appeals made to them by Trotskyists in the early twentieth century: "The evil lies inside all of the old communists. Komsomolet, be talkative! Komsomolet - beat your fathers up!" Television, along with our depraved and amoral pop artistic bohemia succeed in the sexual abuse of young people. Criminality of society is growing. Most crimes are committed by young people.
I note that the conditions of life in all the former Soviet republics is even worse than in Russia. This is particularly true of Central Asian Republics, of which due to lack of work and grinding poverty, there is a never-ending stream of guest workers arriving in Russia.
Out the current situation on the territory of the USSR, there is only one way out - the rejection of criminal capitalism imposed on us by deceit and lies, and a return to the socialist system, the restoration of the Soviet Union.
HOW can this be done? WITH WHAT forces? WHAT has to be done for this?
It requires the rejection of the entire criminal bourgeois system, not by way of bourgeois merrymaking in parliamentarism, but only through a revolutionary change in the socio-political system. According to Lenin, "reforms are concessions obtained from the ruling class, while maintaining its dominance. Revolution is the overthrow of the ruling class” (v.39, p.113). Revolution is impossible without a nationwide crisis affecting the exploited and the exploiters. A universal
crisis is present not only in Russia but throughout the imperialist world. This means that a world socialist revolution is maturing also.
A revolution is carried out by people, not parties and not leaders. According to Lenin - "The revolution can only be carried out by the masses, moved by deep economic needs" (t.14, s.238). In order for a revolution to take place, "We have to make people terrified at themselves in order to breathe courage into them." (Marx and Engels. Soch.t.1, s.417).
Today, the horror of existence and complete hopelessness of the future is already being felt by many. It is necessary to lift people from their knees, to breathe revolutionary energy into them and lead an assault against the criminal, immoral, dying, but still strong bourgeois system. For this purpose, according to Lenin - "Quite a small party is enough to lead the masses. At certain moments there is no need for large organizations. But to win, it must have the sympathy of the masses. And not always the absolute majority ... "(t.44, p.32).
A revolutionary party has to convince the masses of the correctness of its political line. Because today, our main task lies in the deep political education of the masses through propaganda and agitation by the spreading of our Bolshevik literature, rallies, pickets, interviews and speeches to various audiences.
We publish three national newspapers - publications of the Central Committee: "Hammer and Sickle” (Serp I Molot) in Russia, "Workers' and Peasants' Truth” (Raboche-Krestyanskaya Pravda) in Ukraine, "Forward" (Vperyod) in Belarus and a youth central newspaper "Revolution" (Revolyutsia) in Russia. We have a web-site: http / / www.vkpb. ru, as well as several regional sites. We also publish and distributes a lot of leaflets, brochures on the topic of the day and on major events of the past and present. We believe an achievement of our party for changing attitudes towards Joseph Stalin’s personality and contribution to history. At the beginning of our work (our party was founded on November 8, 1991 at the height of anti-Soviet hysteria in the country) people used to shy away from us at demonstrations, because we always marched with a portrait of Stalin. Our "friends" in the communist movement cowardly said that we would all be imprisoned, and dissociated themselves from us (The Russian Communist Workers’ Party, in particular). Today, twenty years later, nearly 90% of the population according to an opinion poll, oppose the policies of the regime on de-Stalinization of society. And those who were shying away from us before, are now too, IN FAVOUR of Stalin (are they just in favour of the shifting public opinion or have they indeed "matured"?).
Unity of all protest forces are needed to make a revolution.
Today in Russia, there are a mass of listed parties, including those who call themselves communist parties (it's hard to count how many of them have been founded by instruction or consent of the regime). Some of them have only three or more people in them. Three parties have the same Russian initials as our AUCPB or as pronounced in Russian - VKPB: These parties including our own AUCPB (VKPB) are, VKP(b) led by A. Lapin – made up of a few people who were expelled from our party including himself, or who were denied admission into our AUCPB (VKPB), and the VKPB ("All-Russia Communist Party of the Future" – Vserossiskaya Kommunistichestkaya Partiya Boodooshevo). The 2nd and 3rd parties were set up as directed by the regime and got their names also on the direct orders of the special organs of the FSB (former KGB) that created them. "The All-Russia Communist Party of the Future" is on full financial allowance of the regime. No activity by it has been observed lately. The identical Russian abbreviations were given by the regime to create confusion in the minds of people and to divert them away from our All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks – the AUCPB. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) led by G. Zuganov- is not a communist party. This is a social democratic party. Its main job is inside the bourgeois parliament, dealing with the improvement of bourgeois power and has very generous financial support from both the federal budget, and the oligarchs and businessmen in the party.
The Russian Communist Workers’ Party –Revolutionary Party of Communists (RKRP-RPK) is a party made up of the small nomenclature, anti-Stalinists, opportunists, and by the words and actions of their leaders - a Trotskyist party. The RKRP-RPK wants to break into parliament by any means, deceiving people with promises to speak out for the working class via the parliamentary rostrum, which is untenable. Parties rush into parliament for the big money it has to offer them. For example, the Liberal Democratic Party pf Russia (LDPR), led by Zhirinovsky receives out of the federal budget every year 125 million rubles (about $ 4.5 million) for maintenance and expenses. The Zyuganov party - the Communist Party of the Russian Federation gets a much higher amount, as it has 3 times more parliamentary seats than the Liberal Democratic Party has. The history of the last 20 years has shown that anyone who gets into the Russian bourgeois parliament is a faithful servant of the regime. And with no workers’ seats, "Trudovaya Rossiya" (Working Russian) led by Victor Anpilov stands for communist ideals, for Stalin, but has a wavering stance on several issues, depending on the situation, and is also eager to get into parliament. The other parties are either petty-bourgeois, nationalist, or liberal parties.
It follows from this conclusion, that appeals made by these other parties for us to "unite" with them organizationally, is not consistent.
We already pursue a policy of UNITY with everyone, who currently shares our stance on an issue put on the agenda of the day. Therefore, we hold many events in different regions of the country together with other parties.
At present, a difficult issue for us lies in the financing of the party, and the publishing of our newspapers. Naturally there are neither oligarchs, or businessmen in out party. Party membership fees make up the finances. Because of the extreme poverty of people, especially in outlying regions where a pension in the absence of wages is far below the subsistence level, some comrades are exempt from paying membership dues. In our party, there are many unemployed workers due to lack of jobs in the region of residence and massive plant closures.
We work hard. The work is complex. We rely only on ourselves. We have lost many of our comrades ... in "democratic Russia". There have been many cases of killings of our activists after they have been warned by the FSB to reject their "Bolshevik activity." "But where, tell me, and when, was freedom was ever delivered without sacrifice?" - said K.F. Ryleyev, a Decembrist, and one of the organizers of the Decembrist uprising at Senate Square in St. Petersburg in 1825.
The aim of our work is the revival of the multinational Union of equal nations and nationalities - the USSR, the restoration of the socialist system, where everyone will have a constitutional right to work, leisure, housing, free health care and free higher education. Our goal is the aspiration of the absolute majority of honest, decent Soviet citizens.
Change of regime can be realized only through socialist revolution.
Our way of achieving this goal lies in the most extensive propaganda and agitation among the population of the advantages of the socialist system over the capitalist system, as proven by history.
We are consistent fighters for peace in the world. But a world without war is possible only through the destruction of capitalism, because "under capitalism, and especially in its imperialist stage, war is inevitable" (V.I. Lenin. V.26, p.165).
In our struggle, we are counting on the support of a united front against imperialism, for its active support for joint actions across the board.
We are confident in the correctness of our political line.
We are confident of victory, the victory of socialism, in the revival of the Soviet Union.
We believe in the victory of socialism on the entire earth, for it is an objective historical process of human development.
Proletarians and honest people of all countries, unite!
Nina Alexandrovna Andreeva
General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (CC AUCPB)
P.S. Citation by V.I. Lenin from the 5th edition of the complete works in Russian. Moscow, 1971
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Thursday, 29 September 2011
Thursday, 1 September 2011
FOR BOLSHEVISM-AUCPB website: or google in: aucpb
No 9 (102) SEPTEMBER 2011
The AUCPB was the only political organization, which since the early days, the first hours supported the State of Emergency Committee, as well as their unique political document, considering the actions of the GKChPists as an attempt to normalize the situation in the country and abandon the vicious "perestroika" policy. But three days later on 21 August, we realized that the actions of the GKChPists were aimed only at adjustment of Gorbachev's perestroika without changing its capitalist nature.
This period of our history, the period of the Emergency Committee, is nothing but an open, brazen and determined offensive counter-revolution in the face of the "democrats" against the socialist gains, a counter-revolutionary coup, carried out under the cover of the Emergency Committee. In these days of counter-revolution, the "democrats" dropped the term "perestroika" (reconstruction), which became for them an unnecessary screen and went for a change of leaders of the counter-revolution, replacing Gorbachev to Yeltsin as a battering ram on the counter-revolution. His so-called Sakharov, who hated Yeltsin recruited him through his aides in the highest echelons of power to carry out counter-revolutionary mission - the destruction of socialism. The ram, or, in Russian, a log, which is dull and persistently carried out the will of the foreign sponsors of counter-revolution and our fifth column.
The State of Emergency Committee –was a spectacle, whose script was written by U.S. intelligence services abroad, and the director was Gorbachev, not realizing that he himself signed his own slaughter of the last act of this monstrous piece called the State of Emergency Committee.
As the chief prosecution against the GKChPistam, the "Democrats" put forth that the GKChPists allegedly "seized power". Nonsense! Each member of the Emergency Committee, was a member of the State Security Committee formed by them, and already had unlimited power, for all of the Emergency Committee as a whole - this was the whole Security Council of the USSR, the deputy prime minister, who served then acting president, the Prime Minister, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the ministers of principal departments. Each of them already had unlimited powers. This is firstly. Secondly, the events of August 19 can not be classified as a coup, since all the opponents of Soviet rule had not been arrested, freely spoke at meetings (Yeltsin, Sobchak, etc.), etc. Third, the troops brought by the GKChPists into Moscow – were without ammo or shells, and were given no clear orders to act. Fourth, the GKChPists turned out as hostages of the situation. Afraid to take the decision on their own, without Gorbachev and not getting any instructions from him, the GKChPists lost. (Gorbachev was on vacation all the time in Foros, bathed in the sea with his family and had only one-way communication with the Emergency Committee – and talked to them when he wanted to). Among them, the GKChPistov, there was no one who would take responsibility for decisive action.
Fifthly, the proponents of counter-revolution, according to Gaidar, were very small in number. The main counter-revolutionaries were concentrated in St. Petersburg and at only one of their mass protests on Dvortsovy Ploshad, i.e. from the 5-million population of Leningrad – no more than 100 thousands "Democrats" (just 2-4% of the population!). In Moscow, there were even fewer. In other words, Yeltsin had NO popular support among the population!
Sixth, it should be noted that the counter-revolution was well supported by business, which understood that if it loses, it will never win. Therefore, in Moscow, wrote in those days, "Komsomolskaya Pravda", money was carried in suitcases to the barricades - 13 suitcases of money alone. Taken to the barricades in car were all the "deficits" - sausage, smoked hard, expensive imported cigarettes, etc., etc. Anyone who was around the barricades was given money. A member of our party saw this herself, who out of curiosity went to the barricades. She was also offered money. The question is: where did so much money come from? In the events of the State Emergency Committee, the "democrats" were involved in money and the so-called state loans of the USSR - the money from the West that Gorbachev had received for "perestroika" in the form of an IMF loan. Now, the "democrats" fraudulently garbles texture, making the money out as the debt of the USSR. In other words, now paying off the debt to the West, we are paying off what was spent directly on our own destruction.
Trucks, dump trucks, various construction equipment, which were used to erect the barricades of which was bought with the business money, or those who had already managed to amass by robbery of his own people, is now afraid of losing it all in case of defeat of the counterrevolution.
I want to repeat the statement of George Bush senior: "We spent $ 4 trillion to win the Cold War and in comparison with the amount that that the U.S. intends to spend right now - 24 billion - is of course, nothing. The democrats in the Kremlin are able to guarantee our security more much reliably than nukes did "(166 times cheaper - our clarification).
In summary: The counter-revolution in August 1991 won because of the cowardice and the inability of the then party leadership to take responsibility, because of their cowardice to go directly to the people for help.
The counterrevolution in the Soviet Union won, because we brought up ourselves a fifth column, starting with the Khrushchev era.
The counter-revolution triumphed because of strong financial and other assistance to this fifth column by the West, primarily – by the United States.
These are the main factors that ensured the victory of the counterrevolution. There are more and more. They have already been discussed and analyzed previously in our party documents and speeches.
(According to the article "An interview with the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the State of Emergency Committee." See the book, NA Andreeva, "For Bolshevism inside the communist movement" pp.161-167. Acad. CC AUCPB, Leningrad, 2001 . Online
On July 26, 1953, the Moncada barracks - a military garrison in Santiago de Cuba was attacked by revolutionaries led by Fidel and Raul Castro. The Moncada Barracks assault is one of the glorious pages of the world revolutionary movement.
A year before that event, in Cuba there was a military coup. The army in Latin America was cut off from the people, the officers belonged to a special caste, with right-wing and extreme right-wing views. Cuba was no exception.
During the coup in March 1952, General Fulgencio Batista, a US-centric came to power.
The establishment of a military dictatorship in Cuba led to the rise of popular democratic forces who did not want to live under the military regime.
Among the young opposition politicians of that time were the two Castro brothers - 26-year-old lawyer, Fidel and 22-year-old student Raul. Fidel was in the Party of the Cuban people (otherwise known as - the orthodox party), and Raul - in the Socialist Youth for the PSP.
"If we had not learned from books with the political theory of Marx and not learned inspiration from Marty, Marx, Lenin, we could not have even formulated the idea of revolution in Cuba, because with only a handful of people, none of whom studied at a Military Academy, it is impossible to wage war with a well-organized, well armed and trained army and achieve victory, starting almost from scratch. Revolution needs these ideas, like air." Fidel Castro.
"The current period is a revolutionary period, rather than a political time parliamentary - ed.) of struggle ... A revolution opens the door not to fake, but to real merits, to people who have ideals and courage, people who are willing to die by the bullet and are ready to raise high the banner of struggle". Fidel Castro.
Fidel Castro, along with his comrades, decided to start rise up while the Batista regime had still not firmly established itself. It was decided to storm the Moncada barracks in Santiago de Cuba, where an army regiment was stationed.
The revolutionaries were convinced that taking a military fortress would lead to an immediate revolutionary explosion across the country. "If Moncada had fallen, then three thousands weapons would have fallen into our hands." "The people would have risen up, make no mistake, because anyone who opposed Batista immediately would have popular support." "Then we were going to take the provincial radio station. All the material has already been prepared: the decrees, which subsequently appeared in the publication "History will absolve me," the call on the people and call for a general strike, because the situation was appropriate." Fidel Castro.
If, after the capture of the Moncada the forces of the rebels and punitive powers were unequal, Castro, along with his colleagues, were planning to go guerrilla in the mountains of Sierra Maestra.
In the spring of 1953, Fidel began preparing for the uprising. For the organization of the rebel base on the outskirts of Santiago, a farm was purchased and used under the guise of a poultry farm. Sheds were built for storing a large number of vehicles, and the version released that this was a pavilion for the bird cells. A deep dry well, standing next to the house was adapted into a storehouse of weapons.
"In country after Batista's coup, there was a lull, and the organizers of the coup felt confident enough that the shops sold guns freely. I started organizing the gradual acquisition of almost all the necessary weapons and procuring the means to do so. We had to make ourselves out to be rich people who were fond of sports." Fidel Castro.
To participate in the uprising, they succeeded in attracting, according to various estimates, from 134 to 160 people. By the evening of July 25, all participants in the operation gathered at the farm. Late in the evening, Fidel arrived. Participants were handed out weapons, explained the plan of operation, all sang the national anthem, and quietly began to prepare for battle.
Fidel specifically warned supporters that the task of the rebels was to seize the barracks and capture the sleeping soldiers. No need to kill anyone unless it was absolutely necessary, said Fidel. While in Cuba, Batista's army and was a punitive structure, however, the revolutionaries sought to avoid unnecessary casualties, and showed humanity to ordinary soldiers.
The clock was approaching five o'clock in the morning when the convoy of 26 vehicles headed for the goal. The assault was to begin in 5.15 am.
Everything seemed to be going according to plan. However, at the entrance to the barracks itself, they met an obstacle that decisively influenced the outcome of the operation. When the car moved forward to with a group to take the main gate, there was a foot patrol of Batista's soldiers who had finished their perimetre patrol of the barracks.
"One of the men, who was traveling with me, jumped out from front seat on the right, fired a shot – the first heard in this kind of battle; many other shots were fired. The shooting started. The alarm siren started wailing in barracks, interspersed with shots and a continuous hellish noise. All those who had driven behind me, jumped out, as had been foreplanned, and broke into the long, quite large building of that type of architecture, as other buildings on the territory of barracks. They housed a military hospital, and they rushed there, taking it as the object that they had to take." "The battle that was to start inside the barracks, had started outside. And, having lost their sense of direction, our people took quite a different building - the hospital. " Fidel Castro.
The incident led to the squad starting to firing too early. The situation was extremely disadvantageous to the attackers. Firstly, the battle broke out outside the barracks and, secondly, it was positional in nature. The barracks were not captured, Batista's soldiers took up defensive positions, and their numerical advantage doomed the rebels to failure.
Dawn broke when Fidel gave the signal to retreat. After an unsuccessful attack, the rebels broke up into small groups, went into the mountains, and into the region of the uprising began to arrive numerous government forces. Army units staged a hunt for people in surrounding areas, seizing rebels. Many participants in the uprising were taken prisoner and were killed after brutal torture.
The military unit was made up of a group of 12 men led by Fidel was destroyed. But Fidel remained alive - the lieutenant, holding him, brought him to a civil prison. On July 29, Raul Castro was also arrested. Detainment and court proceedings began.
“The storming of the Moncada barracks, defined a new force, a new revolutionary force that could lead the nation in the struggle for the liberation of the country and build a new society", said Jose Dionisio Peras Chapo, a Cuban diplomat and historian.
"In the period preceding the assault on Moncada, Fidel Castro said, you must start a small engine motor, which will start the great engine of the masses. Such a small engine was to be the impact of Moncada, and from the outset was seen as the spark that would wake up the people, and break out the flames of war against the oppressors." THE STRATEGY OF MONCADA LED US TO VICTORY." Raul Castro.
Submitted by: "Revolutsiya”, № 7-8, 2011, (abbridged)
On July 10 we learned all about the terrible accident on the Volga River when during a storm, the river boat "Bulgaria" sank. According to various sources, on board were from 192 to 209 people. At the time of writing, 79 of them were rescued. As of July 19, 114 people had died (updated to 122 confirmed deaths, bodies recovered and identified), the fate of nine people was still unknown, (as well as 14 - injured) ..
"Bulgaria" (the river boat carried the name "Ukraina" up until February 2010) was built back in 1955 in Czechoslovakia according to a design which did not include the installation of interior partitions. I.e., water, as a result of the accident, quickly filled the entire vessel. And it did. The vessel sank in just 3 to 5 minutes. Immediately after the disaster, information appeared about numerous breakdowns occuring on "Bulgaria." Before leaving port, the vessel had a defective left engine, the boat was overloaded, and listed to starboard. It was found that breakdowns had occurred during previous cruises – the engine cut out more than once, water poured through the portholes, the boat was late for many hours, and the toilets were blocked. It turned out that even before the engine room was exposed to water, the electric generators had cut out, and so the vessel could not sent out an SOS signal. This bleak picture was enhanced by the vessel’s radio operator who survived, Rinat Gabitdinov, who spoke about the power outage. According to him, when the captain ordered everyone to move over to the left side of the vessel when the boat keeled over to the right, it was impossible to annouce this across the loudspeaker system. Gabitdinov also said that during the previous sailing, the engine room had caught fire.
According to newspaper "Izvestia", rivermen used to call "Bulgaria" the "floating coffin." A source from newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets", who went on board in 2007, said that "Bulgaria" was already flooding with water through the portholes, because their rubber sealing was completely "cracked" (!).
Another bleak fact talking about an utter collapse of moral: two ships sailed past the sinking vessel without stopping, the captains of which did not even feel the need to stop and render aid to those in distress. "Bulgaria" was owned by Kamskoye Rechnoye Parakhodstvo which leased the vessel to OOO “Briz” which in turn subleased it to OOO "Argorechtur" which operated it.
As told to newspaper "Izvestia" by a source close to the investigation, "the company, apparently, wanted to shift all costs of repair to the vessel over to the leaserholder, and they, in turn preferred to make money from the "Bulgaria", investing almost nothing into it." The newspaper later found out that in the repair of the vessel, spare parts "obtained on the side" were used, and therefore the propulsion system broke down. The leaseholders did not spend any money on new spares, and made engineers and mechanics repair worn out parts. The ship was repaired in the shortest possible time, in time for navigation.
Moreover, according to Deputy of “Rostourism” Eugene Pisarevsky, whose words were carried by "Interfax", the firm "Argorechtur" is not included in the list of tour operators of Russia, and therefore had no right to offer cruise tours on the vessel. This is without mentioning the fact that the vessel itself, as investigators found, did not have a license for passenger transport. In addition, according to "Kommersant", the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the "shipping company "Kamskoye Rechnoye Parakhodstvo"," who owned the "Bulgaria", Mikhail Antonov, is under investigation for ammunition trafficking. At one time, he was suspected of fraud, illegal entrepreneurship and substance abuse. (According to the website "Lenta.Ru").
The main aim set by the entrepreneurs (private traders, bourgeois) using the boat was to maximize profits. None of them one cared about the boat having long passed all its conceivable technical service life, or the safety of passengers.
In the words of Karl Marx, give the bourgeois 300% profit and there is no crime he will not commit for the sake of getting it.
Therefore, the fact that Svetlana Inyakina, director of "Argorechtur", Jacob Ivashov, senior expert at the Kama Branch of the Russian River Register, and the two captains of the ships that passed by the sinking "Bulgaria" that did not help the drowning passengers are facing prosecution does not change anything in essence.
The cause of death of the people who wanted to relax at the weekend, is capitalism, the immeasurable greed and the quest for profit, for the money. Under capitalism, of paramount importance is not people, but MONEY, PROFIT, their majesty CAPITAL. People are nothing more than a means to maximize profits and the boundless, limitless enrichment of the bourgeoisie.
Symbolicly, the original real name of the river boat was "Ukraina."
We are both drowning together – both Russia and Ukraine, which became, like all the other republics, victims of the capitalist counter-revolution, the defeat of socialism and the destruction of the Soviet Union.
And on that same day, a few hours earlier on the night of July 9 to 10, by now in Ukraine, a nursing home had burned to the ground in Beloe Dubrovitsky district of Rivne region. 16 elderly people were burned alive. Only 9 people managed to escape alive. Among the burned, as reported by the media, was Natalie Savich, who for more than 30 years had worked on a collective farm as a milkmaid and raised eight children. And in Ukraine there are 784 such nursing homes, now loudly called territorial centres of social services.
The nursing home that burned down was a ramshackle wooden structure, and so the fire that had begun destroyed the building immediately. Of course, the powers that be poured crocodile tears over the tragedy. Ukraine's President ordered the Cabinet to allocate 7 million UAH to restore the home, and from the regional budget will be allocated financial assistance to the bereaved families amounting to 1.5 thousand UAN for each person. The Regional Council, together with the regional administration took over the organization of burial and funeral receptions.
The veterans do not need the current Ukrainian bourgeois authorities. The veterans, who for decades worked at enterprises and collective farms, taught and treated our children; veterans who once were still very young, defended our country from fascism, in the shortest period of 4 years, then restored, with the help of all the fraternal Soviet republics, the ruined economy, and by the mid 80s, before the start of Gorbachev's perestroika and the counter-revolution, brought Ukraine up to the ten top most developed countries.
The arrival to power of the bourgeois government as a result of counter-revolution, has stolen everything created by people, and amassed themselves with millions and billions of dollars in wealth. They have no need for veterans. They live in their stone mansions (we all saw Yanukovich’s estate "Mezhyhiria" on June 28, when he answered questions from journalists at his residence). Naurally, such a fire could not begin there. In brick houses, maybe a few less (according to rank and value) of the bourgeoisie are living and their leaders of regional and district levels. But to the veterans it’s - "take it for yourself, God, what I do not need” – an old wooden shack. If you live until a ripe old age, then you're in luck. Burn in a fire - so how long can you live now? That's the cynical attitude of the power of capital towards veterans, veteran soldiers, veteran workers, holders of Soviet ideology and Soviet ideology.
And this was not the first nursing home that has burned to the ground in Ukraine and Russia ...
On June 20, near Petrozavodsk in Karelia, a Tu-134 plane crashed. During landing in bad weather the plane crashed on a highway, 700 m before the runway. The plane slid and carved about 150 m of forest edge and stopped just 20 meters from houses in a dacha village. The fuselage disintegrated and caught fire on board. 44 people were killed on the spot and 3 more died in hospitals.
According to flight attendant Julia Skvortsova, who was the only member of the crew who survived the crash, the cause of the crash was bad weather and pilot error. Moreover, the girl spoke about the second reason. It was he, the pilot, who was behind the wheel of the liner at the time of the crash. Risking the lives of dozens of people, Sergey Karyakin did not want fly the plane around once more to make a second attempt at landing, because he wanted to save fuel. The stewardess explained that small companies are often fine their pilots, if they burn fuel more than necessary, and sometimes they fill the fuel tanks with just enough fuel calculated "kilometer per kilometer." With this, unlike experts investigating the crash, Skvortsova said that the lights on the runway were unlit just before the aircraft broke the overhead power lines.
Israeli newspaper Haaretz saw a conspiracy in the incident. The author suggested that someone was to benefit from the removal of prominent Russian nuclear specialists. According to the publication with reference to Russian military sources, five experts who were killed in the crash, had helped Iran build a nuclear reactor at Bushehr and to ensure its seismic resistance. According to colleagues, their loss was a heavy blow to Russia's nuclear industry. They were being flown to an important meeting in Petrozavodsk, where they were to discuss issues related to the development of nuclear reactors. The author of the article Eli Shvidler recalls that "some Iranian scientists have already been victims of mysterious accidents, including plane crashes." In addition, he seemed suspicious of the fact that the airline swapped planes at the last minute before taking off and did not notify the passengers. Thus, this was a gross violation of procedure, and yet the flight went ahead as a result, using an old Tu-134 instead of the original Canadian Bombardier CRJ-200. Previously, the crew of this aircraft had landed at "Besovets" airport. But not one of the pilots on this flight had ever landed at the airport at Petrozavodsk (news site ", 29.06.2011) ...
On January 25 in Moscow at Domodedovo airport, an terrorist attack took place. In the centre of the hall a suicide bomber blew himself up. The explosion killed 36 people. Hundreds more were injured in the blast. As noted by observers, in Moscow over the past 15 years, this is the 26th attack, during which more than 600 people have been killed. ...
According to media reports, on the highways every two minutes, an accident occurs. All in all, car accidents in the 20 years of "independence" of Ukraine, have killed 137 thousand people.
If we take the integral index score of the 20 year old bourgeois reforms, the reduction of population of Ukraine amounts to more than 13 million people and is clearly seen, (including those who travel abroad, where most migrants do not intent to return to Ukraine): from 52.25 million to 39 million people.
WE ARE BEING DESTROYED. We are being destroyed intentionally and purposefully. And if we do not resist, do not fight for the right to a dignified human life, the right to life itself at all, then we - the working people of Russia, Ukraine and other republics will simply be destroyed, bringing the population of Russia: from 150 million people to 50 million (according to the plans of Margaret Thatcher, in Russia in general there should only be 15-20 million people for the servicing of oil and gas pipelines and providing normal living conditions for the European population, for the European working people, who unlike us, are striking and fighting for their right to a dignified life, but we remain silent and buzz like flies ...), Ukraine from 52 - to 20 million, Belarus, from 10 to 3 million people. These plans were developed several decades ago by the so-called Club of Rome, a division of the world government of Zionist and American imperialism. And, as we see with our complicate silence, these misanthropic plans are successfully being implemented.
On July 8, the Verkhovna Rada (upper house) of Ukraine adopted a Law "On measures on legislative guarantee of reform of the pension system." The Ukrainian authorities have met the demands of the IMF to increase the retirement age. In particular, for women it has increased from 55 to 60 years (this increase should occur over the next 10 years). NI contributions to qualify for the minimum pension has increased by 10 years, including: women - from 20 to 30 years and for men - from 25 to 35 years.
A pension saving scheme has been introduced, under which all working people shall allocate to the Pension Fund from 2 to 7% of monthly earnings (to a personal account). It is true that the state cannot guarantee that a person who has worked all his or her life and paid their salaries into a Savings Pension Fund, will then be able to receive their pension in the form of savings, because there is no guarantee that it will not be burned up by a private pension fund in which the money had been saved.
Even the trade unions fully servicing the government were compelled to note that after the entry into force of this Act, the size of the newly appointed pensions will be reduced by 15-20% compared to current levels, as well as the significant increase in the number of pensioners who will receive a pension below the minimum.
Young people who are currently not thinking about pensions will be especially hard hit under the pension reform. Many young people are working without official registration for work and will not be able to collect the necessary labour experience (NI contributions, as stated in the law) for at least the minimum pension. A large number of people working for private owners receive a salary in an envelope, respectively, and the level of their pensions will be very minimal.
In the West, workers are struggling against the onslaught of the government to limit their rights, in particular, against raising the retirement age. In Britain, for example, a million people took to the streets to protest against such attacks.
It's now time, now time for us, the working people of the ex-USSR, to rise up to fight for our rights.
The world capitalist economy, slightly recovering from a deep depression in 2008, is again on the brink.
Balancing the U.S. on the brink of default, a deep debt crisis in Greece and Portugal, followed by Italy and Spain, the collapse of quotes on the stock exchanges in the U.S., EU and Japan, the deceleration of economic growth in the worlds leading economies - all of these recent developments indicate a deepening world crisis of imperialism.
The United States, the leader of the global capitalist economy is mired in a deep pit of debt and on the verge of default. U.S. national debt is currently estimated at 14.3 trillion dollars, reaching a total GDP. Analysts noted that the increase in the U.S. debt ceiling on August 2 of 2.1 trillion dollars has only delayed the inevitable in 2-3 years time of default of the United States, which will have catastrophic consequences for the global economy.
"The decision is just a shift into the future of the inevitable end. U.S. national debt this year will be over 100% of GDP ... Investors will run away from U.S. bonds, when they realize that the U.S. has exhausted the possibility of normal maintenance of its sovereign debt, "- said the chief economist at IK " ITinvest "Sergey Egishyants.
Printing dollars and issuing bonds can not go on. The U.S. debt limit ran into the limit purchasing power for rest of the world.
On the other hand, the U.S. administration can not cut the budget deficit, because the country's economy is being kept alive only at the expense of budget expenditures: a large proportion of disposable income of Americans and investment expenses are generated by the state budget.
"If you close this hole, then aggregate demand will collapse immediately. And all this is inevitable. Whether or not it will happen this year, in 2012 or 2013, it will inevitably happen. This means that the global economy will fall into a new Great Depression. There are fewer U.S. bond buyers. Hence, there is not much time before the default ", - concludes Egishyants.
The International Agency "Standard & Poors' downgradedthe U.S. economy on August 5 from the highest credit rating by one notch from AAA to AA + and the credit outlook is set as a negative. U.S. Treasuries are still considered the most reliable investment tools, now have a rating lower than the government bonds of countries such as Britain, Germany, France and Canada.
Eurozone countries and Japan have also plunged into debt. In Greece, the amount of debt exceeds 140% of GDP. Japan debt exceeds 200% of GDP, the debt of Italy - 120% of GDP. Other developed and developing capitalist countries have comparable size debt. Citigroup analysts point out that by 2014 the ratio of debt to GDP in Greece will increase to 180%, Ireland - up to 145%, and Portugal - to 135%, and not one country in the euro area will lower the deficit.
"I'll tell you the truth: the euro and the EU are on the edge of an abyss," - said the former head of the European Commission and co-creator of the eurozone Jacques Delors.
"The risk of social unrest looms in front of the world" – is how IMF chief Christine Lagarde describes the emerging capitalist world in the socio-economic situation. Indeed, since the economic depression of 2008, the powerful actions of workers have not stopped shaking Europe, continuing to this day with incredible power (after all, in Italy alone, during the crisis in 2010, about 8.3 million people were below the poverty – 13.8% of the population).
The U.S. dollar and Treasuries (note - no paper securites), ever more cause distrust on the part of the business world. Major U.S. companies rush to acquire the assets of which do not lose in value if the price of the US dollar and Treasuries fall. The central banks of the capitalist world are transferring their currency reserves into gold - the world's money. "The U.S. currency has devalued since the beginning of the year by 5%, approaching trading to the lowest level against the basket of major world currencies - the newspaper" Financial Times ". - Holders of large foreign exchange reserves, especially China, will diversify theirs in an effort to move away from the dollar."
Against this background, the gold price reached a record high on August 22 - $ 1,900 per ounce, jumping only at the beginning of the month by 15%.
The U.S. dollar will lose its status as a world reserve currency in the next 25 years. This is the conclusion of the Swiss UBS bank analysts. They conducted a study with the participation of leading specialists of world central banks, which control a total of more than 8 trillion dollars of assets.
China - the second largest capitalist economy in the world, worried about the fate of the $ 1 trillion dollars of U.S. bonds it has, has said "there should be international control implemented over the U.S. dollar, one of the options to prevent the catastrophe caused by any country may become the new, stable and secure, world's reserve currency." See further reading on China in pamplet by A.A. Mayevsky, entitled "Modern China"
The world moving away from the dollar and this process has become irreversible - such a forecast by leading rating agency of China, "Dagong."
So the collapse of the dollar and a defaulted U.S., and together with that - a catastrophe of the world capitalist system - it's only a matter of time.
The crisis in the capitalist economy is already being felt with great force. Beginning in early August of this year, quotes of securities (a sensitive barometer of the capitalist economy), of all major stock markets in the U.S., Europe and Japan have fallen, and the stock exchanges in panic, as in 2008 before the economic downturn. The world economy is clearly immersed in the new state of deep financial and economic crisis, unable to even get out of it.
Every day since early August there have been about reports about impending collapse of quotes on the major stock exchanges around the world. Only from 1 to August 5, the main index of the largest in the EU the London Stock Exchange, the "Futsi-100" fell 9.13%. This is the most significant of its week-long decline in the last three years. At the end of two weeks (until August 9) losses in the key for the U.S. stock market, the Dow, were critical - 15%. In the days that followed the fall continued at the same rate.
On August 8, leaders of Wall Street enacted Rule 48, which allows the suspension of trading - an extremely rare event that could only happen in a major crisis.
August 11: "The stock exchanges in the world are reeling. The London Stock Exchange lost 3.05% on the main index, Frankfurt - 5.13%, Paris - 5.45%, Milan - 6.65%, Madrid - 5.49%. The wave of instability in Europe spread to the stock exchanges in Japan and the United States. The American stock market collapsed. U.S. observers point out that the atmosphere on the trading floors was close to the panic that occurred at the end of 2008 "(ITAR-TASS).
On 18 and 19 August (last day of the trading session of the week), the collapse of quotes continued on the leading stock exchanges in the U.S., EU and Japan. Also troubled were the stock exchanges in Russia, with falling RTS and MICEX.
Depreciation of shares takes place in all sectors of the stock market, but the greatest loss is the banking sector and carmakers. Investors cast off risky assets, expecting a new phase of global economic slowdown.
At the heart of the crisis, along with the heated exchange and financial speculation, is the already stagnating social production. Some global economic recovery that took place early last year, has stalled and came to naught in the first half of 2011.
According to the report by the U.S. Department of Commerce, GDP growth in the last quarter of 2010 was lower than previously reported, and was only 2.3% on an annualized basis. In the first and second quarters of this year, 2011, economic growth was also below expectations and was at an annual rate of 0.4% and 1.3% respectively. Thus, analysts say, the U.S. economy in the first half of this year, has almost ground to a halt. The U.S. economy "continues to weaken because of low growth, lack of new jobs created, stagnant consumer demand and the manufacturing sector", - believes well-known economist and professor at New York University, Nouriel Roubini.
"The risk of the global economy entering into a recession exceeds 50 percent," - says Roubini. "Karl Marx was right at some point, capitalism is able to destroy himself" (and we'll add - and all mankind together with it).
Key economies of the euro area have also shown deep stagnation. German GDP in the second quarter of this year is marking time – with growth of only 0.1% of GDP as in Spain - 0.2%. French GDP growth is down to zero.
Everything indicates that the U.S. economy and the European Union faces in the coming months entering a deep phase of stagnation and even decline.
Governments of the leading imperialist countries are making unsuccessful attempts to re-save the capitalist economy from collapse. Finance ministers of "Seven" and "twenty", convened an emergency meeting, the heads of state conducted telephone conversations, statements were made, urgently, drafting a reform of financial management. However, all this had already been passed in 2008 ... Indeed, is this not the same as the heads of state declared in 2008: "At the moment, the crisis concerns only Europe but its scale and impact could spread to the whole world. So today we need to take global decisions on the basis of coordinated action within the financial "Seven" and "twenty", "- said on August 5 already this year, the European Commissioner for economic and monetary policies, Olli Rehn.
Russia, being in depression the entire twenty years of capitalist reforms, is most vulnerable to global economic collapse. After all, Russia ranks third in the world, the size of its international reserves, which consist of almost 95% of the dollar and euro (about half of Russia's international reserves consist of dollars). Its main budget revenue (40-45%) allows the export of oil (but oil prices on world markets are falling) - again with bogus bucks. Russia holds about 45% of its foreign reserves in U.S. securities.
Those who predicted the global financial cataclysm, and the economic crisis in a U.S. default (which will inevitably occur over time, the 2 August - it's just a delay), we easily predict which way events will unfold in Russia.
"Against this background, 2008 will look like a walk in the park" - said a senior Western banker in Moscow, referring to the global recession caused by the subprime crisis in the U.S.. "Global GDP will rush down, that would mean that global demand for raw materials world will cease to exist", - said the banker, "No one will buy oil, gas, steel ... Naturally, the Russian economy will be destroyed."
Jochen Wermuth, founder and chief investment officer of WAM, in his statements is no less apocalyptic. "I do not believe that someone knows what will happen - most likely the world will lie in ruins for decades," - he said.
The position declared by Russia’s Deputy Finance Minister S. Storchak is shocking: Russia has no plans to revise the amount of investment of reserve funds in dollars. In his view, the U.S. debt market continues to remain "the most fluid and one of the most reliable" (!).Nothing surprising in that, because our "leadership" is maintained by the U.S. Federal Reserve, i.e., the dollar: "The U.S. may pay on any debt (primarily - on the wealth of the Russian" elite "- we will explain), so as always, this may include the printing press. That is, the probability of default by the USA is zero ", - said the former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan.
The next slide by the global capitalist world system into the abyss once again shows the historical doom of capitalism. The capitalist economy, long outliving itself has become an impediment to human progress. World imperialism dooms mankind to self-destruction – and this is acknowledged even by the bourgeois apologists. And none of the measures taken by governments to stabilize the capitalist system, will be able to avert it from collapse, its inevitable collapse by the impending socialist revolution.
A. Denisyuk
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No 9 (102) SEPTEMBER 2011
The AUCPB was the only political organization, which since the early days, the first hours supported the State of Emergency Committee, as well as their unique political document, considering the actions of the GKChPists as an attempt to normalize the situation in the country and abandon the vicious "perestroika" policy. But three days later on 21 August, we realized that the actions of the GKChPists were aimed only at adjustment of Gorbachev's perestroika without changing its capitalist nature.
This period of our history, the period of the Emergency Committee, is nothing but an open, brazen and determined offensive counter-revolution in the face of the "democrats" against the socialist gains, a counter-revolutionary coup, carried out under the cover of the Emergency Committee. In these days of counter-revolution, the "democrats" dropped the term "perestroika" (reconstruction), which became for them an unnecessary screen and went for a change of leaders of the counter-revolution, replacing Gorbachev to Yeltsin as a battering ram on the counter-revolution. His so-called Sakharov, who hated Yeltsin recruited him through his aides in the highest echelons of power to carry out counter-revolutionary mission - the destruction of socialism. The ram, or, in Russian, a log, which is dull and persistently carried out the will of the foreign sponsors of counter-revolution and our fifth column.
The State of Emergency Committee –was a spectacle, whose script was written by U.S. intelligence services abroad, and the director was Gorbachev, not realizing that he himself signed his own slaughter of the last act of this monstrous piece called the State of Emergency Committee.
As the chief prosecution against the GKChPistam, the "Democrats" put forth that the GKChPists allegedly "seized power". Nonsense! Each member of the Emergency Committee, was a member of the State Security Committee formed by them, and already had unlimited power, for all of the Emergency Committee as a whole - this was the whole Security Council of the USSR, the deputy prime minister, who served then acting president, the Prime Minister, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the ministers of principal departments. Each of them already had unlimited powers. This is firstly. Secondly, the events of August 19 can not be classified as a coup, since all the opponents of Soviet rule had not been arrested, freely spoke at meetings (Yeltsin, Sobchak, etc.), etc. Third, the troops brought by the GKChPists into Moscow – were without ammo or shells, and were given no clear orders to act. Fourth, the GKChPists turned out as hostages of the situation. Afraid to take the decision on their own, without Gorbachev and not getting any instructions from him, the GKChPists lost. (Gorbachev was on vacation all the time in Foros, bathed in the sea with his family and had only one-way communication with the Emergency Committee – and talked to them when he wanted to). Among them, the GKChPistov, there was no one who would take responsibility for decisive action.
Fifthly, the proponents of counter-revolution, according to Gaidar, were very small in number. The main counter-revolutionaries were concentrated in St. Petersburg and at only one of their mass protests on Dvortsovy Ploshad, i.e. from the 5-million population of Leningrad – no more than 100 thousands "Democrats" (just 2-4% of the population!). In Moscow, there were even fewer. In other words, Yeltsin had NO popular support among the population!
Sixth, it should be noted that the counter-revolution was well supported by business, which understood that if it loses, it will never win. Therefore, in Moscow, wrote in those days, "Komsomolskaya Pravda", money was carried in suitcases to the barricades - 13 suitcases of money alone. Taken to the barricades in car were all the "deficits" - sausage, smoked hard, expensive imported cigarettes, etc., etc. Anyone who was around the barricades was given money. A member of our party saw this herself, who out of curiosity went to the barricades. She was also offered money. The question is: where did so much money come from? In the events of the State Emergency Committee, the "democrats" were involved in money and the so-called state loans of the USSR - the money from the West that Gorbachev had received for "perestroika" in the form of an IMF loan. Now, the "democrats" fraudulently garbles texture, making the money out as the debt of the USSR. In other words, now paying off the debt to the West, we are paying off what was spent directly on our own destruction.
Trucks, dump trucks, various construction equipment, which were used to erect the barricades of which was bought with the business money, or those who had already managed to amass by robbery of his own people, is now afraid of losing it all in case of defeat of the counterrevolution.
I want to repeat the statement of George Bush senior: "We spent $ 4 trillion to win the Cold War and in comparison with the amount that that the U.S. intends to spend right now - 24 billion - is of course, nothing. The democrats in the Kremlin are able to guarantee our security more much reliably than nukes did "(166 times cheaper - our clarification).
In summary: The counter-revolution in August 1991 won because of the cowardice and the inability of the then party leadership to take responsibility, because of their cowardice to go directly to the people for help.
The counterrevolution in the Soviet Union won, because we brought up ourselves a fifth column, starting with the Khrushchev era.
The counter-revolution triumphed because of strong financial and other assistance to this fifth column by the West, primarily – by the United States.
These are the main factors that ensured the victory of the counterrevolution. There are more and more. They have already been discussed and analyzed previously in our party documents and speeches.
(According to the article "An interview with the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the State of Emergency Committee." See the book, NA Andreeva, "For Bolshevism inside the communist movement" pp.161-167. Acad. CC AUCPB, Leningrad, 2001 . Online
On July 26, 1953, the Moncada barracks - a military garrison in Santiago de Cuba was attacked by revolutionaries led by Fidel and Raul Castro. The Moncada Barracks assault is one of the glorious pages of the world revolutionary movement.
A year before that event, in Cuba there was a military coup. The army in Latin America was cut off from the people, the officers belonged to a special caste, with right-wing and extreme right-wing views. Cuba was no exception.
During the coup in March 1952, General Fulgencio Batista, a US-centric came to power.
The establishment of a military dictatorship in Cuba led to the rise of popular democratic forces who did not want to live under the military regime.
Among the young opposition politicians of that time were the two Castro brothers - 26-year-old lawyer, Fidel and 22-year-old student Raul. Fidel was in the Party of the Cuban people (otherwise known as - the orthodox party), and Raul - in the Socialist Youth for the PSP.
"If we had not learned from books with the political theory of Marx and not learned inspiration from Marty, Marx, Lenin, we could not have even formulated the idea of revolution in Cuba, because with only a handful of people, none of whom studied at a Military Academy, it is impossible to wage war with a well-organized, well armed and trained army and achieve victory, starting almost from scratch. Revolution needs these ideas, like air." Fidel Castro.
"The current period is a revolutionary period, rather than a political time parliamentary - ed.) of struggle ... A revolution opens the door not to fake, but to real merits, to people who have ideals and courage, people who are willing to die by the bullet and are ready to raise high the banner of struggle". Fidel Castro.
Fidel Castro, along with his comrades, decided to start rise up while the Batista regime had still not firmly established itself. It was decided to storm the Moncada barracks in Santiago de Cuba, where an army regiment was stationed.
The revolutionaries were convinced that taking a military fortress would lead to an immediate revolutionary explosion across the country. "If Moncada had fallen, then three thousands weapons would have fallen into our hands." "The people would have risen up, make no mistake, because anyone who opposed Batista immediately would have popular support." "Then we were going to take the provincial radio station. All the material has already been prepared: the decrees, which subsequently appeared in the publication "History will absolve me," the call on the people and call for a general strike, because the situation was appropriate." Fidel Castro.
If, after the capture of the Moncada the forces of the rebels and punitive powers were unequal, Castro, along with his colleagues, were planning to go guerrilla in the mountains of Sierra Maestra.
In the spring of 1953, Fidel began preparing for the uprising. For the organization of the rebel base on the outskirts of Santiago, a farm was purchased and used under the guise of a poultry farm. Sheds were built for storing a large number of vehicles, and the version released that this was a pavilion for the bird cells. A deep dry well, standing next to the house was adapted into a storehouse of weapons.
"In country after Batista's coup, there was a lull, and the organizers of the coup felt confident enough that the shops sold guns freely. I started organizing the gradual acquisition of almost all the necessary weapons and procuring the means to do so. We had to make ourselves out to be rich people who were fond of sports." Fidel Castro.
To participate in the uprising, they succeeded in attracting, according to various estimates, from 134 to 160 people. By the evening of July 25, all participants in the operation gathered at the farm. Late in the evening, Fidel arrived. Participants were handed out weapons, explained the plan of operation, all sang the national anthem, and quietly began to prepare for battle.
Fidel specifically warned supporters that the task of the rebels was to seize the barracks and capture the sleeping soldiers. No need to kill anyone unless it was absolutely necessary, said Fidel. While in Cuba, Batista's army and was a punitive structure, however, the revolutionaries sought to avoid unnecessary casualties, and showed humanity to ordinary soldiers.
The clock was approaching five o'clock in the morning when the convoy of 26 vehicles headed for the goal. The assault was to begin in 5.15 am.
Everything seemed to be going according to plan. However, at the entrance to the barracks itself, they met an obstacle that decisively influenced the outcome of the operation. When the car moved forward to with a group to take the main gate, there was a foot patrol of Batista's soldiers who had finished their perimetre patrol of the barracks.
"One of the men, who was traveling with me, jumped out from front seat on the right, fired a shot – the first heard in this kind of battle; many other shots were fired. The shooting started. The alarm siren started wailing in barracks, interspersed with shots and a continuous hellish noise. All those who had driven behind me, jumped out, as had been foreplanned, and broke into the long, quite large building of that type of architecture, as other buildings on the territory of barracks. They housed a military hospital, and they rushed there, taking it as the object that they had to take." "The battle that was to start inside the barracks, had started outside. And, having lost their sense of direction, our people took quite a different building - the hospital. " Fidel Castro.
The incident led to the squad starting to firing too early. The situation was extremely disadvantageous to the attackers. Firstly, the battle broke out outside the barracks and, secondly, it was positional in nature. The barracks were not captured, Batista's soldiers took up defensive positions, and their numerical advantage doomed the rebels to failure.
Dawn broke when Fidel gave the signal to retreat. After an unsuccessful attack, the rebels broke up into small groups, went into the mountains, and into the region of the uprising began to arrive numerous government forces. Army units staged a hunt for people in surrounding areas, seizing rebels. Many participants in the uprising were taken prisoner and were killed after brutal torture.
The military unit was made up of a group of 12 men led by Fidel was destroyed. But Fidel remained alive - the lieutenant, holding him, brought him to a civil prison. On July 29, Raul Castro was also arrested. Detainment and court proceedings began.
“The storming of the Moncada barracks, defined a new force, a new revolutionary force that could lead the nation in the struggle for the liberation of the country and build a new society", said Jose Dionisio Peras Chapo, a Cuban diplomat and historian.
"In the period preceding the assault on Moncada, Fidel Castro said, you must start a small engine motor, which will start the great engine of the masses. Such a small engine was to be the impact of Moncada, and from the outset was seen as the spark that would wake up the people, and break out the flames of war against the oppressors." THE STRATEGY OF MONCADA LED US TO VICTORY." Raul Castro.
Submitted by: "Revolutsiya”, № 7-8, 2011, (abbridged)
On July 10 we learned all about the terrible accident on the Volga River when during a storm, the river boat "Bulgaria" sank. According to various sources, on board were from 192 to 209 people. At the time of writing, 79 of them were rescued. As of July 19, 114 people had died (updated to 122 confirmed deaths, bodies recovered and identified), the fate of nine people was still unknown, (as well as 14 - injured) ..
"Bulgaria" (the river boat carried the name "Ukraina" up until February 2010) was built back in 1955 in Czechoslovakia according to a design which did not include the installation of interior partitions. I.e., water, as a result of the accident, quickly filled the entire vessel. And it did. The vessel sank in just 3 to 5 minutes. Immediately after the disaster, information appeared about numerous breakdowns occuring on "Bulgaria." Before leaving port, the vessel had a defective left engine, the boat was overloaded, and listed to starboard. It was found that breakdowns had occurred during previous cruises – the engine cut out more than once, water poured through the portholes, the boat was late for many hours, and the toilets were blocked. It turned out that even before the engine room was exposed to water, the electric generators had cut out, and so the vessel could not sent out an SOS signal. This bleak picture was enhanced by the vessel’s radio operator who survived, Rinat Gabitdinov, who spoke about the power outage. According to him, when the captain ordered everyone to move over to the left side of the vessel when the boat keeled over to the right, it was impossible to annouce this across the loudspeaker system. Gabitdinov also said that during the previous sailing, the engine room had caught fire.
According to newspaper "Izvestia", rivermen used to call "Bulgaria" the "floating coffin." A source from newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets", who went on board in 2007, said that "Bulgaria" was already flooding with water through the portholes, because their rubber sealing was completely "cracked" (!).
Another bleak fact talking about an utter collapse of moral: two ships sailed past the sinking vessel without stopping, the captains of which did not even feel the need to stop and render aid to those in distress. "Bulgaria" was owned by Kamskoye Rechnoye Parakhodstvo which leased the vessel to OOO “Briz” which in turn subleased it to OOO "Argorechtur" which operated it.
As told to newspaper "Izvestia" by a source close to the investigation, "the company, apparently, wanted to shift all costs of repair to the vessel over to the leaserholder, and they, in turn preferred to make money from the "Bulgaria", investing almost nothing into it." The newspaper later found out that in the repair of the vessel, spare parts "obtained on the side" were used, and therefore the propulsion system broke down. The leaseholders did not spend any money on new spares, and made engineers and mechanics repair worn out parts. The ship was repaired in the shortest possible time, in time for navigation.
Moreover, according to Deputy of “Rostourism” Eugene Pisarevsky, whose words were carried by "Interfax", the firm "Argorechtur" is not included in the list of tour operators of Russia, and therefore had no right to offer cruise tours on the vessel. This is without mentioning the fact that the vessel itself, as investigators found, did not have a license for passenger transport. In addition, according to "Kommersant", the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the "shipping company "Kamskoye Rechnoye Parakhodstvo"," who owned the "Bulgaria", Mikhail Antonov, is under investigation for ammunition trafficking. At one time, he was suspected of fraud, illegal entrepreneurship and substance abuse. (According to the website "Lenta.Ru").
The main aim set by the entrepreneurs (private traders, bourgeois) using the boat was to maximize profits. None of them one cared about the boat having long passed all its conceivable technical service life, or the safety of passengers.
In the words of Karl Marx, give the bourgeois 300% profit and there is no crime he will not commit for the sake of getting it.
Therefore, the fact that Svetlana Inyakina, director of "Argorechtur", Jacob Ivashov, senior expert at the Kama Branch of the Russian River Register, and the two captains of the ships that passed by the sinking "Bulgaria" that did not help the drowning passengers are facing prosecution does not change anything in essence.
The cause of death of the people who wanted to relax at the weekend, is capitalism, the immeasurable greed and the quest for profit, for the money. Under capitalism, of paramount importance is not people, but MONEY, PROFIT, their majesty CAPITAL. People are nothing more than a means to maximize profits and the boundless, limitless enrichment of the bourgeoisie.
Symbolicly, the original real name of the river boat was "Ukraina."
We are both drowning together – both Russia and Ukraine, which became, like all the other republics, victims of the capitalist counter-revolution, the defeat of socialism and the destruction of the Soviet Union.
And on that same day, a few hours earlier on the night of July 9 to 10, by now in Ukraine, a nursing home had burned to the ground in Beloe Dubrovitsky district of Rivne region. 16 elderly people were burned alive. Only 9 people managed to escape alive. Among the burned, as reported by the media, was Natalie Savich, who for more than 30 years had worked on a collective farm as a milkmaid and raised eight children. And in Ukraine there are 784 such nursing homes, now loudly called territorial centres of social services.
The nursing home that burned down was a ramshackle wooden structure, and so the fire that had begun destroyed the building immediately. Of course, the powers that be poured crocodile tears over the tragedy. Ukraine's President ordered the Cabinet to allocate 7 million UAH to restore the home, and from the regional budget will be allocated financial assistance to the bereaved families amounting to 1.5 thousand UAN for each person. The Regional Council, together with the regional administration took over the organization of burial and funeral receptions.
The veterans do not need the current Ukrainian bourgeois authorities. The veterans, who for decades worked at enterprises and collective farms, taught and treated our children; veterans who once were still very young, defended our country from fascism, in the shortest period of 4 years, then restored, with the help of all the fraternal Soviet republics, the ruined economy, and by the mid 80s, before the start of Gorbachev's perestroika and the counter-revolution, brought Ukraine up to the ten top most developed countries.
The arrival to power of the bourgeois government as a result of counter-revolution, has stolen everything created by people, and amassed themselves with millions and billions of dollars in wealth. They have no need for veterans. They live in their stone mansions (we all saw Yanukovich’s estate "Mezhyhiria" on June 28, when he answered questions from journalists at his residence). Naurally, such a fire could not begin there. In brick houses, maybe a few less (according to rank and value) of the bourgeoisie are living and their leaders of regional and district levels. But to the veterans it’s - "take it for yourself, God, what I do not need” – an old wooden shack. If you live until a ripe old age, then you're in luck. Burn in a fire - so how long can you live now? That's the cynical attitude of the power of capital towards veterans, veteran soldiers, veteran workers, holders of Soviet ideology and Soviet ideology.
And this was not the first nursing home that has burned to the ground in Ukraine and Russia ...
On June 20, near Petrozavodsk in Karelia, a Tu-134 plane crashed. During landing in bad weather the plane crashed on a highway, 700 m before the runway. The plane slid and carved about 150 m of forest edge and stopped just 20 meters from houses in a dacha village. The fuselage disintegrated and caught fire on board. 44 people were killed on the spot and 3 more died in hospitals.
According to flight attendant Julia Skvortsova, who was the only member of the crew who survived the crash, the cause of the crash was bad weather and pilot error. Moreover, the girl spoke about the second reason. It was he, the pilot, who was behind the wheel of the liner at the time of the crash. Risking the lives of dozens of people, Sergey Karyakin did not want fly the plane around once more to make a second attempt at landing, because he wanted to save fuel. The stewardess explained that small companies are often fine their pilots, if they burn fuel more than necessary, and sometimes they fill the fuel tanks with just enough fuel calculated "kilometer per kilometer." With this, unlike experts investigating the crash, Skvortsova said that the lights on the runway were unlit just before the aircraft broke the overhead power lines.
Israeli newspaper Haaretz saw a conspiracy in the incident. The author suggested that someone was to benefit from the removal of prominent Russian nuclear specialists. According to the publication with reference to Russian military sources, five experts who were killed in the crash, had helped Iran build a nuclear reactor at Bushehr and to ensure its seismic resistance. According to colleagues, their loss was a heavy blow to Russia's nuclear industry. They were being flown to an important meeting in Petrozavodsk, where they were to discuss issues related to the development of nuclear reactors. The author of the article Eli Shvidler recalls that "some Iranian scientists have already been victims of mysterious accidents, including plane crashes." In addition, he seemed suspicious of the fact that the airline swapped planes at the last minute before taking off and did not notify the passengers. Thus, this was a gross violation of procedure, and yet the flight went ahead as a result, using an old Tu-134 instead of the original Canadian Bombardier CRJ-200. Previously, the crew of this aircraft had landed at "Besovets" airport. But not one of the pilots on this flight had ever landed at the airport at Petrozavodsk (news site ", 29.06.2011) ...
On January 25 in Moscow at Domodedovo airport, an terrorist attack took place. In the centre of the hall a suicide bomber blew himself up. The explosion killed 36 people. Hundreds more were injured in the blast. As noted by observers, in Moscow over the past 15 years, this is the 26th attack, during which more than 600 people have been killed. ...
According to media reports, on the highways every two minutes, an accident occurs. All in all, car accidents in the 20 years of "independence" of Ukraine, have killed 137 thousand people.
If we take the integral index score of the 20 year old bourgeois reforms, the reduction of population of Ukraine amounts to more than 13 million people and is clearly seen, (including those who travel abroad, where most migrants do not intent to return to Ukraine): from 52.25 million to 39 million people.
WE ARE BEING DESTROYED. We are being destroyed intentionally and purposefully. And if we do not resist, do not fight for the right to a dignified human life, the right to life itself at all, then we - the working people of Russia, Ukraine and other republics will simply be destroyed, bringing the population of Russia: from 150 million people to 50 million (according to the plans of Margaret Thatcher, in Russia in general there should only be 15-20 million people for the servicing of oil and gas pipelines and providing normal living conditions for the European population, for the European working people, who unlike us, are striking and fighting for their right to a dignified life, but we remain silent and buzz like flies ...), Ukraine from 52 - to 20 million, Belarus, from 10 to 3 million people. These plans were developed several decades ago by the so-called Club of Rome, a division of the world government of Zionist and American imperialism. And, as we see with our complicate silence, these misanthropic plans are successfully being implemented.
On July 8, the Verkhovna Rada (upper house) of Ukraine adopted a Law "On measures on legislative guarantee of reform of the pension system." The Ukrainian authorities have met the demands of the IMF to increase the retirement age. In particular, for women it has increased from 55 to 60 years (this increase should occur over the next 10 years). NI contributions to qualify for the minimum pension has increased by 10 years, including: women - from 20 to 30 years and for men - from 25 to 35 years.
A pension saving scheme has been introduced, under which all working people shall allocate to the Pension Fund from 2 to 7% of monthly earnings (to a personal account). It is true that the state cannot guarantee that a person who has worked all his or her life and paid their salaries into a Savings Pension Fund, will then be able to receive their pension in the form of savings, because there is no guarantee that it will not be burned up by a private pension fund in which the money had been saved.
Even the trade unions fully servicing the government were compelled to note that after the entry into force of this Act, the size of the newly appointed pensions will be reduced by 15-20% compared to current levels, as well as the significant increase in the number of pensioners who will receive a pension below the minimum.
Young people who are currently not thinking about pensions will be especially hard hit under the pension reform. Many young people are working without official registration for work and will not be able to collect the necessary labour experience (NI contributions, as stated in the law) for at least the minimum pension. A large number of people working for private owners receive a salary in an envelope, respectively, and the level of their pensions will be very minimal.
In the West, workers are struggling against the onslaught of the government to limit their rights, in particular, against raising the retirement age. In Britain, for example, a million people took to the streets to protest against such attacks.
It's now time, now time for us, the working people of the ex-USSR, to rise up to fight for our rights.
The world capitalist economy, slightly recovering from a deep depression in 2008, is again on the brink.
Balancing the U.S. on the brink of default, a deep debt crisis in Greece and Portugal, followed by Italy and Spain, the collapse of quotes on the stock exchanges in the U.S., EU and Japan, the deceleration of economic growth in the worlds leading economies - all of these recent developments indicate a deepening world crisis of imperialism.
The United States, the leader of the global capitalist economy is mired in a deep pit of debt and on the verge of default. U.S. national debt is currently estimated at 14.3 trillion dollars, reaching a total GDP. Analysts noted that the increase in the U.S. debt ceiling on August 2 of 2.1 trillion dollars has only delayed the inevitable in 2-3 years time of default of the United States, which will have catastrophic consequences for the global economy.
"The decision is just a shift into the future of the inevitable end. U.S. national debt this year will be over 100% of GDP ... Investors will run away from U.S. bonds, when they realize that the U.S. has exhausted the possibility of normal maintenance of its sovereign debt, "- said the chief economist at IK " ITinvest "Sergey Egishyants.
Printing dollars and issuing bonds can not go on. The U.S. debt limit ran into the limit purchasing power for rest of the world.
On the other hand, the U.S. administration can not cut the budget deficit, because the country's economy is being kept alive only at the expense of budget expenditures: a large proportion of disposable income of Americans and investment expenses are generated by the state budget.
"If you close this hole, then aggregate demand will collapse immediately. And all this is inevitable. Whether or not it will happen this year, in 2012 or 2013, it will inevitably happen. This means that the global economy will fall into a new Great Depression. There are fewer U.S. bond buyers. Hence, there is not much time before the default ", - concludes Egishyants.
The International Agency "Standard & Poors' downgradedthe U.S. economy on August 5 from the highest credit rating by one notch from AAA to AA + and the credit outlook is set as a negative. U.S. Treasuries are still considered the most reliable investment tools, now have a rating lower than the government bonds of countries such as Britain, Germany, France and Canada.
Eurozone countries and Japan have also plunged into debt. In Greece, the amount of debt exceeds 140% of GDP. Japan debt exceeds 200% of GDP, the debt of Italy - 120% of GDP. Other developed and developing capitalist countries have comparable size debt. Citigroup analysts point out that by 2014 the ratio of debt to GDP in Greece will increase to 180%, Ireland - up to 145%, and Portugal - to 135%, and not one country in the euro area will lower the deficit.
"I'll tell you the truth: the euro and the EU are on the edge of an abyss," - said the former head of the European Commission and co-creator of the eurozone Jacques Delors.
"The risk of social unrest looms in front of the world" – is how IMF chief Christine Lagarde describes the emerging capitalist world in the socio-economic situation. Indeed, since the economic depression of 2008, the powerful actions of workers have not stopped shaking Europe, continuing to this day with incredible power (after all, in Italy alone, during the crisis in 2010, about 8.3 million people were below the poverty – 13.8% of the population).
The U.S. dollar and Treasuries (note - no paper securites), ever more cause distrust on the part of the business world. Major U.S. companies rush to acquire the assets of which do not lose in value if the price of the US dollar and Treasuries fall. The central banks of the capitalist world are transferring their currency reserves into gold - the world's money. "The U.S. currency has devalued since the beginning of the year by 5%, approaching trading to the lowest level against the basket of major world currencies - the newspaper" Financial Times ". - Holders of large foreign exchange reserves, especially China, will diversify theirs in an effort to move away from the dollar."
Against this background, the gold price reached a record high on August 22 - $ 1,900 per ounce, jumping only at the beginning of the month by 15%.
The U.S. dollar will lose its status as a world reserve currency in the next 25 years. This is the conclusion of the Swiss UBS bank analysts. They conducted a study with the participation of leading specialists of world central banks, which control a total of more than 8 trillion dollars of assets.
China - the second largest capitalist economy in the world, worried about the fate of the $ 1 trillion dollars of U.S. bonds it has, has said "there should be international control implemented over the U.S. dollar, one of the options to prevent the catastrophe caused by any country may become the new, stable and secure, world's reserve currency." See further reading on China in pamplet by A.A. Mayevsky, entitled "Modern China"
The world moving away from the dollar and this process has become irreversible - such a forecast by leading rating agency of China, "Dagong."
So the collapse of the dollar and a defaulted U.S., and together with that - a catastrophe of the world capitalist system - it's only a matter of time.
The crisis in the capitalist economy is already being felt with great force. Beginning in early August of this year, quotes of securities (a sensitive barometer of the capitalist economy), of all major stock markets in the U.S., Europe and Japan have fallen, and the stock exchanges in panic, as in 2008 before the economic downturn. The world economy is clearly immersed in the new state of deep financial and economic crisis, unable to even get out of it.
Every day since early August there have been about reports about impending collapse of quotes on the major stock exchanges around the world. Only from 1 to August 5, the main index of the largest in the EU the London Stock Exchange, the "Futsi-100" fell 9.13%. This is the most significant of its week-long decline in the last three years. At the end of two weeks (until August 9) losses in the key for the U.S. stock market, the Dow, were critical - 15%. In the days that followed the fall continued at the same rate.
On August 8, leaders of Wall Street enacted Rule 48, which allows the suspension of trading - an extremely rare event that could only happen in a major crisis.
August 11: "The stock exchanges in the world are reeling. The London Stock Exchange lost 3.05% on the main index, Frankfurt - 5.13%, Paris - 5.45%, Milan - 6.65%, Madrid - 5.49%. The wave of instability in Europe spread to the stock exchanges in Japan and the United States. The American stock market collapsed. U.S. observers point out that the atmosphere on the trading floors was close to the panic that occurred at the end of 2008 "(ITAR-TASS).
On 18 and 19 August (last day of the trading session of the week), the collapse of quotes continued on the leading stock exchanges in the U.S., EU and Japan. Also troubled were the stock exchanges in Russia, with falling RTS and MICEX.
Depreciation of shares takes place in all sectors of the stock market, but the greatest loss is the banking sector and carmakers. Investors cast off risky assets, expecting a new phase of global economic slowdown.
At the heart of the crisis, along with the heated exchange and financial speculation, is the already stagnating social production. Some global economic recovery that took place early last year, has stalled and came to naught in the first half of 2011.
According to the report by the U.S. Department of Commerce, GDP growth in the last quarter of 2010 was lower than previously reported, and was only 2.3% on an annualized basis. In the first and second quarters of this year, 2011, economic growth was also below expectations and was at an annual rate of 0.4% and 1.3% respectively. Thus, analysts say, the U.S. economy in the first half of this year, has almost ground to a halt. The U.S. economy "continues to weaken because of low growth, lack of new jobs created, stagnant consumer demand and the manufacturing sector", - believes well-known economist and professor at New York University, Nouriel Roubini.
"The risk of the global economy entering into a recession exceeds 50 percent," - says Roubini. "Karl Marx was right at some point, capitalism is able to destroy himself" (and we'll add - and all mankind together with it).
Key economies of the euro area have also shown deep stagnation. German GDP in the second quarter of this year is marking time – with growth of only 0.1% of GDP as in Spain - 0.2%. French GDP growth is down to zero.
Everything indicates that the U.S. economy and the European Union faces in the coming months entering a deep phase of stagnation and even decline.
Governments of the leading imperialist countries are making unsuccessful attempts to re-save the capitalist economy from collapse. Finance ministers of "Seven" and "twenty", convened an emergency meeting, the heads of state conducted telephone conversations, statements were made, urgently, drafting a reform of financial management. However, all this had already been passed in 2008 ... Indeed, is this not the same as the heads of state declared in 2008: "At the moment, the crisis concerns only Europe but its scale and impact could spread to the whole world. So today we need to take global decisions on the basis of coordinated action within the financial "Seven" and "twenty", "- said on August 5 already this year, the European Commissioner for economic and monetary policies, Olli Rehn.
Russia, being in depression the entire twenty years of capitalist reforms, is most vulnerable to global economic collapse. After all, Russia ranks third in the world, the size of its international reserves, which consist of almost 95% of the dollar and euro (about half of Russia's international reserves consist of dollars). Its main budget revenue (40-45%) allows the export of oil (but oil prices on world markets are falling) - again with bogus bucks. Russia holds about 45% of its foreign reserves in U.S. securities.
Those who predicted the global financial cataclysm, and the economic crisis in a U.S. default (which will inevitably occur over time, the 2 August - it's just a delay), we easily predict which way events will unfold in Russia.
"Against this background, 2008 will look like a walk in the park" - said a senior Western banker in Moscow, referring to the global recession caused by the subprime crisis in the U.S.. "Global GDP will rush down, that would mean that global demand for raw materials world will cease to exist", - said the banker, "No one will buy oil, gas, steel ... Naturally, the Russian economy will be destroyed."
Jochen Wermuth, founder and chief investment officer of WAM, in his statements is no less apocalyptic. "I do not believe that someone knows what will happen - most likely the world will lie in ruins for decades," - he said.
The position declared by Russia’s Deputy Finance Minister S. Storchak is shocking: Russia has no plans to revise the amount of investment of reserve funds in dollars. In his view, the U.S. debt market continues to remain "the most fluid and one of the most reliable" (!).Nothing surprising in that, because our "leadership" is maintained by the U.S. Federal Reserve, i.e., the dollar: "The U.S. may pay on any debt (primarily - on the wealth of the Russian" elite "- we will explain), so as always, this may include the printing press. That is, the probability of default by the USA is zero ", - said the former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan.
The next slide by the global capitalist world system into the abyss once again shows the historical doom of capitalism. The capitalist economy, long outliving itself has become an impediment to human progress. World imperialism dooms mankind to self-destruction – and this is acknowledged even by the bourgeois apologists. And none of the measures taken by governments to stabilize the capitalist system, will be able to avert it from collapse, its inevitable collapse by the impending socialist revolution.
A. Denisyuk
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